air raiding villages and killing civilians

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  • WTF
  • 07-03-2011, 05:28 PM

Easy. The outrage was focused on 9/11.

Again, let me point out the delusion of you Socialist Democrats. bin Laden started one of those wars unequivocally. You Democrats voted for the two wars. You can revise all you want, but that is a matter of Congressional Record. Do I need to invite LexusLover over here?

. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I will respond to this first, the first part of your babble was just a rehash of wtf anyone with half a brain should know.

This point is just a bald faced lie. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. So Bush focused Repub's and Dem's inner pussiness into a war(s).
I was for nuking OBL in his mountain hideout. Period. Not doing exactly as he wanted , which was to draw us into an never ending expensive war. Just because you and some Democratic lawmakers fell for that shit, do not lump me into that scardycat Cheney crowd.

Also, most of the spending happened in the last FOUR years when a Democratically controlled Senate and House were in place. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Yea that was when the bills were coming due and the economy was tanking from the housing bubble. Was that Obama's fault? I do not worship his skinnk lil ass but the only person that had a huge consesus was Bush after 9/11. He could have done any number of things, he fuc'd the pouch. Obama got elected in Nov of 2008, had he been in power then, he to might have been able to ram a better healthcare bill down and a better stimulis package but we fiddled while Rome was a burning!

Happy 4th to you too. Here is Harris county there's a burn ban and all the fireworks stands are closed. You can get a great deal on an American built truck though. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Yea but the city is putting on a pretty lil display with our tax dollars.

I have bought nothing but American since I fuc'd up and bought a Lexus sc430 in 2002 as a second ride. Fuc'n think wasn't built for Houston potholes! I've always had a Chevy SUV bought the GMC Denali in '08 and 100k miles later I thinking about buying the Ram Hemi...13k off sticker and that thing runs almost as well as the Denali. No green driving lil bitch here.
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  • WTF
  • 07-03-2011, 05:31 PM
Blah , Blah , blah , blah. . . . yadayadayada...

Ya'll better watch it... or you might be declared an angry phucker!

Who here, honestly believes that either house of Congress... led by either party... will actually enact any meaningful budgetary solutions? The required medicine is too bitter... NOBODY! will be able to sell it and remain elected... not even BO!

Stick a fork in it.... the American Experiment is DONE!
Every Man For Himself - Anarchy is the only way to bet on the future...

air raiding villages and killing civilians .... coming to a village near you, soon! Originally Posted by MrGiz
I'm with Gizzy on this one!

Although I'm reminded of what I think Churchill said about us and I paraphrasing here..

''Don't worry about the Americans, after all else fails they will then attempt to do the right thing!''
You asked where the people that were against the war when Bush was in office were.

I told you right here and I told you how I feel about Obama and his numbnutted reasoning.

Then you post likr a ten year old.....
Originally Posted by WTF
Unfortunately, you are just "one" and not "the people" ... but I do acknowledge that you have stood up! Memorably! You also stood up in a similar D&T thread.

Stick a fork in it.... the American Experiment is DONE!
Every Man For Himself - Anarchy is the only way to bet on the future...

air raiding villages and killing civilians .... coming to a village near you, soon! Originally Posted by MrGiz
That's just disgusting.
  • MrGiz
  • 07-03-2011, 06:05 PM
.....That's just disgusting. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I can agree with that.... doesn't mean it isn't true though!
You Tell Me.... WHO! is going to fix it?
DragonTongue's Avatar
I'm with Gizzy on this one!

Although I'm reminded of what I think Churchill said about us and I paraphrasing here..

''Don't worry about the Americans, after all else fails they will then attempt to do the right thing!'' Originally Posted by WTF

Politicians tend to campaign on cleaning out the office, yet once they get in, their mission becomes "re-election". There are some good ones out there, but I don't know how they'd do on a national scene.
I can agree with that.... doesn't mean it isn't true though!
You Tell Me.... WHO! is going to fix it? Originally Posted by MrGiz
There will be no singular "WHO". The issue is that simply raising the debt ceiling in the past, with relative economic prosperity, meant we could postpone the inevitable. Now with a double dip recession and a huge debt, we are hard pressed to pay the monthly vig. Add to that social security outlays are now stripping intakes...

And the Democrats will eventually have to cave to the Republicans. There will be some compromise with some relatively small loopholes being closed.

Look at what happened to Amazon in CA this week. Start taxing and capitalists start looking for workarounds. Doctors are already dropping Medicare/Medicaid patients with more dropping to come when Obamacare comes full force.

There will be pain but I don't see Predator drones being turned against the populace.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
...There will be pain but I don't see Predator drones being turned against the populace. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I've seen 2 predators flying low level sweeps along 190 here in Dallas. Tests aren't flown that low especially in populated areas, FAA/FARS. Houston and Arlington are both testing UAV's and I applied for a position at the DOJ in '09 that used UAV's and surveillance planes within a 100 mile buffer of the Tex/Mex border on Conspiracy theorys aside, the police state is here ala the Patriot Act.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Bush’s international coalition for the war against Hussein was larger than the one participating in Obama's humanitarian war against Libya. And it was larger still than the multilateral coalition supporting Obama’s drone attacks in Pakistan, Yemen or Somalia—where Obama has absolutely no coalition.
I've seen 2 predators flying low level sweeps along 190 here in Dallas. Tests aren't flown that low especially in populated areas, FAA/FARS. Houston and Arlington are both testing UAV's and I applied for a position at the DOJ in '09 that used UAV's and surveillance planes within a 100 mile buffer of the Tex/Mex border on Conspiracy theorys aside, the police state is here ala the Patriot Act. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
Tests are not flown that low.
Could have been a malfunction.
Operators trained at Huachuca where I did my AIT as well. We got wasted 7 nights a week. I've seen them do some stupid shit for fun and accidentally.
We're paying 18 yr olds to play with million $ aircraft. Hell, you should see pics of MRAPs and other wheeled vehicles we fuck up every day. 0.o

Predators are pretty damn big, would have scared the crap out of a LOT of civilians. Would be VERY difficult to go unnoticed. Especially considering the payload on a predator? Nothing in the news about it.
If we were doing recon in our own cities, don't you think we would go for something less obvious? We have shit that you'd never see.


If intentional flights are being flown over a metro area, and you, having applied for a DOJ job once, should know about OPSEC.. then why are you talking about it?
The United States Army is not used as a police force against its own citizens.
The national guard can be called up at the sponsoring state governor's request in times of emergency to keep the peace, but they wouldn't just be randomly flying drones around.

As an intel analyst, I can tell you that we do not monitor the activities or communications from US citizens unless we have approval from the AG and the person(s) has been identified as a serious threat.
It's really NOT easy to get that authorization.

on to the OP's story..
Sorry, I would much rather send air raids into Somolia than commit more troops. Asscrackistan was enough of a hellhole. I don't want to think about Libya or Somolia.
Yes, civilians die. Civilians die in Somolia every day because of the ongoing wars there. 10 toddlers died of starvation in their capital city yesterday. Militants have taken over all but a small dwindling sector around the capital.
Civilians die in our air strikes when they are harboring a known terrorist that we are targeting. So are they really 'innocent' civilians, or are the accomplices?
I'd say hiding a rebel leader, or pirate leader, or whatever, makes you guilty by association.

But you know what?
I'm also one who doesn't think a tax INCREASE is a bad idea. Tax cuts aren't fixing shit apparently. What's a little 1% hike to me? Especially when such a small contribution individually can help the most awesome fucking superpower on this little rocky planet regain the spark we need to get the fuck out of this recession.

Think this was a rant? Wait til I have a few shots!
CG declared tomorrow a DONSA.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
And now Somalia...

So much for that Nobel Peace Prize or even a reduction in military spending. Oh, I forgot, they are reducing military spending by killing budgets that replinish the bombs they are using during the "air raiding villages and killing civilians" campaign.

How's that change? Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
Obama, before he was president in 2007 in this video, said we need enough troops on the ground so we are not just air raiding......
Get real. There is no "air raiding villages and killing civilians" campaign in Somalia or Afghanistan which is what the video is refering to.

Plus have you been in a coma? The video is from 2007.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
But you know what?
I'm also one who doesn't think a tax INCREASE is a bad idea. Tax cuts aren't fixing shit apparently. What's a little 1% hike to me? Especially when such a small contribution individually can help the most awesome fucking superpower on this little rocky planet regain the spark we need to get the fuck out of this recession.

Think this was a rant? Wait til I have a few shots!
CG declared tomorrow a DONSA. Originally Posted by lilred_robin
Couldn't agree more about the taxes.

As for this thread, the OP didn't notice it is from 2007 and is refering to Afghanistan
Munchmasterman's Avatar
The issue is where are the Democratic Socialists who bemoaned these tactics when GWB employed them? As I wrote in a previous thread, a US born citizen is on the "Kill List", approved by President Obama, without the benefit of due process or trial. If GWB had done this Code Pink, dKos, HuffPo, and the major Demomedia would be calling for his impeachment. Today, those same media outlets just turn a blind eye.

Frankly, with the alleged "treasure trove" of information that we obtained from the bin Laden assassination site, I'm surprised we haven't let loose more Predators. And frankly, I'd be for it.

But where is the Democratic hypocritical disdain and fake moral outrage? Originally Posted by gnadfly
This video is from 2007. It is all about GWB tactics. There is no current outrage because this video is not current.
But you know what?

I'm also one who doesn't think a tax INCREASE is a bad idea. Tax cuts aren't fixing shit apparently. What's a little 1% hike to me? Especially when such a small contribution individually can help the most awesome fucking superpower on this little rocky planet regain the spark we need to get the fuck out of this recession. Originally Posted by lilred_robin
But you know what else? I agree wholeheartedly with the above statement!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Bill Clinton: Lower The Corporate Tax Rate For Debt-Ceiling Deal
The Huffington Post Alexander Eichler Updated: 07/ 5/11 01:20 PM

. . . . “We’ve got an uncompetitive rate,” Clinton told a crowd at the Aspen Ideas Festival on Saturday. . . .
I B Hankering's Avatar
Predators are pretty damn big, would have scared the crap out of a LOT of civilians. Would be VERY difficult to go unnoticed. Especially considering the payload on a predator? Nothing in the news about it.
If we were doing recon in our own cities, don't you think we would go for something less obvious? We have shit that you'd never see.


If intentional flights are being flown over a metro area, and you, having applied for a DOJ job once, should know about OPSEC.. then why are you talking about it?
The United States Army is not used as a police force against its own citizens.
The national guard can be called up at the sponsoring state governor's request in times of emergency to keep the peace, but they wouldn't just be randomly flying drones around.

As an intel analyst, I can tell you that we do not monitor the activities or communications from US citizens unless we have approval from the AG and the person(s) has been identified as a serious threat.
It's really NOT easy to get that authorization. Originally Posted by lilred_robin
Many police departments (Houston and Arlington among them) are trying to acquire and employ this technology. This article indicates Arlington has the go ahead, but they are not supposed to be using it over populated areas at this time.

Police want unmanned aircraft to take to the skies over Arlington
May 10, 2011

ARLINGTON – A remote control aircraft that was on display during Super Bowl week as a tool to watch for terrorist activity could become a permanent crime-fighting tool for Arlington police – providing them a bird’s eye view of hostage situations, car wrecks and other emergencies.

Read more:

on to the OP's story..
Sorry, I would much rather send air raids into Somolia than commit more troops. Asscrackistan was enough of a hellhole. I don't want to think about Libya or Somolia.
Yes, civilians die. Civilians die in Somolia every day because of the ongoing wars there. 10 toddlers died of starvation in their capital city yesterday. Militants have taken over all but a small dwindling sector around the capital.
Civilians die in our air strikes when they are harboring a known terrorist that we are targeting. So are they really 'innocent' civilians, or are the accomplices?
I'd say hiding a rebel leader, or pirate leader, or whatever, makes you guilty by association. Originally Posted by lilred_robin
I, for one, completely agree with you. The OP, IMO, is trying to point out the stark differences between what candidate Obama promised on the election trail and what President Obama has done since he took up residence in the White House. “Hope and Change” has become “More of the Same”, and that has become a point of irritation for some who post here.