Broke Providers vs. Broke Hobbyists

MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I agree with Reese, I have a few regulars of mine that have lost their jobs or have taken pay cuts, and I have given them special rates to accommodate their needs..... I am not to good to take care of the guys that have taken care of pussy is not made of gold....just my heart is. Originally Posted by fawn
Attention! Just cause Fawn claims hers isn't, please note... Mine is!!!!!

Seems the tone was that it is an annoyance that a provider would ask for help or others ask for her?

Most ladies don't make 6 figures and the ones who might probably know how to manage their money, don't live above their means and have more than enough "stash" to live on for more than a month. If men are incapabale of "rubbing one out" on their own, I believe there are plenty of instructional videos on the internet.

As Reese stated, most of us are more than generous with our time. We give and then some!
How many times have you stayed over the allotted time with a lady?

Would you ask the restaurant for a free meal? LOL Originally Posted by M A X
I had to turn a sweet lady down because I knew my time was up, even though she wanted more. Im just here to get with the Hot chicks I couldnt get with otherwise lol....

I agree with Reese, I have a few regulars of mine that have lost their jobs or have taken pay cuts, and I have given them special rates to accommodate their needs..... I am not to good to take care of the guys that have taken care of pussy is not made of gold....just my heart is.

I did figure out this thread was due to a few other Originally Posted by fawn

Fawn, I don't believe you... Show me
Cowboy2Step's Avatar
Ok, I think Reece got my point and I got hers as well, fortunately I have not lost my job, nor missed a house payment this year, which I know is a lot more than a lot of Americans can say right now, so I do feel blessed, though my income is down 24%... I am not going to my customers and asking for handouts, if I were desperate enough I would put my pride aside and go flip burgers at Mcdonalds or greet customers at Walmart...or whatever it took, but I am under the old mentality of you pull yourself up by the bootstraps and don't wait for someone else...and when I see these requests I am quick to assume they are not exhausting every possible means, other than the generosity of those on the board...for the record I don't ask for discounts, but yes have stayed past my hour... and I do appreciate all the wonderful ladies that are giving of themselves which is what makes a great session...So please accept my apologies for stirring the pot, and for those that were offended with Golden hearts and not a Gold Pussy Syndrome... And I will try to check my greed at the door, next time I see a provider in need, knowing that there were actually some that would help a man in need...sorry for my sarcastic outburst.
Jasser's Avatar
Is this thread for real? Did I miss something? I hope I did.

First, sorry about your job. I hope you get back on your feet soon for your family's sake.

Second, if you can't pay to play, you don't play. Find a local fu** buddy and you'll have your freebies. I MIGHT can see working something out with a well established ATF, but not a general inquiry. I doubt the ladies will be jumping to give you some for free. If they do, send me their information, lol.

We have to be honest here. Most of us pay for play because we are old, fat, unattractive, married guys. You really thing a lady is going to be eager to give it up for free? HA! I did say MOST so all you vain guys keep jock straps in check.

MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Mr T....try this

Here kitty kitty kitty!

oh....and be sure to place the envelope on the nightstand....I'll even purrr for ya!

Jasser's Avatar
Ok, I think Reece got my point and I got hers as well, fortunately I have not lost my job, nor missed a house payment this year, which I know is a lot more than a lot of Americans can say right now, so I do feel blessed, though my income is down 24%... I am not going to my customers and asking for handouts, if I were desperate enough I would put my pride aside and go flip burgers at Mcdonalds or greet customers at Walmart...or whatever it took, but I am under the old mentality of you pull yourself up by the bootstraps and don't wait for someone else...and when I see these requests I am quick to assume they are not exhausting every possible means, other than the generosity of those on the board...for the record I don't ask for discounts, but yes have stayed past my hour... and I do appreciate all the wonderful ladies that are giving of themselves which is what makes a great session...So please accept my apologies for stirring the pot, and for those that were offended with Golden hearts and not a Gold Pussy Syndrome... And I will try to check my greed at the door, next time I see a provider in need, knowing that there were actually some that would help a man in need...sorry for my sarcastic outburst. Originally Posted by Cowboy2Step
I guess I did miss something. Disregard my previous post. I guess I should stay up to date on this stuff.
Ok, I think Reece got my point and I got hers as well, fortunately I have not lost my job, nor missed a house payment this year, which I know is a lot more than a lot of Americans can say right now, so I do feel blessed, though my income is down 24%... I am not going to my customers and asking for handouts, if I were desperate enough I would put my pride aside and go flip burgers at Mcdonalds or greet customers at Walmart...or whatever it took, but I am under the old mentality of you pull yourself up by the bootstraps and don't wait for someone else...and when I see these requests I am quick to assume they are not exhausting every possible means, other than the generosity of those on the board...for the record I don't ask for discounts, but yes have stayed past my hour... and I do appreciate all the wonderful ladies that are giving of themselves which is what makes a great session...So please accept my apologies for stirring the pot, and for those that were offended with Golden hearts and not a Gold Pussy Syndrome... And I will try to check my greed at the door, next time I see a provider in need, knowing that there were actually some that would help a man in need...sorry for my sarcastic outburst. Originally Posted by Cowboy2Step

Well even though a sarcastic joke (hahaha) it is unfortunate that many Americans are suffering.

Things are Tough all over man!! If you find yourself in a tough spot put ya Big Boy Pants on and do what ya gotta do.
Mister Tudball's Avatar
Mr T....try this

Here kitty kitty kitty!

oh....and be sure to place the envelope on the nightstand....I'll even purrr for ya!

LOL Originally Posted by M A X
Okay, Max! Thanks for the advice. Hell, I'll try anything once; I'm not proud. So here goes:

Here kitty, kitty, kitty....
Puss, puss, puss....
and when I see these requests I am quick to assume they are not exhausting every possible means, other than the generosity of those on the board...but yes have stayed past my hour... and I do appreciate all the wonderful ladies that are giving of themselves which is what makes a great session...So please accept my apologies for stirring the pot, and for those that were offended with Golden hearts and not a Gold Pussy Syndrome... And I will try to check my greed at the door, next time I see a provider in need, knowing that there were actually some that would help a man in need...sorry for my sarcastic outburst. Originally Posted by Cowboy2Step
And with that ladies and gentlemen, hotlips has now calmed down lol. I love it when a man "mans up" kisses cowboy apology appreciated and accepted

Okay, Max! Thanks for the advice. Hell, I'll try anything once; I'm not proud. So her goes:

Here kitty, kitty, kitty....
Puss, puss, puss.... Originally Posted by Mister Tudball
*runs to mister tudball's door...he did not answer lol
tsrv4me's Avatar
I think we all got the point .....even the humor in some of them ....But for me it's a case of Being an old fart ....Retired .......and not a lot of disposable income ....but I still enjoy time with a compassionate provider ...most everyone has money or cash flow problems at times ..and I do enjoy giving pleasure as well as receiving it ...But I agree with Donnie Brasco .Who else would take care of us farting ,belching ,unkempt males .......LOL Have fun .....T
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Okay, Max! Thanks for the advice. Hell, I'll try anything once; I'm not proud. So here goes:

Here kitty, kitty, kitty....
Puss, puss, puss.... Originally Posted by Mister Tudball
.....You are so in, babe! The purrring is best when up close and personal though.
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 02-26-2010, 02:24 PM
Well I knew you were just stirring the pot ...but couldn't help but to get in on the fun.....
Apology accepted. I am in the mood to help out the less fortunate. Please form a single file line around the corner.

C'mere Mr. need a hug you too Meg!
Peanut's Avatar
It is sad either way a provider or hobbiest in need of help. America sucks rite now not sure when it will turn around. I personally work 2-3 jobs to find money to play on. before the economy went down the tubes I only needed one job. Times are tough but if you are strong you can survive.
my pussy is not made of gold....just my heart is. Originally Posted by fawn
Wow Fawn, very well said. A Rose for your Heart of Gold.