Why do we have mods?

You are right, I do remember you king did save the Jews
tatasddd's Avatar
I don't give a fuck if I am banned, I am kind of worn out anyway. It is people like you that make doing this a chore. It used to be you came online, got a hot ass woman to suck and fuck then brag about it. Now you have to wade through all the dick posts and the bitch posts that you put up. Maybe you need to move to something a little more hardcore, maybe find a tranny forum or a bisexuality page to read and post in. I think the majority of us are on a different level than you. You are a little to intense.

I am not saying that you are wrong, just different Originally Posted by bigguyt
You may want to double-check who talks about gay stuff. Their handle begin with B, H, B etc.
tatasddd's Avatar
You are right, I do remember you king did save the Jews Originally Posted by bigguyt
Correct. Our king family back then originated from the Sax-Coburgh and Ghotta of Germany. The British Queen's great grandfather also is from that family hence our royal family and the British royals are distant cousins. However in modern society there is no place for these pieces of shit and thank God. Enjoy your day tomorrow and good night. I am done for the day!
bambino's Avatar

I can appreciate a slow hand in handing out punishment, and, I can even appreciate unmoderated forums to put shit in you wouldn't say in any other part of a board.

But there gets a point, where, things have gotten so out of hand, its just not fun anymore, case in point, every thread that Tatas has been in over the last few days, note I am not fingering just him for its cause or continuation.

12 pages of childish insults, again, and again, and again, and its in the ISO forum?

It appears, even the few members who have the sanity to say "enough" to the people in the threads, are now free game to be bashed themselves.

I understand that all publicity is good, it draws attention to the site, that sells ads, etc, etc, but, really, enough is enough.

If you don't want the rest of us fleeing because every forum we go into, is populated with shit, then would you please step in, and at least, force the mentally weak into one particular segment of the board?

Or, appoint somebody who actually gives a shit about how the problems here are handled, or at least someone who makes the impression that they actually do.

Please, don't take this as an insult, thats not my intent, its a call to action, its needed.

Regards. Originally Posted by Devo
The mods are doing their job. That's pretty much an insult. What do want them to do? Close or delete threads? Shit flows down hill. If St Christopher wants something done, he'll tell the mods. It's his site, not yours. Just like Indys is PIs site. He runs it as he chooses. You should know better. You've been around as long as I have. Not too long ago the Pgh forums were fucking dead. You could go months without a new post, let alone a new review or thread. It changed a few years ago when some came here because of the heavy handed nature of how Indys was run. This forum is far more robust today than ever. To piss and moan about it is a fools errand. I post in many different cities here and different forums. And Pgh is actually calmer than most. Yeah, it's been a little more caustic lately, but if you don't know the reason for that, you're blind. Things will settle down. It's just an ebb and flow.
  • BSer
  • 02-13-2016, 09:14 AM
Sorry Devo, the moderators of this forum have all agreed to include you in all future communication and punishment decisions. lol

Punishment and the communication related to are not for public eyes and knowledge.
tatasddd's Avatar
Perhaps it would be a good idea to change that policy and have more transparency. In the world of swimming when a swimmer is punished for using prohibited stimulator to enhance endurance and performance aka "doping" the international swimming federation FINA publishes the names and the stuff used by the athlete. It is to the shame of the whole world. I just think some more transparency won't hurt at all. I know it is not going to happen but it would be nice if it did.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 02-13-2016, 02:29 PM
Sorry Devo, the moderators of this forum have all agreed to include you in all future communication and punishment decisions. lol

Punishment and the communication related to are not for public eyes and knowledge. Originally Posted by BSer
Not what I was asking for, or talking about, and you damn well know it.

Just look at the posts above this one, and you can see exactly what I meant, you have a microcosm of what I was speaking about, and frankly, what I expected to see, and honestly, hoped, would NOT CROP UP, in the one forum I thought, would still contain some level of respect, when, asking questions, to the staff.

Your response, is symptomatic of the very problem of which I speak, the appearance, that there are rules in place which are going to be enforced, by people who are here to enforce the rules, and it seems, that is not happening

Authoritarianism and Anarchy are the two ends of the spectrum, and neither is good for the health of the people who live under the rule of, or lack of rule of, either of them. ASPD Pittsburgh, suffered, and nearly died because of out of control Authoritarianism, and now it appers that ECCIE will succumb to the latter.

Answer me this, good Moderator sir, are their rules? And, are they going to be enforced? Ever?

Or, is this what we can expect from ECCIE from now on?
tatasddd's Avatar
I've been a strong supporter of enforcing the rules and have repeatedly demanded action be taken because certain individuals (without specifying any names here) simply go gaga if and when I post even though the things I posted were never aimed at them nor were they about them. But go figure why they act that way. There is NO need to. I am entitled to my opinions and views, as everybody else is. I promote prostitution, I review the promotions, I search for info. I provide info. That simple. The rest is overreacting on part of certain individuals who cannot control their issues.
bambino's Avatar
It's fine the way it is. No transparency needed. Take your lumps and move on. Only nebbie fuckers want to know.
berryberry's Avatar
Authoritarianism and Anarchy are the two ends of the spectrum, and neither is good for the health of the people who live under the rule of, or lack of rule of, either of them. ASPD Pittsburgh, suffered, and nearly died because of out of control Authoritarianism, and now it appers that ECCIE will succumb to the latter.
Originally Posted by Devo
Ok, I wasn't going to comment on this thread but really???
Weren't you the mod at ASPD Pittsburgh who oversaw its death ?
And you are complaining?

Last I looked, this site in Pittsburgh is thriving while TOS is a sorry, sad freaking ghost town.
I think this site has the right formula. May not be for everyone, but it sure seems to be working well for lots of guys.
bambino's Avatar
Ok, I wasn't going to comment on this thread but really???
Weren't you the mod at ASPD Pittsburgh who oversaw its death ?
And you are complaining?

Last I looked, this site in Pittsburgh is thriving while TOS is a sorry, sad freaking ghost town.
I think this site has the right formula. May not be for everyone, but it sure seems to be working well for lots of guys. Originally Posted by berryberry
The Wolfpack ruined Indys. Just ask them. They're still bitching about it.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 02-14-2016, 11:32 AM
The death at ASPD was after its owner died, and the family had no real interest in keeping a ho site alive, fear of liability and money, IIRC.

What I was speaking of was the Rebellion against control of the Texas mods/admins who were booting members for lowly actions like making jokes about one of the orange uniformed texas college football teams.

This happened years before it went dark, and resulted in a "Pittsburgh" moderator only situation, allowing local people to make the decisions about governing a more Pittsburgh esqe local forum.

They were going to close the Pittsburgh forum, and us locals argued the problem wasn't with the people on the board, the problem was the people attempting to run a forum, and not knowing anything about what us, local burghers, were about.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 02-14-2016, 11:42 AM
Oh, and I dispute that either of the Pittsburgh sites, here, or Indys, is working well.

Bottom line, we have no real amount of ads here, Indys does.

They have no respect for the hobbyists, and hence, lack of really effective reviews, while, the opposite rules here.

Frankly, probably to the detriment of the advertising forums, I mean, Ltight and the MM Mafia, will probably NEVER advertise here.......

image post

Other than the better reviews, and the as of late "Monkeys throwing shit at each other" posts, I don't see this as a very lively forum either.

bambino's Avatar
Stand clear, Devo might hit you with his shit too. I'm not sure if it's any better or worse than monkey shit. But it's shit just the same.