Soft or Hard?

Still Looking's Avatar
Most body builders are dumb as all get out too lol. I basically grew up in one of the most competitive gyms around, and most could not really do anything else lol. All they did was look in the mirror and talk about which suppliments made their body odor even worse that week.

I need a man with an actual career and a brain. Anyone can pick up a heavy object and put it back down. Hell, that's not a sport it's indecision! Originally Posted by London Rayne
Hummm I thought they called that BBW worhship? LOL
Im not skinny and not fat, I call it curvy athletic so I prefer a guy who is proportionate, and easy to maneuver my boobs all over his body. In my real life and in the hobby I tend to get the attention of the military type guys who think Im hot--the MILF thing. Which is very flattering for me since I have insecurities. So I guess Im going to say somewhat hard body(not a meat head) and in shape, those seem to be my type and what I attract. But Im open to anyone that has a great personality and a gentleman.

One thing I have noticed is that my taste has changed a lil bit and more slender geeky smart men lately have been getting my attention. Just weird...
London Rayne's Avatar
We all go through phases. I used to like guys who wore eyeliner, black nail polish, and Dr. Martens...then I went to high school.
Most body builders are dumb as all get out too lol. I basically grew up in one of the most competitive gyms around, and most could not really do anything else lol. All they did was look in the mirror and talk about which suppliments made their body odor even worse that week.

I need a man with an actual career and a brain. Anyone can pick up a heavy object and put it back down. Hell, that's not a sport it's indecision! Originally Posted by London Rayne
Well you're right, anybody can pick up something heavy. Eventually.
Most body builders are dumb as all get out too lol. I basically grew up in one of the most competitive gyms around, and most could not really do anything else lol. All they did was look in the mirror and talk about which suppliments made their body odor even worse that week.

I need a man with an actual career and a brain. Anyone can pick up a heavy object and put it back down. Hell, that's not a sport it's indecision! Originally Posted by London Rayne

Hey, I'm at the gym 6 days a week, so I can certainly attest to the accuracy of your statement.

Yes, there are no shortage of knuckle-dragging, neanderthal, steroid freaks at the gym and it's true that they seem to be weirdly competitive with each other, but that being said... people should be encouraged to exercise and they should strive to keep themselves in shape, and doing so shouldn't automatically be viewed as an indictment on their intellect, or perceived lack thereof.

In other words, the two don't have to be mutually exclusive. It's entirely possible to work out, have an athletic body and yet still have a career and be able to think and converse at an intelligent level.

And let's face it, this is not exactly a country where barely literate, beer gut morons are in scarce supply. So... in all fairness to the gym rats, of whose ranks I can be counted amongst... I would say nothing is dumber than not taking care of your health and your body.

Sure, people can take it to unhealthy and obsessive extremes, but if you eat unhealthy food and live a largely sedentary lifestyle, well... how smart is that?
Still Looking's Avatar
I'm going to drink, smoke, hunt, fish and hobby till the day I die! One of my favorite things to do is go to down town and meet up with an ATF and have a nice steak and lobster dinner, bottle of wine, creme brulee for desert and then do her doggie style while looking over at the gym where all the physical fitness fanatics are lifting weights and looking at themselves in the mirrors. Some times we will just sit and watch them while drinking Keoke Coffee in the evening. It’s better than most of the reality shows on TV! Ah life is good! But hey I don't do drugs! EVER!
Naomi4u's Avatar
edit to add: The only muscle-bound guy that does it for me is "The Rock" Originally Posted by onehitwonder
OMG! YES! The Rock "Dwayne Johnson"? He is sooo sooo sooo FINE! Damn. *sigh*
Naomi4u's Avatar
I need a man with an actual career and a brain. Anyone can pick up a heavy object and put it back down. Hell, that's not a sport it's indecision! Originally Posted by London Rayne
Agreed! I'm a small gal (125lbs 5'8) if he can pick me up..that's all he needs to be able to lift - Points in my book.
jughead1171's Avatar
I need a man with an actual career and a brain. Anyone can pick up a heavy object and put it back down. Hell, that's not a sport it's indecision! Originally Posted by London Rayne
Guess I meet the geeky brainy criteria but...

OMG! YES! The Rock "Dwayne Johnson"? He is sooo sooo sooo FINE! Damn. *sigh* Originally Posted by Naomi4u
... I need to workout to get the "Rock" physique in order to to turn all the ladies heads
Still Looking's Avatar
I have a rock, fueled by Viagra! LOL
Naomi4u's Avatar
Doove (a member here) is a hardbody and he's VERY attractive. I wouldn't mind hitting that.
tigerbeemer's Avatar
[quote=DallasRain;1575240]I like the average guy with a little meat on him and you can
give me a soft teddy bear anyday too!

I am not really turned on by the "muscles"

Bless you Dee. Just one more reason I think you are the absolute best!

I don't even remember body types, doesn't matter, the most amazing times I ever had was always with the guy that 1) he was genuinely interested in seeing me 2)could carry on a conversation, 3) had a sense of humor 4) was hygienically accomplished. Funny how that's kinda what I look for in my real life...Otherwise hard, average, soft, don't honestly remember, regardless those were awesome dates!
One of my favorite things to do is go to down town and meet up with an ATF and have a nice steak and lobster dinner, bottle of wine, creme brulee for desert and then do her doggie style while looking over at the gym where all the physical fitness fanatics are lifting weights and looking at themselves in the mirrors. Originally Posted by Still Looking
Obviously you don't work out, because if you did then you'd understand what the mirrors are actually for. They are to gauge form. Lifting weights correctly requires some level of precision or you risk injury and it is much easier to maintain proper form when you can see yourself.

True, for some people it can also be a vanity thing, but to categorize everyone who works out that way is completely inaccurate and badly ill-informed.
  • Sami
  • 08-21-2011, 03:50 PM
I am attracted to gentleman, the ones who know how to treat a lady. The ones who don't have a ego, that he is the best. The best will always show through when he's not even trying.

I am attracted to military guys, somthing about the camo