Trump clamps down on food stamps, will this make more women join the hobby?

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I believe this will draw in more women to become providers because I highly doubt there are enough good paying jobs to go around. I hope they are in good/great physical shape if they want to be prosperous! Originally Posted by suckaforlove
On 2nd thought...

I hope you aren't subtly implying that you're cool with others misfortunes. There's only a small minority of women that provide out of desire most do it out of necessity and to be excited about more women joining out of necessity is a horrible moral view to have. I hope no more women have to join out of necessity. If you cant get out there and meet people the old fashioned way then quite frankly you dont deserve to be having sex...but being excited and gleeful over the misfortune of others is unacceptable in my view.

Most providers dont want to provide so dont think that they do. I wish there was more equality and equity in this world so that people could actually not be preyed upon and taken advantage of. I hope these women find another way.
Just so you know sc.....I'm not a big believer in FEMA.
People build big nice beach houses near the coast knowing there is a risk.
I should be having to pay to rebuild them. As for as I am concerned it's not the governments job to rebuild them.
After Harvey FEMA sent in a large crew of people to Northline Mall.
Thousands of people showed up. They handed out cash cards for $500 to everyone who stood in line. No proof of any damage was required. The more kids you had....they more they gave you. It was like giving out Halloween candy.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
The only thing I care about during this shut down, is filling my income tax returns.. Yes I want my money back

That's what's going to suck for me.
Lovelyxxxo's Avatar
The tax office will still be processing tax returns
Champagne Brown's Avatar
They're talking about it now on MSNBC.. Refunds wont come, but if you owe you still have to pay.. Also you can google it dear, its all there..
Champagne Brown's Avatar
I save you the trouble.. All over the news today, one of my associates brought it to my attention .

The IRS has closed their doors only 12% working without pay for now..
Sistine Chapel I didn't say "that I hoped it would force women into the hobby" I just said "I wonder if". However, if they are already on food stamps they are already in a dire situation if you asked me.

Champagne Brown if they don't give people their income taxes, men and women will be put in a tough situation. People gotta recoup all that thanksgiving and christmas shopping $$$ some how.... i smell trouble if this wall madness don't end soon.
Russ38's Avatar
Never depended on income tax returns to make ends meet so I could care less how long they’re shut down for....But on the other hand, if the crunch forces more midget whores into the industry....that’s a fucking win win baby.....ijs
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Speaking for myself, I don't depend on it, but it's my money that they took outta my check.. It's a good thing I don't partake in pagan holidays anymore, so didn't spend unnecessary money.. Hopefully this madness will end soon, and Mexico will pay for this lovely wall with a fancy ass door to walk through.

Does anyone know if Mexico's government is still functioning?
El Cucuy's Avatar
Speaking for myself, I don't depend on it, but it's my money that they took outta my check.. It's a good thing I don't partake in pagan holidays anymore, so didn't spend unnecessary money.. Hopefully this madness will end soon, and Mexico will pay for this lovely wall with a fancy ass door to walk through.

Does anyone know if Mexico's government is still functioning? Originally Posted by Champagne Brown
I was just at the Bordertown of Del Rio and Cuidad Acuna MX. estado de Coahuila. Mexico is still Kicking and doing fine.Just an FYI Like Ex Mexican president Vicente Fox said "Mexico isn't paying for the Fucking Wall."
El Cucuy's Avatar
You cant expect much from Trumpites. They are typically uninformed on 99.99% of all issues. I'm sure he had no idea it's a US Commonwealth...and if he did he will never be able to explain to anyone with common sense why he holds such a view. This is why I shrug these guys off they're just uninformed people. The US goes around colonizing and then refuses to pay up. I think once we take back the Senate and Presidency we should move to make PR the 51st State of The Union and get all those Dem votes that will come along with that. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Thank You sir. You are most definitely intelligent and well informed. I applaud you sir. I agree, these brainwashed "Trumpites" are blind sheep. Just like Jim Carrey said!
Russ38's Avatar
I was just at the Bordertown of Del Rio and Cuidad Acuna MX. estado de Coahuila. Mexico is still Kicking and doing fine.Just an FYI Like Ex Mexican president Vicente Fox said "Mexico isn't paying for the Fucking Wall." Originally Posted by El Cucuy
Thought you said you were Puerto Rican.....

Never mind.....just seen your previous dozen posts.....
El Cucuy's Avatar
Thought you said you were Puerto Rican.....

Never mind.....just seen your previous dozen posts..... Originally Posted by Russ38
I am Boricua. It doesn't mean I can't have MexiCAN amigos and amigas. We are Latinos, Speak the same lingo.
Russ38's Avatar
I am Boricua. It doesn't mean I can't have MexiCAN amigos and amigas. We are Latinos, Speak the same lingo. Originally Posted by El Cucuy
Gotcha....Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, same thing....thancks for the clarification...been telling fuckwipes this shit for years.....
Slitlikr's Avatar
Does cucuy mean cuckold in porto rican?
Asking for a friend.