MAGA Republican Senate candidates should have to explain themselves

Would I vote for Fetterman? ... No. I don't support
his bad policy ideas. ... Dr. OZ is the better choice.

But have some debates - so the people of PA can decide.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
But the polls.

The people of PA will get to decide in just a few short months. Debates are not really necessary these days. We still like them but rarely are they more than a show. Even more rarely do they actual inform of peoples positions on things.

Who really gets anything from watching people talk over and interrupt one another. Further most people in debates tend to just lie and say what they think will make a good sound bite. It’s as fact free as ECCIE’s political forum.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I also think it would behoove the Republican party to develop a true platform in 2024, rather than "recycling" as they did in 2020. MAGA is not a platform, it's a slogan that doesn't really say anything. Personally, I find it offensive, as might other swing voters, since I don't recall when America was not great. Originally Posted by reddog1951

Moochelle Obama can help you with that! It was the time since the founding of the country until Barrack was President.

It's funny to hear anybody say that Republicans "need an agenda" with run away inflation, a failed energy policy, a run away crime problem that Democrats will never come to terms with because it would mean incarcerating more minorities that commit most of the violent crime in this country.

The Republican "agenda" could be "Republicans will stop the Democrat agenda" which about 75% of Americans agree that the Democrat "agenda" is heading America in the wrong direction.

So here is the Republican platform for 2022 and 2024! Get back to being energy independent. Stop the increase in crime by keeping violent offenders in jail and stop the indoctrination of school children and get back to teaching math and science so we can compete in the world.
HedonistForever's Avatar
... Crikey! ... You might be in luck there, mate.

Over here in PA - the fellow pushing for the Senate
by the name of Dr. OZ has agreed to do a number of
debates - so voters can see and hear HIS opinions.

However, to this point - his opponent, a fellow named
Fetterman won't do any debates. ...

And I surely 'appen to believe that Democrat candidates
for the Senate should have to explain themselves.

Perhaps YOU can somehow persuade Mr. Fetterman
to do some debates and what-not. ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

And for God's sake, somebody buy the man a suit.
"Moochelle Obama can help you with that! It was the time since the founding of the country until Barrack was President."

Republicans weren't running against Obama when they decided to merely recycle their platform, were they. Response is very telling though.

Potential platform items were mentioned though, and cudos for that. Let's see if any are specifically adopted with concrete plans for implementation, so that we all know what we're voting opposed to a ephemeral slogan.
The republicans actually have a platform. I thought in 2020 the platform was “whatever Trump says”.
Would I vote for Fetterman? ... No. I don't support
his bad policy ideas. ... Dr. OZ is the better choice.

But have some debates - so the people of PA can decide.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

Biden went to Scranton for a campaign rally and no one running for national office even showed up.
But the polls.

The people of PA will get to decide in just a few short months. Debates are not really necessary these days. We still like them but rarely are they more than a show. Even more rarely do they actual inform of peoples positions on things.

Who really gets anything from watching people talk over and interrupt one another. Further most people in debates tend to just lie and say what they think will make a good sound bite. It’s as fact free as ECCIE’s political forum. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
... Nope... The debates ARE necessary.

The news agencys wouldn't have scheduled them
if they weren't important events for candidates
to answer questions.

Are you afraid that Fetterman is not up to the task?

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Biden went to Scranton for a campaign rally and no one running for national office even showed up. Originally Posted by LayingPipe
There are currently no candidates for national office.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... Nope... The debates ARE necessary.

The news agencys wouldn't have scheduled them
if they weren't important events for candidates
to answer questions.

Are you afraid that Fetterman is not up to the task?

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Is there a smidgen of a chance you will vote for him based on a debate?

If so, then I suggest you brief yourself on Fetterman's credentials and position papers.

If not, then why do you care?

... I suggest Fetterman and OZ have so e debates.

"Candidates should have to explain themselves"....

#### Salty
chefnerd's Avatar
There probably is a certain percentage of people who may decide based upon a debate. These are people who most likely actually THINK FOR THEMSELVES unlike a large number of folks who just GO ALONG or are perhaps persuaded by the totally lying ads put out by Political Action Groups.
There are currently no candidates for national office. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Pennsylvania has 1 Senate and 18 House national races are on the ballot in Nov No one wanted to be seen with a failed President

President Trump will hold a rally today in PA Let's compare numbers tomorrow
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You mean Federal races. Dude there is only one office elected “nationally.”

Hopefully there will only be whining and no calls for violence when Twitler hits the stage.

Nothing would surprise me.
... Surely seem that the lot o' you liberal lads DO
want Fetterman TO RUN -


... - AWAY from any debates! .... How sad. ...

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He’s going to win without them. Yep