Yssup Rider's Avatar
GFE(Forbiddentopic). Population ZERO!



BTW -- Are you ready to take the bet, Whiny? Put your money where your mouth is? Stand up for your GOP principles? (I've said it all along...)
gfejunkie's Avatar
Saddam did know how to kill'em. So did Gaddafi. What's your point?

The only good Muslim terrorist is a dead one.
gfejunkie's Avatar
I can't hear you. What's your point?
I B Hankering's Avatar
gfejunkie's Avatar
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Is that Obie or ekim?
Yes. You read that right. No joke. After watching the fix go down the last week or so, culminating in that completely incongruous statement this morning, wherein the director made an ironclad case for indictment, and then declined, I was still planning to cast my protest vote for Gary Johnson. But when I saw the President whooping and chanting and Hillary standing behind him, grinning like the cat that are the canary, I realized I cannot be part of a movement that could result in her election.

The Hillary I saw at the rally is evil personified. It's not the lesser of two evils anymore. It's "Maybe Evil" against "Total Evil". If Trump is elected, maybe the Republic will be finally destroyed. With Hillary and her Capos, it is certain that any version of America and Liberty will be gone. She will hang a sign on the White House that says " A Subsidiary of Goldmann Sachs".

As much as I love the Libertarian Party, it is time for me to vote for a major party candidate for the first time since McGovern.

My opinion of Trump hasn't changed, but my realization of how bad Hillary will be has. And that makes Trump look a lot better. Hillary is corrupt to core. She is completely amoral, and is a total sociopath. Did any of you see the rally? That idiot Obama hopping around and her grinning in the background? It was repulsive. Completely turned my stomach. I cannot, in good conscience, allow her to become President without my active opposition. If Trump wins, we will deal with it. If Hillary wins, we are fucked. So, as hard as it is for me to say this,

LET'S MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I am sorry it took an incident such as this to get you to totally realize what a big show her candidacy is and what a total sham her administration will be if she's elected. The rule of law doesn't exist with these people and they move the goal post to benefit their needs when need be. Vote for that, never.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
LMAO chimp chump had to show his famous blow job one more time. You can reach him on 1800 blow job.
Is that Obie or ekim? Originally Posted by gfejunkie
It is hankering, he is famous.
I B Hankering's Avatar
LMAO chimp chump had to show his famous blow job one more time. You can reach him on 1800 blow job. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Don't you know that it's racist to call your fearless leader and mentor, Odumbo, a "chimp", Ekim the Inbred Chimp?

It is hankering, he is famous. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

That'd be your fearless leader and mentor, Ekim the Inbred Chimp, teaching you by example.

  • DSK
  • 07-06-2016, 04:44 PM
Yes. You read that right. No joke. After watching the fix go down the last week or so, culminating in that completely incongruous statement this morning, wherein the director made an ironclad case for indictment, and then declined, I was still planning to cast my protest vote for Gary Johnson. But when I saw the President whooping and chanting and Hillary standing behind him, grinning like the cat that are the canary, I realized I cannot be part of a movement that could result in her election.

The Hillary I saw at the rally is evil personified. It's not the lesser of two evils anymore. It's "Maybe Evil" against "Total Evil". If Trump is elected, maybe the Republic will be finally destroyed. With Hillary and her Capos, it is certain that any version of America and Liberty will be gone. She will hang a sign on the White House that says " A Subsidiary of Goldmann Sachs".

As much as I love the Libertarian Party, it is time for me to vote for a major party candidate for the first time since McGovern.

My opinion of Trump hasn't changed, but my realization of how bad Hillary will be has. And that makes Trump look a lot better. Hillary is corrupt to core. She is completely amoral, and is a total sociopath. Did any of you see the rally? That idiot Obama hopping around and her grinning in the background? It was repulsive. Completely turned my stomach. I cannot, in good conscience, allow her to become President without my active opposition. If Trump wins, we will deal with it. If Hillary wins, we are fucked. So, as hard as it is for me to say this,

LET'S MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Amen my brother!!!
Donald Trump’s greatest weapon is not his money, his wealth, or his keen and astute business acumen, those are all simply tools he’s developed over a lifetime. No, his greatest weapon against these ideological foes is something we shared on the very first day of his candidacy….

… US !

gfejunkie's Avatar
Amen my brother!!! Originally Posted by DSK
Welcome aboard, DSK. I was beginning to worry about you.

Here ya go...

Don't you know that it's racist to call your fearless leader and mentor, Odumbo, a "chimp", Ekim the Inbred Chimp?

That'd be your fearless leader and mentor, Ekim the Inbred Chimp, teaching you by example.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You are not my fearless leader, and mentor dick head, keep on bobbing chimp chump.