This is disgusting. Shouldn’t happen in America.

Little Monster's Avatar
that's what she said as well Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
So says the individual with NO reviews. I wonder why that is.
Little Monster's Avatar
She? Originally Posted by bambino
Yep, just ask one of your daughters.
By same difference, I meant ward of state vs having a private conservator, or even parent of minor child. Someone else has the authority to make financial, health, etc. decisions on your behalf. It is a PERSON, not the STATE making these decisions. In the case of a ward of the state is paid to do so, so they are just doing their job. Sure, there have been cases of abuse, but by and large, these administrators try to do the right thing. It is not the state or police forcing vaccinations, it is health care workers administering vaccine to incompetent patients who may need restraint. Same thing happens every day in nursing homes every day when giving meds or drawing blood from incompetent patients. Originally Posted by reddog1951
The point was it can happen just as was in the story that you said was false
I'll be the asshole and say it:

If I were a catatonic vegetable, getting autism from a vaccine or being tracked by the government is pretty low in my list of problems.
Once again Glock gets it.

Huge difference between CAN happen and DID happen, but some Never Gave It a Thought.
Once again Glock gets it.

Huge difference between CAN happen and DID happen, but some Never Gave It a Thought. Originally Posted by reddog1951
If that’s some reference to me it makes no sense

nor does your perceived ire
No ire, just irony.