Electricfeelnow's chance to come clean

well i got slammed with a warning anyways. though you're right I didn't call him a butt hurt bitch. Originally Posted by Secret_Amore
At least it was only a warning
cckid2006's Avatar
Believe the quote was:
"seriously you sound like a butt hurt bitch who can't get over shit. "

Think that was deserving a warning. Thanks Sixxbach! There is enough name calling on this board. Would you be offended if I said that to you that?
Little Monster's Avatar
Ok. I get a PM from Kate today bitching that I'm blasting her … which I am. She's complaining that she can never respond to my comments, so here's your chance Kate. If you want to make things right, this is your opportunity.
. Originally Posted by onei

Now, having said that, it APPEARS Kate is changing, but what brought this on was her PM; calling me names and bitching. So I decided to give her her day in court, so to speak. I'm not mad and I'm not angry. But I'm not going to sit on the sideline and let someone who cost me an hour of drive time (and gas), 30-min of wait time (which since then, no one gets that much wait time from me), not to mention time getting ready; I'm not going let them hide in the shadows through PM's bitching so no one can see. If you want to bitch at me, do it in public. If you want to handle this dispute in private, them be civil and let's talk. Originally Posted by onei

2: Had this been a few days ago, sure, complain all you want about it. But I seriously doubt anyone who got NCNS'd 10 MONTHS ago really has room to continually blast a provider. Simply state: I am no longer seeing so and so for x,y, and z. I'm posting because I'd like her to have the opportunity to tell her side and state the facts. And if anyone has anything to add/share, please do, respectfully here.

As opposed to demanding she pay you back for sessions you'd already had ? (Please correct me if I'm wrong). And had you been harassing her, bud, that is PROBABLY a good reason why she didn't respond once you showed up. Either that or something happened. Maybe her gran died and she just couldn't get around to texting back AT THAT SECOND, but after harassing texts about a ncns, she didn't feel she owed you anything (especially if she was busy dealing with RW stuff, which is almost understandable).

I'm sorry, but coming off as someone entitled and disrespectful to the girls here and the amount of BS we do continually have to deal with (as opposed to someone who hobbies maybe once, twice a month or so?) shouldn't really be able to complain about how this is all about "respect". Treating us like we're possessions or something you can just "pay for" and get a refund for because of ONE ncns 10 MONTHS AGO is taking it a bit far.

And, again, I don't really care if you want to shut me down and say to take my nose out of your business, but, hey buddy, if you posted it in Co-ed, I'd think twice about telling anyone here to shove off. You opened this can of worms and now just deal with people who don't agree with you. Originally Posted by Stefany
Onei has stated twice that he has been getting harassing PM's by her, it sounds to me if anyone needs to get over it it's HER not him. This is an info sharing board and Onei has every right warn people about her as long as he feels fit, that's the way it works around here, he had every right to post this thread especially when he's getting accused of hiding behind a forum that providers aren't allowed post in then your damn right he did the right thing I don't give a shit if the NCNS happened 10 months or 10 minutes ago, and if people don't like it then THEY can deal with it. And if you read his post as well as a couple other hobbyist in this thread you would see he is not the only one who has experienced this problem so the granny excuse won't work, but I know never mind all that right??
Onei has stated twice that he has been getting harassing PM's by her, it sounds to me if anyone needs to get over it it's HER not him. This is an info sharing board and Onei has every right warn people about her as long as he feels fit, that's the way it works around here, he had every right to post this thread especially when he's getting accused of hiding behind a forum that providers aren't allowed post in then your damn right he did the right thing I don't give a shit if the NCNS happened 10 months or 10 minutes ago, and if people don't like it then THEY can deal with it. And if you read his post as well as a couple other hobbyist in this thread you would see he is not the only one who has experienced this problem so the granny excuse won't work, but I know never mind all that right?? Originally Posted by Little Monster
If he has a legitimate concern, this isn't the way to handle it. It needs to be discussed privately, not out in the open. And there is a difference between stating what happened, and not just throw a crying fit just because of one ncns. ONE ncns does NOT warrant all sorts of private comments on reviews blasting a provider.

There is definitely a difference between , again, making a legitimate concern/alert than trying to ruin a lady's business just because of ONE ncns he experienced, when otherwise, things were good. From what I can infer, he probably lost his temper and let her have it then blasted her all over the forum (without real warrant, other than to ruin her chances of more business).

If she was in fact harassing him, he should have reported it to the mods.

There were plenty of other options, and even if he was fully in his right to complain about her TCB, it was not a way any person demanding respect should have gone about it.
Little Monster's Avatar
If he has a legitimate concern, this isn't the way to handle it. It needs to be discussed privately, not out in the open. And there is a difference between stating what happened, and not just throw a crying fit just because of one ncns. ONE ncns does NOT warrant all sorts of private comments on reviews blasting a provider.

There is definitely a difference between , again, making a legitimate concern/alert than trying to ruin a lady's business just because of ONE ncns he experienced, when otherwise, things were good. From what I can infer, he probably lost his temper and let her have it then blasted her all over the forum (without real warrant, other than to ruin her chances of more business).

If she was in fact harassing him, he should have reported it to the mods.

There were plenty of other options, and even if he was fully in his right to complain about her TCB, it was not a way any person demanding respect should have gone about it. Originally Posted by Stefany
Uh sweetie did you even read the original post??? he has clearly stated that he did try to handle it in private and got NOTHING. And it is NOT just one NCNS it is a pattern behavior, did you even bother to look at the links that were posted??? two other guys posted on this thread and confirmed her shitty TCB, if you choose to ignore that and pick and choose what you want to read then that's on you, but bottom line is if she hadn't sent that pm basically saying "come on with it" then this thread probably wouldn't have even been in existence. People handle things differently, if you're the type who runs and tells the mods that someone is picking on you then fine that's your right, but don't get pissed when people handle things differently than you.
Whispers's Avatar
If he has a legitimate concern, this isn't the way to handle it.

This is EXACTLY the way to handle it....

It needs to be discussed privately, not out in the open.

Seems like he is saying that has happened more than once.... to no avail.

And there is a difference between stating what happened, and not just throw a crying fit just because of one ncns. ONE ncns does NOT warrant all sorts of private comments on reviews blasting a provider.

Why not? Why is your time or the time of a provider any more valuable than tr=that of a client? A guy takes time of from whatever he may be doing to drive 30 minutes to see someone... sit around waiting and then drive 30 minutes back with nothing to show for his time? and SHE is the professional...

There is definitely a difference between , again, making a legitimate concern/alert than trying to ruin a lady's business just because of ONE ncns he experienced,

It's pretty well documented in several places that this is a pattern... not a one time incident....

when otherwise, things were good. From what I can infer, he probably lost his temper and let her have it then blasted her all over the forum (without real warrant, other than to ruin her chances of more business).

If she was in fact harassing him, he should have reported it to the mods.

There were plenty of other options, and even if he was fully in his right to complain about her TCB, it was not a way any person demanding respect should have gone about it. Originally Posted by Stefany
No matter what other options ARE available.... THIS is a VERY available option.....as well as an EFFECTIVE one.....

Some of you ladies think that anything should be able to be swept under the rug.... and that in time should not be mentioned..... Whereas some guys remember clearly the time they wasted and feel that ANY and EVERY time that ladies name comes up they need to comment and share THEIR experience....

She is going to get MORE than her fair share of looks here and it will be because of a couple of meddling ladies running THEIR mouths off and drawing a lot more of us into it....

So let's go.... How many of you meddling ladies want to jump into something that was between him and her...... Where this goes is a course being charted by those of you that feel the need to pounce on the OP..... One of your "sisters" is going to be in the spotlight now for as long as YOU want to shine it on her.

And before ANYONE trys to suggest I have no reason to be here.... Had the OP posted and others not added their opinions then MY opinion would surely be out of place.....

But NOW I get to argue his right to have his say.... Thanks! I was bored!

Let's see how many more of the ladies as well as guys Secret Amore can alienate today!

Whispers's Avatar
Uh sweetie did you even read the original post???

They never do... They lack the ability to look at what they do as a business and act in a professional manner..... Had she or others done so they would have sat silently on the sidelines...

he has clearly stated that he did try to handle it in private and got NOTHING. And it is NOT just one NCNS it is a pattern behavior, did you even bother to look at the links that were posted??? two other guys posted on this thread and confirmed her shitty TCB, if you choose to ignore that and pick and choose what you want to read then that's on you, but bottom line is if she hadn't sent that pm basically saying "come on with it" then this thread probably wouldn't have even been in existence. People handle things differently, if you're the type who runs and tells the mods that someone is picking on you then fine that's your right, but don't get pissed when people handle things differently than you. Originally Posted by Little Monster
Well Said
  • Annef
  • 10-15-2013, 12:23 AM
It's been almost a year. Clearly she is a bee is in bonnet, not the other way around. Here's the deal, if the woman is good looking enough, TCB skills be damned, you guys all know that, if you want to see her, you want to see her, lines form to the left. And, clearly 10 months later, he's still complaining because, why? He wants to see her. Dude, clearly, she doesn't need your money, trying to intimidate her on a hooker board will not get you what you want. Take a lesson from whispers, patience and flattery will get you everywhere. Quit posting ridiculous things a year later if what you really want is to see her.And clearly, you do, she's a pain in the ass, but a sexy one. Nice emails, compliments are the order of the day. Otherwise, shut the fuck up. We've all had our time wasted, and none of us is still complaining a year after. Charm her or move along.
onei's Avatar
  • onei
  • 10-15-2013, 01:28 AM
Annef, clearly you don't have the slightest idea what you are talking about. Not one time in the last 10 month have I tried to contact her by any means. I'm not trying to see her. Haven't tried to see her. And if you actually took the time to read all that I have written you would see, and I quote, "Ultimately, I'm not looking for a freebie."

Like the other two, you gals remind me of Gladys on "I Dream of Genie," always sticking your nose where it doesn't belong. I never mentioned your name in the original post. I don't know you. I've never seen you (though I have looked). And this is not about you. But if you would like to make it about you, I'm sure I can oblige you.
AtxTexMex's Avatar
You ladies just dont get it. She has had well more then just one NCNS.
Shes even done them back to back even after apologizing and assuring she would keep the second date only to go back on her word and once again NCNS.
Just because she has change her handle to try and erease those issues doesnt mean we have forgot.
Jus as it was previously mentioned before by Whispers,
some guys remember clearly the time they wasted and feel that ANY and EVERY time that ladies name comes up they need to comment and share THEIR experience....
And we all know you ladies do the exact same thing.
We all know you have your little section that we cannot view and that you all get together and discuss individuals who also NCNS and warn each other about them every chance their handle is brought up therefor black listing them. Yet you all see an issue when a client who does the same of a provider everytime they see that providers name brought up?
You providers get upset when a cleint does this and wastes your time yet you dont think us clients should get equally as upset when it is done to us?
We dont sit around waiting for PMs, or the phone to ring to make dates. Many of us go out of our ways to shuffle windows of time to get away and when we rearrange our whole day to only be left waiting in a parking lot not only are we out that time but gas and etc as well and YES its very frustrating.
Whispers's Avatar
Anyone want to bet when or IF we will see a single lady post to this thread that has bothered to actually READ the OPs whole post and understand it?
We gents are here to speak frankly about our experiences and get honest reviews of the providers we're considering. I don't drive hours to the big city to waste my time. I don't book on short notice. I don't double book and cancel with whoever is poorest at TCB. I treat everyone with respect.

If I make an appointment and a trip to town, I want to know that my appointment will be kept, barring unforeseen, unavoidable events - which do happen to everyone, and provide another opportunity for TCB and good communication.

Saying that we discuss someones' shortcomings because we're carrying a torch for them is ridiculous. That's what we're here for- to discuss both the good and the bad.
AtxTexMex's Avatar
We gents are here to speak frankly about our experiences and get honest reviews of the providers we're considering. I don't drive hours to the big city to waste my time. I don't book on short notice. I don't double book and cancel with whoever is poorest at TCB. I treat everyone with respect.

If I make an appointment and a trip to town, I want to know that my appointment will be kept, barring unforeseen, unavoidable events - which do happen to everyone, and provide another opportunity for TCB and good communication.

Saying that we discuss someones' shortcomings because we're carrying a torch for them is ridiculous. That's what we're here for- to discuss both the good and the bad. Originally Posted by Jimfightsfire

Well said, bust just as you mentioned what if you were not cancelled on but instead simply NCNSed once you did make you trip into town? Then only to get communication from the provider hours later saying they were sorry that "blah blah blah" occured and that they would see you the follwoing day to make it up only to do it again?
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I have a little different take on this:
I dont get why NC/NS.... really how hard is it to say hey not today..in 9 years I have NEVER NC/NS anyone...even last year when I was super sick in and out of the er every time I blinked and I was still able to shoot off a text.
I think its great the guys speak up one someone in the business is not doing their job..Just like any business TCB is one of the main things that one needs to be on top of...if every time I went to my DR appt and he wasnt there and didnt let me know of course I am gonna speak up and move on and if someone wants to hear my experience then I would shared...Which is what Onei is doing....Information is key...

Would this thread have been posted if SHE didnt pm him? I dont think so..Yes the issue is 10 months old BUT her pm to him was only a day or so ago....
To me it sounds like he is giving her the chance SHE asked for to state her side .. explain herself like SHE wanted...
It speaks volumes to me that all we are getting in crickets.
More people could learn from their mistakes if they weren't so busy denying them or ignoring them
AtxTexMex's Avatar
I have a little different take on this:
I dont get why NC/NS.... really how hard is it to say hey not today..in 9 years I have NEVER NC/NS anyone...even last year when I was super sick in and out of the er every time I blinked and I was still able to shoot off a text.
I think its great the guys speak up one someone in the business is not doing their job..Just like any business TCB is one of the main things that one needs to be on top of...if every time I went to my DR appt and he wasnt there and didnt let me know of course I am gonna speak up and move on and if someone wants to hear my experience then I would shared...Which is what Onei is doing....Information is key...

Would this thread have been posted if SHE didnt pm him? I dont think so..Yes the issue is 10 months old BUT her pm to him was only a day or so ago....
To me it sounds like he is giving her the chance SHE asked for to state her side .. explain herself like SHE wanted...
It speaks volumes to me that all we are getting in crickets.
More people could learn from their mistakes if they weren't so busy denying them Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn
THANK YOU VictoriaLyn,
Finally a female who can see our side of it.
Bad thing is, she never denied anything. It was quite the opposite for her and the attitude she gave me was "so what" and "deal with it".
From my take all all her issues is that now that shes chose a new handle its all supposed to just go away, of course until her previous behavior arises again to which Im sure she will just change her handle again once it recieves enough negtive press.