Text Copied

FK's Avatar
  • FK
  • 03-01-2012, 10:06 PM
Oh LynnT, I want to steal your Ben Franklin quote in your signature!
That is a great quote!
Mature Companion's Avatar
Take it as a compliment.

You expressed something they failed to take the time to find the creativity to do on their own. So they took the lazy, cheaten route and copied your verbiage.

It gets old after awhile, that's for sure. As to this day, I too have young & mature providers copy/paste verbatim, posts I've made.
I also have gals contact me and ask if they can use many different things I posted on my site.

Hey, if what I have to say matters that much, that you need to use as your owns. So be it. But in the end. My expressions, your expressions, won't match up to their personalities. So why use our writings as their own?

They just need to take the time to collect their thoughts and put their thoughts/ expressions into words that depict who they are/what they're about.

In the past other women have copied the text from my Eros ad. Not a big deal. The women were from Backpage and I wasn't being hurt by it. Today I came accross my text on a website. Now it bothers me. Even though I don't have any type of copyright, can I still ask her to take it off of her website? Originally Posted by Ansley
Oh LynnT, I want to steal your Ben Franklin quote in your signature!
That is a great quote! Originally Posted by Fallon Kelly
Me, too! That is a fabulous quote.

Is it still considered copying if it was quoted from someone else to begin with? lol
Ads is fair game so to speak but if it was copied off your website thats copyright infringement. Originally Posted by LynnT
Do any of these girls have copyrights on their websites?
Do any of these girls have copywrite on their websites? Originally Posted by acp5762
It would be hilarious if said provider had something like "Copyscape" on her site, yet steals content from other girls.
Take it as a compliment.

You expressed something they failed to take the time to find the creativity to do on their own. So they took the lazy, cheaten route and copied your verbiage.

It gets old after awhile, that's for sure. As to this day, I too have young & mature providers copy/paste verbatim, posts I've made.
I also have gals contact me and ask if they can use many different things I posted on my site.

Hey, if what I have to say matters that much, that you need to use as your owns. So be it. But in the end. My expressions, your expressions, won't match up to their personalities. So why use our writings as their own?

They just need to take the time to collect their thoughts and put their thoughts/ expressions into words that depict who they are/what they're about. Originally Posted by Wicked Milf
Good point, WM. Not everyone is creative, especially a creative writer. I know I'm not. I copy a lot because I'm not an original out-of-the-box thinker. It's not a problem if you get permission first, or attribute the writing correctly.

Me, too! That is a fabulous quote.

Is it still considered copying if it was quoted from someone else to begin with? lol Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
Nope. It's only plagiarism if you put it out there as your own. As long as you attribute it to the original author, you're OK.
It would be hilarious if said provider had something like "Copyscape" on her site, yet steals content from other girls. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
Can't imagine how she sleeps at night.
Yes I did. She was young and brand new to escorting. She was very sweet and apologized. She asked for a few days to come up with her own words, which I have no problem with. I know when I first started this business I copied stuff off of websites. It didn't take long to find out it was a huge no no. Originally Posted by Ansley
Wow, she actually showed great maturity.I am impressed that she did not fire back at you with the typical over the top defensive attitude that has become much too common in these situations.Isn't it nice when people surprise you?

Nope. It's only plagiarism if you put it out there as your own. As long as you attribute it to the original author, you're OK. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Bingo....as long as credit is given to the original source there should be no problem.
  • LynnT
  • 03-02-2012, 10:04 AM
Oh LynnT, I want to steal your Ben Franklin quote in your signature!
That is a great quote! Originally Posted by Fallon Kelly
Steal away!! I did from a blog for my day job!

Do any of these girls have copyrights on their websites? Originally Posted by acp5762
I would hope they do.. I do..
Mature Companion's Avatar
Regardless if they seek permission before they use as their own *words*. It's still plagiarism. Because they're sure as heck are not going to say on their sites. *Oh by the way, the verbiage your reading on my site, is copy & pasted from lady's XYZ website or post*

They'd be foolish to attribute what's posted on their site, back to it's original author.

Good point, WM. Not everyone is creative, especially a creative writer. I know I'm not. I copy a lot because I'm not an original out-of-the-box thinker. It's not a problem if you get permission first, or attribute the writing correctly.

Nope. It's only plagiarism if you put it out there as your own. As long as you attribute it to the original author, you're OK. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Fastcars1966's Avatar
Since most people start out with templates and you can't copy right that, and so many look a like these days it may be more trouble and money than it is worth. I am glad she was nice enough to agree to take it down. Just remember "Imitation Is The Best Form Of Flattery"
Oops is that a copy right infringement. LOL.