Venomous Emails

London Rayne's Avatar
I especially like the ones that call me a I didn't know that already with my naked body and a rates page posted all over the damn internet dummy! Gosh, thanks for bringing this to my attention!

I don't even bother with these clowns anymore. Spam, Block, see ya. I would not think any more about it. It's just some nut job who thinks you're crazy for daring to charge more than he can afford. Or..some provider who thinks the same lol.

If any of you ladies ever get a stalker who can read, write, and spell, kindly send him my way. I always get the dumb ones!

Naomi knows her stuff when it comes to word press. She told me she could see exactly who visited her site and their email, even if they did not log in. I need to get one just for kicks!
The next best thing to unwanted emails is calltrap that lets you see who is calling or texting you when they use spoofing fake caller ID.
Modern technology is awesome.
I love learning as much as possible so I can be safe.
Naomi4u's Avatar

Naomi knows her stuff when it comes to word press. She told me she could see exactly who visited her site and their email, even if they did not log in. I need to get one just for kicks! Originally Posted by London Rayne
Exactly. How do you think I knew my stalkers from Houston were visiting my site? I watch them in real time everytime they visit, sit back and LOL. WASSUP is an awesome plugin! I would ban them and the site they're coming from but it's so much fun to watch them post about how much they hate me then stalk my website. Chalk full of WIN!

Anita, Thanks for that.
Ok, some advice coming FROM an IT person, one skilled in networking plus things I would rather not go into.

Blocking the IP is no fail safe. Hell I can change IP's faster than a porn star can get out of their clothes.

I can appear to be logging in from all over a city, state or the planet via proxies and what is commonly known as "Jump Boxes" ignoring them and blocking their email address is the best way.

If someone is bound and determined to find you on the net, they will.. there are too many ways to locate / cross reference things etc that makes it easy.

Now if you want to fix his red wagon, set up a forwarding rule so that it forwards the email to abuse@ (insert his isp name here) with a prefabbed message saying that this person is harassing you.

They might cancel his account.. if it is a Gmail or yahoo... might take a while.
Naomi4u's Avatar

Blocking the IP is no fail safe. Hell I can change IP's faster than a porn star can get out of their clothes. Originally Posted by Spirit13
But we are hoping our stalkers are not IT guys. LOL
However, what you suggested seems like the best way to go if all else fails!
Naomi4u's Avatar
Ok guys the whole point of WP-Ban here is to make them think that you moved on to something else. We all know it's not unusual for an escort to change her name or retire and move on to something else. That is why this has worked as well as it has. Once you ban their IP you can set it to say "Retired" or whatever you want it to say when they try to visit your site again. This has worked for many ladies and I am sure it will continue to work. There are other alternatives that I will not discuss here IF you're willing to take drastic measures lol.
I had the same or similar happening to me recently. I also have written back a few times before ignoring it. As long as it happens on my providers account its not a biggie for me, problem is when due to some incident someone finds out your almost private information.That is a biggie :-).

If any of you ladies ever get a stalker who can read, write, and spell, kindly send him my way. I always get the dumb ones!
Originally Posted by London Rayne
Mine works on Wall Street :-). Good enough? (lol)
I recently published my website and yesterday got a string of abusive emails from some guy. I blocked his email address then he wrote back with another.

I'm really not interested in the sad reasons a 'man' would do this - although after a couple of emails from him I did point out that he was a pathetic little coward with some serious inadequacies -

My question to the ladies is, does this happen a lot?

Also I really haven't advertised my site much and this guy was aware that my first site under 'Aphrodite Amanda' was mine, so that suggests to me he browses this site and saw that I changed my name and website.


Chloe xxx Originally Posted by Chloe Kensington
As others have said if your around long enough you will have at least one hater after you.

And it is rather sad however I agree with what others have said here which is ignore them and do not give any haters a platform to stand on. Making posts about them in public (save it for escort only sites if you must) will only feed the troll or trolls in my case. I found out my trolls were other ASP's who lied to a board owner as a group and had me banned before he could learn the real truth. For nearly two years I was lied about on that web site about everything possible. And amazing I never had one review to back up any of those lies. Actually in hind sight it brought a lot of business for me from people who had to find out for themselves the truth. When it did stop I did notice a cut in business. By then I already had regulars who might have been theirs if they hadn't made themselves so hatefully ego driven out of jealousy.

Now the software the owner used was not able to really determine where it was from, so anyone standing up for me or sort of sounded like me was attacked on line by these gals. Since I was banned on lies I never went back to try and post and Karma got to take of it for me. The board owner lost a lot of traffic to his site and the gals well went after someone else when they could not get a rise from me or those who saw me. And as my name does occasionally come up now and then I find it amazing they one have to lie in the past and two have nothing better to do with their own lives or biz.

Now since then I have come to forgive the board owner as he was lied to by some very shifty gals who don't even post on his board anymore or advertise there. If I had been him and heard four people say this and that I might have believe it too sad to say. I sometimes will read a post from there and see the venom is still alive from this owner but fact is he believed the wrong person. Had he really knew the truth things I am sure would have been a lot different. So as I got further away from the drama I could understand more and more.

Drama Queens (trolls by any gender) is sadly part of the biz. So by either Escort or Domination to body rubs there will always be a hater out there. Be sure your screening is tight so fake appointments are kept to a low volume. Make sure safety factors are in place in case it perhaps escalates to another level. Take a self defense class if you feel you could not handle a situation if it should come up. (something every gal in this biz should know in my humble opinion) And if it gets scary let another person know what is happening just in case. Stalkers generally are full of it like others have said but we all have read about how one might flip out and it could be someone who is dangerous. Those are the ones blacklist sites were made for and should be read by all for safety's sake.

In closing know we all will get a troll one time or another. It is hard to deal with if you let it get in your head and hurt your heart. That is the goal of the troll so don't feed it. I wish you the best and understand where your coming from as I am sure many who read this will too so hang in there. If they have nothing better to do for nearly a decade you must understand you must be a pretty special person for them to dedicate such time just for you!

Best of luck,
Some people can be hateful when they know the do not qualify for an appointment.

I recently published my website and yesterday got a string of abusive emails from some guy. I blocked his email address then he wrote back with another.

I'm really not interested in the sad reasons a 'man' would do this - although after a couple of emails from him I did point out that he was a pathetic little coward with some serious inadequacies -

My question to the ladies is, does this happen a lot?

Also I really haven't advertised my site much and this guy was aware that my first site under 'Aphrodite Amanda' was mine, so that suggests to me he browses this site and saw that I changed my name and website.


Chloe xxx Originally Posted by Chloe Kensington
London Rayne's Avatar
Mine works on Wall Street :-). Good enough? (lol) Originally Posted by ninasastri
One night with my crazy azz, and he will never stalk a provider again lol.
As others have said if your around long enough you will have at least one hater after you.

And it is rather sad however I agree with what others have said here which is ignore them and do not give any haters a platform to stand on. Making posts about them in public (save it for escort only sites if you must) will only feed the troll or trolls in my case. I found out my trolls were other ASP's who lied to a board owner as a group and had me banned before he could learn the real truth. For nearly two years I was lied about on that web site about everything possible. And amazing I never had one review to back up any of those lies. Actually in hind sight it brought a lot of business for me from people who had to find out for themselves the truth. When it did stop I did notice a cut in business. By then I already had regulars who might have been theirs if they hadn't made themselves so hatefully ego driven out of jealousy.

Now the software the owner used was not able to really determine where it was from, so anyone standing up for me or sort of sounded like me was attacked on line by these gals. Since I was banned on lies I never went back to try and post and Karma got to take of it for me. The board owner lost a lot of traffic to his site and the gals well went after someone else when they could not get a rise from me or those who saw me. And as my name does occasionally come up now and then I find it amazing they one have to lie in the past and two have nothing better to do with their own lives or biz.

Now since then I have come to forgive the board owner as he was lied to by some very shifty gals who don't even post on his board anymore or advertise there. If I had been him and heard four people say this and that I might have believe it too sad to say. I sometimes will read a post from there and see the venom is still alive from this owner but fact is he believed the wrong person. Had he really knew the truth things I am sure would have been a lot different. So as I got further away from the drama I could understand more and more.

Drama Queens (trolls by any gender) is sadly part of the biz. So by either Escort or Domination to body rubs there will always be a hater out there. Be sure your screening is tight so fake appointments are kept to a low volume. Make sure safety factors are in place in case it perhaps escalates to another level. Take a self defense class if you feel you could not handle a situation if it should come up. (something every gal in this biz should know in my humble opinion) And if it gets scary let another person know what is happening just in case. Stalkers generally are full of it like others have said but we all have read about how one might flip out and it could be someone who is dangerous. Those are the ones blacklist sites were made for and should be read by all for safety's sake.

In closing know we all will get a troll one time or another. It is hard to deal with if you let it get in your head and hurt your heart. That is the goal of the troll so don't feed it. I wish you the best and understand where your coming from as I am sure many who read this will too so hang in there. If they have nothing better to do for nearly a decade you must understand you must be a pretty special person for them to dedicate such time just for you!

Best of luck, Originally Posted by DominatrixRose
I agree with all you said, except for the fact that escorts need to lay low and let it happen. You can actually sue people for harrassment and married stalkers will not like that. I think just putting your tail between your legs encourages people to believe that they can get away with all kinds of insults. I got my stalker from another escort , who actually has known for years he is like that and did not bother doing something against it or protect her "friends" from him either. I don`t really care what people write to my escort adress, but once you get unsolicited mail to your private adress it is a different issue.
What i don`t understand in this sense is escorts handing out their private information to any guy that comes around. Its just like they actually need or search for that kind of attention or have no friends in real life, or eat off the fact that some people pretend to be high rolers and hope they will get something out of that. In my whole life as an escort there are only a handful of really trusted people who actually know my real name. Some even know only my second artist handle i use for my activist work.

and about agencies or other providers bashing someone officially on a board: It`s childish and immature and shows of insecurity of certain actors. It fades away too, i had it happen a long while ago ;-)
Just be careful not to let your curiosity get the better of you Chloe. It is, in my opinion, better to not read anything from them or allow them to enter into your thoughts because that gives them room to maneuver in your mind; don’t give them that option. Have a burial if you need to but don’t let them exist in your mind. That will impede your life even if you think it won’t. Believe me on this as I know from experience...

As for the one stalking/cyber-stalking me... yes, she is lonely however she was the cause of the problems when there should have not been any problems. She did not get the wrong idea by anything I said to her. Rather, it was I who got the wrong messages from her and I was deceived by what she said to me. Took me a while to discerned the truth and I was bit slow in doing so but I know the score now and have for years.

Thank you Chloe for your thoughts. Be safe and have fun out there.


Now to those who are not an IT person, I will point out that blocking an IP address is only a transitory thing. The reason for that being true is that most ISP’s provide you a DHCP based IP address which means it gets renewed within a specific timeframe, such on a one to three day basis if everything like your MAC address stays the same. Now here is the catch to that: IF someone knows how to do so, it is easy to get a different IP address from an ISP. I won’t post how you can do it, but you can do it and rather easily I will add. I agree that blocking an IP is far more efficient than blocking a bunch of different email addresses but keep in mind the key to blocking email addresses is not blocking the whole email like m, rather block the domain of origin such as which prevents any email address from that domain getting through. If you have a Yahoo or gmail account, this is a very simple task to accomplish. Also with both Yahoo and Gmail, you can filter those emails to a sub-folder and never bother with them ending up in your mail email inbox. That has the advantage of also keep in the trash out of your daily email viewing.

Just a thought... have fun. Originally Posted by PhantomofTheOpera

- And in one of them, it's really costing me good money and good times!

I have a great client, have had him since last year (maybe longer, I should check). We have such a great time together, on both sides it would be a great situation for an arrangement.

But he tried that before and she got crazy and started ringing his private number. Less said....
Do you know how many hobbyists use gmail and yahoo? She would be losing a LOT of business by doing what you suggested (no offense). I would not do that.

Chloe, Installing a plugin on wordpress is very easy.
Just go to "Plugins" in your wordpress dashboard and type in the names of the
plugin you would like to install. Install "Wassup" and "WP-BAN". I can go into more detail on how to actually configure the plugins via email. It's very easy to do. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Thank you Naomi, you're a star! And considering the night I've just had (good) will hope to get to this tomorrow. x