Provider carring a gun?

JRLawrence's Avatar
Just because you carry a gun doesn't make you paranoid. Originally Posted by Dkayz

I don't carry a gun often, but when I do I prefer a Smith and Wesson!

JRLawrence's Avatar
I just came across a post wherein a provider here in the Kansas City area claims to be carrying a firearm whenever she can, I assumed that meant during appointments, And further states that she would have no problem using it.

This could be just paranoid ramblings but in my opinion warranted a heads up

I'm new here and unsure about whether or not put her name out Originally Posted by Notjodaddy

If you are not comfortable with carrying a gun, don't. But, your safety is, in the end, up to you; there are just not enough police around to insure your personal safety even if there was one on every corner - that is a fact.

For us that have been trained to use a weapon, and at times carry, does not mean that we are paranoid. Anyone who thinks this is paranoid is not realistic. We are in charge of our own safety and that does not mean we intend to shoot anyone that gets in our way - that is just unrealistic.

I will tell you that when I have had to point a gun at an intruder I was very polite with my voice. I just had the gun pointed at him with a two hand military stance, as I was trained to do.

Being polite, but firm, tells everyone that the one with the gun controls of both himself and the situation. No cursing, no yelling. Just firm and determined and in control will tell the intruder to follow your commands. You do not want him to be frightened to the point of freaking out; you want him to know he must follow your directions when the only other option is to die.

There is a lot less paperwork with LE when you did not have to shoot because he realized he was not the one with the authority.

If you do have to shoot, it is not like the movies - it is over in seconds.

Notjodaddy's Avatar
Being new here I thought that I could express what I saw as a legitimate concern locally on a post in the national forum for those that may not have otherwise seen it.
Yet, you say . . .

Originally Posted by dumars
I meant that I have never felt the need to go for it, felt threatened or attacked. I have put my time in at the range, tyvm.
zeejoe's Avatar

Carrying one only makes me a target Originally Posted by dumars
How? We are talking about concealed, right?
II you're a loyal son of Brownback and you want to cook hamburgers on your porch in Tonganoxie in your underwear with an AR-15 on your back, fine, but if you're sloppy and reckless enough that anybody has a clue you're carrying, then, yeah, wear it proud.

dumars's Avatar
I meant that I have never felt the need to go for it, felt threatened or attacked. I have put my time in at the range, tyvm. Originally Posted by Ginger Snap
Heard the story of the guy climbing into his pick up and shot and killed his son who was getting into the passenger side? And, they had just finished shooting at the range. That is a no shit true story!!!

"Time in at the range" don't mean squat 'cept you might be able to hit a paper silhouette or circle target at X distance! Doesn't make you any more warm and fuzzy to be around. I taught my ex to shoot too and she can hit the target but I wouldn't trust her with a loaded gun in her hand. Cops spend lots of time "at the range" too. How many stories have we all read about them blasting away 'cause they "felt threatened"?

When I walk into Centerpoint I have my weapon holstered, no magazine and the slide locked to the rear and very plainly visible to any who look! That little bit of care and feeding makes others a little more warm and fuzzy being around me.

Yes, I am a total ass hole when it comes to guns and coffee! Sue me! You should've seen me chewing a cop's ass 20+ years ago after he shot and wounded my son's dog.
dumars's Avatar
How? We are talking about concealed, right?
II you're a loyal son of Brownback and you want to cook hamburgers on your porch in Tonganoxie in your underwear with an AR-15 on your back, fine, but if you're sloppy and reckless enough that anybody has a clue you're carrying, then, yeah, wear it proud.
Originally Posted by zeejoe
You are assuming that since it's "concealed" it can't be seen? Right?

One of my favorite one liners . . . "Assumption, the mother of all fuck ups!" That's a fact Jack!
to Notjodaddy:

I believe you when you say were serious about it being a concern, but you opened a can of worms. You cannot bring up this topic anywhere without starting this "dialogue". You have some very strong opinions about this issues on both sides.

Never discuss politics or religion in polite company.
JRLawrence's Avatar
Being new here I thought that I could express what I saw as a legitimate concern locally on a post in the national forum for those that may not have otherwise seen it. Originally Posted by Notjodaddy

The problem is your inability to get your facts right. The term "legitimate concern locally" is in fact incorrect because the concern is not legitimate. It is propaganda because it uses a loaded message to produce an emotional rather than a rational response to your comments.

We should all concerned with our own safety simply because no one else is. Too often, it is the women who are seen by some as defenseless.

I taught all of my daughters, stepdaughters, and granddaughters to defend themselves by any means possible. Teaching them how to use a gun and a knife were only a part of the lesson plan.

Most of the ladies here are well respected women; just look at their reviews. However, if you fail to do your homework and ask to meet a nut case; that is your problem.

As for me, I don't care if a lady is armed - or not: but how would I know the difference if she doesn't tell me? Most will never let you know, unless you are the one who is causing a problem.

The three cases where a lady has told me she was armed were all because she wanted some additional instructions.

For the ladies: there are special all girls nights at some of the firing ranges here in KC. I believe that "The Bullet Hole" has an event for the ladies on Wednesday nights. Check with them because all of my girls have been trough their training years ago.


pyramider's Avatar
I just came across a post wherein a provider here in the Kansas City area claims to be carrying a firearm whenever she can, I assumed that meant during appointments, And further states that she would have no problem using it.

This could be just paranoid ramblings but in my opinion warranted a heads up Originally Posted by Notjodaddy

Sweet baby tebow, most providers have several weapons hidden around their incalls. Pepper spray, tazers, knives, golf clubs, bats, etc. Are you going to be wary of them, too?
dumars's Avatar
I believe that "The Bullet Hole" has an event for the ladies on Wednesday nights. Originally Posted by JRLawrence
I think they do too. I think they rent out sub machine guns!! I think it was there I linked up with my son a few years ago for his birthday. We blew away $200+ in ammo in less than an hour!

We had a choice between a Thompson and MP5. Chose the MP5. One check on the bucket list.

zeejoe's Avatar
You are assuming that since it's "concealed" it can't be seen? Right?

One of my favorite one liners . . . "Assumption, the mother of all fuck ups!" That's a fact Jack!
Originally Posted by dumars
I didn't assume shit.
You said carrying made you a target. HOW? You run across a lot of psychic gangsters in your lifestyle, or do you not own a good IWB holster?
Danson&Highsmith's Avatar
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Sigh, D&H you should know better.

More like this:

And BTW, the shop "She's a Pistol" runs women's only classes including a deep concealment class.
CaptainKaos's Avatar
Screen your clients and screen your playmates and the gun issue goes away.