Does anybody believe Roy Moore?

LexusLover's Avatar
I suppose a more "convincing" response for the anti-Christ crowd would be ...

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman!"

The standards being imposed would certainly shorten trials ...

Just have the accused stand in front of the Jury and announce his/her plea.

The "Jury" can judge the accused's guilt or innocence by his/her tone and articulation.

AKA The "New Wave Due Process"!
bamscram's Avatar
Trump's party will forgive anything, bottom line is win, win, win.
bambino's Avatar
Trump's party will forgive anything, bottom line is win, win, win. Originally Posted by bamscram
Trump didn’t support Moore. Menendez is in court on bribery and other serious charges. Not one Dem has asked him to step down. And you seem to forget about Bill and Hillary Clinton. The Dems didn’t ask either of those reprobates to step down. And how about the chicken hawk Barney Frank? The Rebubplicans and Trump asked him to step aside. The RNC has pulled all fundraising from Moore and removed him from their website. Cmon man, it’s the Dems that want to win at all costs.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So is this another equivocation session? This is Moore. Not Barney Frank. Or BIll Clinton. Coincidentally, had either been accused of child molestation whilst running for Office, neither would have been elected.

I think Moore botched his response, Bear in mind that this is a former Supreme Court Justice who knows exactly what self incrimination is and how to avoid it.

Yet he didn’t.

If anybody “deliberately smeared”Moore it was the GOP, This jibroni has no business the Senate, child molester or not.

The recent allegations give the GOP more than adequate reason to run away from him.
bambino's Avatar
So is this another equivocation session?

I think Moore botched his response, Bear in mind that this is a former Supreme Court Justice who knows exactly what self incrimination is and how to avoid it.

Yet he didn’t.

If anybody “deliberately smeared”Moore it was the GOP, This jibroni has no business the Senate, child molester or not.

The recent allegations give the GOP more than adequate reason to run away from him. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Who the fuck is equivocating?
LexusLover's Avatar
Who the fuck is equivocating? Originally Posted by bambino

Will the Liberals/Anti-Trumpers accept and forgive Moore's indiscretions if he states UNEQUIVOCALLY that he was and is "gay"?

After all, isn't that their "defense" to .....
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-11-2017, 08:26 AM
Sounds like a last minute hit piece (no pun intended).

What's the charge? I hear the accuser is/was a Hillary volunteer. . Originally Posted by gnadfly
And I hear one voted for Trump.

Not only that the fuck is a girl going to know how far he lived from her house unless she'd been there?

If you want stone cold evidence the Bill Cosby should rejoice.

Louie CK...what evidence? Your word against mine.

The only evidence on Clinton was the dress and that was consensual.

They fucking guy sounded guilty as fuck on Hannity. First he waited and then he sorta denied but gave himself wiggle room.

as to WHY THEY WAITED....only now it seems that women are not being beaten down for coming foreword.

But hey no biggie....Trump and Moore can be the new Bill Clinton.
bambino's Avatar
And I hear one voted for Trump.

Not only that the fuck is a girl going to know how far he lived from her house unless she'd been there?

If you want stone cold evidence the Bill Cosby should rejoice.

Louie CK...what evidence? Your word against mine.

The only evidence on Clinton was the dress and that was consensual.

They fucking guy sounded guilty as fuck on Hannity. First he waited and then he sorta denied but gave himself wiggle room.

as to WHY THEY WAITED....only now it seems that women are not being beaten down for coming foreword.

But hey no biggie....Trump and Moore can be the new Bill Clinton. Originally Posted by WTF
Hey dumb ass, Louie admitted it!!!!!!!!!!
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  • WTF
  • 11-11-2017, 08:31 AM

The "Jury" can judge the accused's guilt or innocence by his/her tone and articulation.

AKA The "New Wave Due Process"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
This is the Court of Public Opinion Dumbass.

That is how it has always been for public is just that the Jury (the Public) is not being as sympathetic to sexual advances as they once were.

We as a country are taking a hard turn to the right.... just look at what they are doing to Johns in Houston. Now it is all their fault and oh I don't know , not just another business transaction.

These girl(s) had no reason to make this up. Her mother and daughter in fact were at the Courthouse moons ago. And there is no way she could know where he lived unless she went there.
bambino's Avatar
This is the Court of Public Opinion Dumbass.

That is how it has always been for public is just that the Jury (the Public) is not being as sympathetic to sexual advances as they once were.

We as a country are taking a hard turn to the right.... just look at what they are doing to Johns in Houston. Now it is all their fault and oh I don't know , not just another business transaction.

These girl(s) had no reason to make this up. Her mother and daughter in fact were at the Courthouse moons ago. And there is no way she could know where he lived unless she went there. Originally Posted by WTF
“The Country is taking a hard turn to the right”. Who knew? I thought Hillary won the “popular” vote by 3 million!!!!!!!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-11-2017, 08:38 AM
Hey dumb ass, Louie admitted it!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by bambino
Oh wow....thanks for the breaking news!

Yes he did but had he not (which was my point) the women had no hard evidence. Which is wtf some of these numbnuts are calling for. Paula Jones had nothing but a he said she said and these same fuckers were wanting to convict.

Look , I'm agreeing with you. The guy looks guilty as fuck with what I've seen. But there is no hard evidence.

That is why these long ago charges are kinda difficult.

Louie and Harvey should be taking notes....they need to follow Clinton, Trump and Roy Moore's lead!
bambino's Avatar
Oh wow....thanks for the breaking news!

Yes he did but had he not (which was my point) the women had no hard evidence. Which is wtf some of these numbnuts are calling for. Paula Jones had nothing but a he said she said and these same fuckers were wanting to convict.

Look , I'm agreeing with you. The guy looks guilty as fuck with what I've seen. But there is no hard evidence.

That is why these long ago charges are kinda difficult.

Louie and Harvey should be taking notes....they need to follow Clinton, Trump and Roy Moore's lead! Originally Posted by WTF
Lewinsky had DNA!!!! I think Moore’s a weird fuck. If I lived in Bama I wouldn’t have voted for him before the allegations. He basically admitted to dating 17, 18yr old girls. But they were good girls and he asked their mothers first!!!! Whadda Guy! But dating an 18yr old isn’t a crime. Even if you’re a 32yr old retard. I think it was a hit piece. John McCain is a fucking hypocrite. The NYTs ran a front page story that he was having an affair when he ran for President. He didn’t resign. But he demanded that Moore step down immediately. I’ll have to check with Lexi Lunatic what the odds are for Moore to get elected. It appears the MSM is setting the line on this one!
And I hear one voted for Trump.

Not only that the fuck is a girl going to know how far he lived from her house unless she'd been there?


The only evidence on Clinton was the dress and that was consensual.

.... Originally Posted by WTF
You know, you they have that thing called the internet now. I can find where I lived decades ago. I don't even have to brazenly but stupidly divulge that info on a SHMB and cry about it later. Especially if I have members of the DNC to help me.

The "only evidence" that mattered in Bill Clinton's case was his DNA and his court testimony. The dress was incidental.

But you can continue to be a stupid fuck with reading comprehension and logic issues WDF.

But I still don't know what Moore is being charged with even in the "court of public opinion."
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-11-2017, 09:33 AM
You know, you they have that thing called the internet now. I can find where I lived decades ago. I don't even have to brazenly but stupidly divulge that info on a SHMB and cry about it later. Especially if I have members of the DNC to help me.

The "only evidence" that mattered in Bill Clinton's case was his DNA and his court testimony. The dress was incidental.

." Originally Posted by gnadfly
She voted for maybe the WaPo is doing a hit piece for the RNC!

The fucking Democrat is not going to win.

Luther Strong is the one that stands the best chance of being the real winner from this story.

And if the only evidenced that mattered was the DNA Clinton would have gotten impeached.... not voted on for impeachment but impeached.

So you are full of shit if you think these things are not Court of Public Opinions events.
bambino's Avatar
She voted for maybe the WaPo is doing a hit piece for the RNC!

The fucking Democrat is not going to win.

Luther Strong is the one that stands the best chance of being the real winner from this story.

And if the only evidenced that mattered was the DNA Clinton would have gotten impeached.... not voted on for impeachment but impeached.

So you are full of shit if you think these things are not Court of Public Opinions events. Originally Posted by WTF
I think McConnell is behind it. I doubt the DNC had anything to do with it. They don’t give a Fuck about Alabama. It’s not turning blue anytime soon. McConnell is going to fuck with Steve Bannon anyway he can. And this is a big fuckjob