male providers?

  • BSer
  • 05-07-2014, 02:28 PM
They only told you that you could be a male provider because they want you to revisit and pay them more money so they make you feel good.

No woman anywhere at anytime ever wanted to have sex with a man for any reason other than financial gain
stationmidget's Avatar
yeah, I would be bitter too if no provider ever told me that... stay jealous you self righteous fuckers...I try to start a real, honest post. You assholes have to turn it into a dick measuring contest.
As far as myself...I work VERY hard to see that my clients are sexually and emotionally satisfied. At the end of the day, I still need some attention. There IS a need for a few male providers here.
stationmidget's Avatar
Thank you
  • DMike
  • 05-07-2014, 11:33 PM
No woman anywhere at anytime ever wanted to have sex with a man for any reason other than financial gain Originally Posted by BSer
funny but not true
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-08-2014, 10:21 AM
They only told you that you could be a male provider because they want you to revisit and pay them more money so they make you feel good.

No woman anywhere at anytime ever wanted to have sex with a man for any reason other than financial gain Originally Posted by BSer
You, sir, are clueless.
stationmidget's Avatar
Delusional people make me laugh...
ROCKCDM's Avatar
I need one to help me find my gspot. But then I'd probably go broke paying for his dick twice a week. LOL! Originally Posted by Malaya
Guys can turn almost anything into a dick measuring contest.

"When you see another man, you think two things. Who has the bigger dick and can I take this guy in a fight? One you can’t do anything about, the other you can." - Forrest Griffin

Several serious posters have given you some good sites to start with. There is also seems to be a popular cuckolding fetish in Dallas (see the ISO forum) that you could partake in. Not my thing, but I don't judge others - whatever gets you off.
thefenixrising's Avatar
i would be hiiigghhllyyy interested in this answer as i've thought the same.
  • BSer
  • 05-08-2014, 04:01 PM
How many of the several providers that told you that you could be a male escort, gave you the donation back and called it an even trade for services? Let me know when that happens.

But now back to the magical land of butterflies rainbows and unicorns who shit marshmallows.......
Well said, however just because they don't return the money...doesn't exactly prove your argument. They are there performing a business to someone who perhaps did a good job. Is that so hard to imagine ?

On the other hand...
I have seen a few ladies from here and other places, the ladies always compliment my size and ability & sweetness. It doesn't mean I'm going go quit my day job and start a business in a market, especially where the demand is few and spread out across the country. It won't be financially sound.

Bser: not to be mean...but it is people like you that make people like me seem like Prince charmings. I appreciate it and keep up the good work. BTW I know plenty of ladies that want to have sex without wanting to get into my wallet. When I do pay, I pay for convenience and silence. Stay horny my friends! :-)

How many of the several providers that told you that you could be a male escort, gave you the donation back and called it an even trade for services? Let me know when that happens.

But now back to the magical land of butterflies rainbows and unicorns who shit marshmallows....... Originally Posted by BSer
  • BSer
  • 05-09-2014, 12:23 PM
Prince Charming? Did I accidentally log on to Christian Mingle again?
is there a magical place just like eccie, where men can post ads? whether it be m4m or m4w? I've had several female providers tell me that I could/should be a provider. If such a place exists, could someone throw me a bone? no pun intended. thanks... Originally Posted by stationmidget
Sure a lot of them will throw you some bones...
99% of your clientele will be men
roll_with_me's Avatar
Sure a lot of them will throw you some bones...
99% of your clientele will be men Originally Posted by Novatx
I'm afraid this statement probably true and out of the 99% how many will act like females when you set up the appointment? You get to the door and then

You were paid a nice compliment and no one should try to take that away from you. To actually act on it may be a little more difficult.

I've had a similar suggestion made on two different occasions. One was in the form of trying to introduce me to a private swingers club in New Orleans, which as Austin Powers says "that just isn't my bag baby". The other offer was to help fill the need for couples shows for this entertainer in O.K., this had a little more promise, but unfortunately I was not living in O.K. at the time. Now both offer could have been total bullshit, but they seemed like they were genuine and made me feel great, so who cares.

One suggestion would be to ask the provider for suggestions the next time you are with her. She may be able to make some introductions for you, especially if she has a decent amount of couple or bi-female clients.

Another suggestion is to try the sites like fling, Ashley Madison, XXX what ever, but I'm skeptical of those sites and doubt it will have any financial payout. I have this strange feeling that a large majority of the profiles on there are fake. Either the profile wants to ultimately become a "on-line friend" (read webcam subscriber") or they recycle ladies profiles in multiple cities. The remaining ladies i think the nice way to say it is, they have a hard time having a casual NSA encounter for a reason. I hate to sound so cynical, but as the old saying goes if it sound too good to be true, then it probably is.

Finally - Consider the massage route then work your way in from there...

Good luck, Keep us posted.