should I give all this info?

newyorkboy's Avatar
You want a sure thing? Buy a dog and a jar of peanut butter fer chrissakes. You plays yer cards and you takes yer chances. Period
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
I believe it depends on which provider is asking for the info. Some can be trusted and if you do or screening on a provider you can find out pretty easily who can and who can't be.
I have in the past asked for Facebook but only when I have checked everything else out on the guy and came up empty handed, I first tell them I can't see them because i can't find anything on them to verify they are real and only ask if they persist on wanting to meet.
I'm not going to see anyone that I can not verify that who they say they are is really who they are.
I have seen 100's of guys and gotten all their real world info from them and not one of them has ever suffered any consequences for supplying it to me. I take your safety even more seriously then i take my own. I have even given my real world info to gentlemen so that they could feel comfortable meeting with me. It goes both ways..
So like I said, it depends on the provider.