Bush was the bad president and Bush was dangerous.
Originally Posted by flghtr65
Your post is beyond ignorant.
The guy who was head of the department was fired. He testified before congress that this was a problem of business analysts could not process an unusual large amount of paper applications in an efficient manner.
"The guy who was the head of the Department? No, his name was Steven Miller, and he was the acting Commissioner of the IRS, never confirmed by the Senate as he should have been. The actual HEAD of the department was Lois Lerner, who was never fired, has yet to face any criminal charges, and who's emails magically disappeared.
The bullshit excuse about "unusual (sic) large amount of paper applications" has been proven false.
There has still been no one fired, or charged, regarding the inter-agency coordination to intimidate and harass political conservatives. I suppose you probably aren't even aware of those allegations, as informed as you are.
Your entire argument here is based on proven lies. Try again.
If you are ok with medicare part d, then you should not have a problem with the ACA, they are both trillion dollar expenses. The uninsured coal miners in Kentucky love their new health insurance. ( They think it is paid for by the state website instead of the ACA)
No, alot of conservatives WEREN'T happy with Medicare Part D. This is one of several reasons why Republicans got shellacked in 2004, 2006, and again in 2008. Conservative voters held conservative politicians responsible for the shit sandwich they shoved down America's throat. Your entire post is one long, nauseating example of how liberals will keep swallowing the shit Obama and Company shovel no matter HOW deep it gets.
The borders were already open. Bush said in a state of the union address "It is not practical to round up 10 million people and send them home".
You still aren't helping your argument here. This is yet another area where Bush showed himself to be a liberal light, and another of the reasons why Republicans took it on the chin, ultimately losing control of both houses of Congress.
Did you see the testimony before congress of the doctors from the CDC and NIH. They both said they are against the travel band. Those two doctors know more about infectious diseases then anyone on the planet.
Both Frieden and Collins are Obama appointees. Two more examples of Obama's utter inability to surround himself with the best and brightest. Just in case the morons he appointed to the CDC and NIH aren't enough, he turns around and appoints a political hack/operative to be the "Ebola Czar", demonstrating in no uncertain terms that Obama's ONLY priority is POLITICS.
Moody's restored it back to a AAA rating. This was the fault of Bush 2. He increased spending and lowered taxes at the same time. Also, Bush spent 2 trillion dollars looking for wmd's in Iraq that were already 25 years old and not functional.
Man I just love the way you morons spin, spin, and spin. We've been listening to "Bush lied and people died" for more than a decade. Now you dipshits turn on a dime with this ridiculous "Oh, well those WMD's we've been saying weren't there for the last 10 years are old, so they don't count"
Bush was right. If Bush were like your boy Obama, he'd have been taking victory laps and doing the end zone dance, like Obama did with Seal Team 6. Fortunately, he has a little more class than your boy.
I guess you just ignore the mountain of data that shows that tax revenues INCREASED as a direct result of Bush's tax cuts. Facts are just so damned inconvenient for you idiots. What is the phrase I'm looking for here? Oh yes, they are an 'inconvenient truth' aren't they?
Bush put the USA into the steepest recession since 1929. Republicans did not believe in regulations for wall street. Wall street was allowed to trade high risk products and lost all of their money doing so. See Lehman Brothers and AIG for examples. Why not help the middle class?
Yup, yup. Its Bush's fault alright. The CRA just updated itself all on its own. Lowering bank reserves requirements, allowing sub-prime mortgages to be bundled, whitewashing the fraud at Freddie and Fannie - all that stuff happened all on its own right? No Democrat involvement at all! No Sir! Just don't take a peek at which politicians Freddie and Fannie (you know, the GOVERNMENT agencies) were pouring political contributions to.
The stimulus program did not fail. It allowed the economy to stablelize and gain traction. Republicans in congress like Michelle Bachman borrowed millions for their districts.
Yes, actually it failed. Massively. Numerous reports have shown that disbursement of stimulus funds was rife with cronyism, fraud, and abuse, funds did not go to supposed 'shovel ready' projects, and ultimately had no impact on stabilizing the economy, reducing unemployment, or saving jobs. Once again, those annoying little things called facts just keep getting in your way.