Trump has the quintessential American Family

eccieuser9500's Avatar
What all of us should strive to develop. A true American story. Why do the Dems hare him,you might ask, well he ran the country when career politicians couldn’t.

Thank you Donald for for great American years Originally Posted by oilfieldace

Being born with a silver spoon up your ass isn't the quintessential American-family story.

Dumpster's never had to do a single day of hard labor. He squanders everything.

The Trump family is beautiful in all aspects. Truly the American Family.

The Biden Family, the American Disgrace.

Donald, Thank you for all the great years. I am looking forward to 4 more years under your leadership.

Originally Posted by Vulva

He's gonna do 10 to 20 in the big house. Not the whitehouse.

Delusional. Ain't no part of this family that's respectable.
Trumpf family does represent the eroding base of the family in the u s. Divorce scandals mail order brides cover ups.
Trumpf family is held together by money. They lose that. They'll canalbalize each other for the quick buck news story Originally Posted by winn dixie

Keep them on the far right in check. I have Waco checked, and Lex Luthor I made check out.

Funny how the truth makes the shit slingers docile. Originally Posted by winn dixie

Bullshit slingers.

Tell us the state of the current members in the Whitehouse...a bunch of corrupt criminalsstingers. Originally Posted by bb1961

Stay on point.

Trumpf family iis full of criminals held together by money only.
That's not the Great family you claim they are Originally Posted by winn dixie

Anyone who thinks they can buy anything on credit and never pay isn't American. Dump. Yes, a credit dump.

Yada yada yada, what crime have they committed? Be specific please. DJT crime was showing career politicians how to effectively run a business. Originally Posted by oilfieldace
You want specifics? Read. H.R. 503.

Read. Read the indictments. Read the news. Read. Read. Read. Don't live by someone else telling you what to think. Read.

Now those same people are showing the trumpf crime family how close they're to jail. Originally Posted by winn dixie

Corruption begets corruption my friend from the other side who is closer to the center.

60+ indictments (yada), more coming on Federal and state levels (yada), wife is a whore who won't ever fuck him again for any sum (yada)

I never claimed he had been convicted of a crime.

He stands accused of criminal behavior by numerous grand juries that resulted in indictments.

Which then means you'll be specific to crimes people are convicted, or at least indicted for, of whenever you call someone a criminal, right?

Any indictments pending for Joe Biden? Originally Posted by Tigbitties38

No indictments as of yet, sir. As of yet. The "house" of cards could turn.

No indictments. No grand juries.

Hunter wasn't elected and isn't a member of the White House. If he counts then your "uncle", John Wayne Gacy, defines you. Originally Posted by Tigbitties38

Their answer to everything is to divert the topic. The topic is the Dumpster family. Ripping people off since the patriarch died. I guess that's a little American.

You obviously don't know shit about influence peddling.
Without his senile dad cunter has NOTHING to peddle.
The evidence has been documented but with your idolatry of those one the left your tunnel vision is very narrow. Now you will come back with your nonsensical spin as always. Originally Posted by bb1961

Obviously you don't know shit about having evidence. What fuckin' evidence?

There is no evidence. If their was, people in better positions than some anonymous whoremonger would have presented it. Someone credible, that is.

If you say so Originally Posted by Vulva
We don't another one. Please!

Am I right, Waco? (I'm left, ha.)

the trump clan

from rags to riches in Manhattan


BAAHHAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

eccieuser9500's Avatar
We all know you're gonna come back with an "if you say so". So, go ahead. You should be the only one to say that.

Second definition:

biomed1's Avatar
Of The Following . . .
#1 - Avoid cases of unprovoked rudeness to others. No place for it here. Yes, with the dynamic nature of the threads and topics, tempers will flare and things will become heated from time to time. You may often encounter individuals who become passionate or emotional when expressing one's opinion or point of view. That's all understood and perfectly acceptable within reason…….but, start slamming or bashing another member and be met with consequences.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Maybe I'm a little conservative about what I consider how the quintessential American family is defined. But having 5 kids with 3 gold diggers; and only having wealth because of nepotism and then showering your kids with that same level of nepotism is not exactly what I consider an ideal "quintessential American family".
  • Vulva
  • 07-19-2023, 08:30 PM
Maybe I'm a little conservative about what I consider how the quintessential American family is defined. But having 5 kids with 3 gold diggers; and only having wealth because of nepotism and then showering your kids with that same level of nepotism is not exactly what I consider an ideal "quintessential American family". Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Trump truly has the quintessential American Family.
Possibly the Greatest story told in American History, possibly
100% true.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Trump truly has the quintessential American Family.
Possibly the Greatest story told in American History, possibly
100% true. Originally Posted by Vulva

I hate to be unnecessarily rude (yeah right), but what the fuck! This is exactly what we're talking about.

Possibly. Possibly 100% true.

winn dixie's Avatar
Maybe I'm a little conservative about what I consider how the quintessential American family is defined. But having 5 kids with 3 gold diggers; and only having wealth because of nepotism and then showering your kids with that same level of nepotism is not exactly what I consider an ideal "quintessential American family". Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
100 percent fact

Trump truly has the quintessential American Family.
Possibly the Greatest story told in American History, possibly
100% true. Originally Posted by Vulva
A crinal empire is a good family?

I hate to be unnecessarily rude (yeah right), but what the fuck! This is exactly what we're talking about.

Possibly. Possibly 100% true.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Easy now. Common sense and facts hurt feelings. Especially about "America's family"
See Sir Lucas's post above!
matchingmole's Avatar
Cum guzzling lying sack o' shit Trump sucks....and most of his family sucks too
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Which part doesn't suck? His sister? Quintessential in personality, not scale.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I honestly don't know whether this thread was just to antagonize folks or whether the OP was being serious.

I am not sure about the percentage of people who inherit 9 figures, but I assume it was definitely less than around 1% of the population when Fred kicked the bucket and Trump gained full access to daddy's bank accounts and properties, so I'll take it as a joke. I'll admit, it is kind of funny though if anyone really thinks that way about family in this country. Either way, entertaining topic, Ace.
  • Vulva
  • 07-20-2023, 01:57 AM
I hate to be unnecessarily rude (yeah right), but what the fuck! This is exactly what we're talking about. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

I want no confusion, therefore, possibly. Yes, Possibly 100% true.

Yes, 100% possibly. There may be a Greater story told in American History, possibly, but I am not aware of it.
If I knew for sure there was a greater story told in American History, I would not say "Greatest story ever told in American History"
I would say "almost greatest story told in American History". If stories were ranked, I might say the second Greatest story told in American History, possibly, if was the ranked second Greatest story told in American History.

Regardless, the OP makes a valid observation possibly based on facts, facts can not be disputed, that I am 100% certain of.
And of course, Trump is great and maybe the greatest possibly. No one can argue this.

quintessential - representing the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class.

Yes, sounds correct
  • Vulva
  • 07-20-2023, 02:24 AM
I honestly don't know whether this thread was just to antagonize folks or whether the OP was being serious.

I am not sure about the percentage of people who inherit 9 figures, but I assume it was definitely less than around 1% of the population when Fred kicked the bucket and Trump gained full access to daddy's bank accounts and properties, so I'll take it as a joke. I'll admit, it is kind of funny though if anyone really thinks that way about family in this country. Either way, entertaining topic, Ace. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
OP was serious. Thread is factual. Refer to post 26 for supporting evidence.
eccieuser9500's Avatar

Hoe old is this guy? I'm guessing 24-30.

Am I right?
oilfieldace's Avatar
I honestly don't know whether this thread was just to antagonize folks or whether the OP was being serious.

I am not sure about the percentage of people who inherit 9 figures, but I assume it was definitely less than around 1% of the population when Fred kicked the bucket and Trump gained full access to daddy's bank accounts and properties, so I'll take it as a joke. I'll admit, it is kind of funny though if anyone really thinks that way about family in this country. Either way, entertaining topic, Ace. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Does it matter if the money was inherited or not? The empire is more valuable today than when The Donald took over. Unlike 99% of the Dems before Mr Trump became President , I didn’t care for him. Not because he was wealthy, just in general didn’t care for him. I didn’t support him during the primaries , but his policies were good for my family . I am not supporting him in the upcoming primary, but left between A democrat and Trump, the answer to who I will vote for is well documented. Let’s be clear if everyone in America didn’t smoke , during or do the forbidden fruit this country would be a lot better
VitaMan's Avatar
Trump crime family