Lois Lerner's Emails undercut the official IRS story on political targeting.

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
The worst part of it is that a fellow Jewish person, Lois Lerner, was even targeting pro-Israeli groups!!


PRO-ISRAEL GROUP SUED IRS CLAIMING TARGETING PRACTICE While they are at it, the committee might want to ask the IRS whether their list of targets extended beyond political party discrimination. There is evidence the IRS also targeted pro-Israel groups whose positions were potentially inconsistent with the administration’s. For example, in 2010, the passionately pro-Israel organization Z STREET filed a lawsuit against the IRS, claiming it had been told by an IRS agent that because the organization was “connected to Israel,” its application for tax-exempt status would receive additional scrutiny. This admission was made in response to a query about the lengthy reveiw of Z STREET’s tax exempt status application.

Read more at: http://www.jewishpress.com/tag/lois-lerne
The most corrupt, dishonest, incompetent administration in modern American history.

Good news !

The Tea Party applicants who were profiled by the IRS are suing !

Twenty-five conservative and Tea Party groups have filed suit against the Internal Revenue Service, Attorney General Eric Holder and top IRS officials, alleging that the Obama administration unlawfully targeted the groups because of their political beliefs and obstructed their applications for tax-exempt status.


The bad news is that US Taxpayers will have to pay for the legal defense of Lerner, Holder and IRS. Government bureaucrats play with a stacked deck against American citizens.
I B Hankering's Avatar
For nobody giving a fuck you lefties sure jumped on both of these threads to claim it is ancient history. Those nerves still tender? Originally Posted by The2Dogs
They are a bunch of whiny little 'nobodies', aren't they?

Good news !

The Tea Party applicants who were profiled by the IRS are suing !

Twenty-five conservative and Tea Party groups have filed suit against the Internal Revenue Service, Attorney General Eric Holder and top IRS officials, alleging that the Obama administration unlawfully targeted the groups because of their political beliefs and obstructed their applications for tax-exempt status.


The bad news is that US Taxpayers will have to pay for the legal defense of Lerner, Holder and IRS. Government bureaucrats play with a stacked deck against American citizens. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-13-2013, 05:07 PM
The bad news is that US Taxpayers will have to pay for the legal defense of Lerner, Holder and IRS. Government bureaucrats play with a stacked deck against American citizens

no worse than taxpayers paying 233 house republicans $160K a year for three years to repeal Obamacare ... which will NEVER happen.
I B Hankering's Avatar
The bad news is that US Taxpayers will have to pay for the legal defense of Lerner, Holder and IRS. Government bureaucrats play with a stacked deck against American citizens

no worse than taxpayers paying 233 house republicans $160K a year for three years to repeal Obamacare ... which will NEVER happen. Originally Posted by CJ7
You're deflecting and hijacking, CBJ7. But to repudiate your ignorant claim of 'NEVER', take a gander at this headline:

Labor Leader: Obamacare 'Needs To Be Repealed' If Union Demands Aren't Met

Terence O’Sullivan, president of the Laborers’ International Union of North America, said, “If the Affordable Care Act is not fixed, and it destroys the health and welfare funds that we have fought for and stand for, then I believe it needs to be repealed.”


Odumbocare will not survive as passed by the dimotards!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yes it is a shame that even the gutless Democrats will blindly support a very bad piece of legislation.
But what can you expect when most of them are on par with Shelia Jackson Lee.

It will be interesting to see how the court handles the obstruction of justice that will and has been so prevalent in this the most corrupt of administrations.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yes it is a shame that even the gutless Democrats will blindly support a very bad piece of legislation.
But what can you expect when most of them are on par with Shelia Jackson Lee.

It will be interesting to see how the court handles the obstruction of justice that will and has been so prevalent in this the most corrupt of administrations. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Unlike mindless Teapublicans who blindly follow anything that isn't in the best interest of the people of America.

Hold thy tongue, dim knave. You speaketh through thine anal pore.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The worst part of it is that a fellow Jewish person, Lois Lerner, was even targeting pro-Israeli groups!!


PRO-ISRAEL GROUP SUED IRS CLAIMING TARGETING PRACTICE While they are at it, the committee might want to ask the IRS whether their list of targets extended beyond political party discrimination. There is evidence the IRS also targeted pro-Israel groups whose positions were potentially inconsistent with the administration’s. For example, in 2010, the passionately pro-Israel organization Z STREET filed a lawsuit against the IRS, claiming it had been told by an IRS agent that because the organization was “connected to Israel,” its application for tax-exempt status would receive additional scrutiny. This admission was made in response to a query about the lengthy reveiw of Z STREET’s tax exempt status application.

Read more at: http://www.jewishpress.com/tag/lois-lerne Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
does ANYBODY think JL and Lois Lerner are one in the same? It's his MO, after all.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Obamacare has fallen to a new low, 39% according to Gallup.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Again you fail, assup. I do not care what affiliation the criminals have. It does not matter their party affiliation when the crime is committed against any citizen of the US.
It seems that you believe that if your party does it it is fine and that is very telling of you lack of character.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-14-2013, 09:04 AM
Obamacare has fallen to a new low, 39% according to Gallup. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I thought leaders did not listen to polls?
I have a poll, at the club ...

Hold thy tongue, dim knave. You speaketh through thine anal pore. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
[Thou] leathern-jerkin, crystal-button, knot-pated, agatering, puke-stocking, caddis-garter, smooth-tongue, Spanish pouch!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I wonder if Louis feels that she has something to "atone" for?