still no evidence for Biden crime family accusations

VitaMan's Avatar
Evidence, please.

Evidence is worth its weight in gold.
Accusations are worth the paper they are written on.
Precious_b's Avatar
... The Oversight Committee got banking records, mate.
"Red-Flag" reports from the banks on "suspicious activity"
and what-not... "Money laundering" suspicions which
surely might be criminal activity.

Maybe even things that have yet to reveal to the media.

... Just wait!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

Oh. We waited. And waited. And waited.

*FINALLY* the evidence came out.

But salty, you weren't your usual busting-at-the-seams waiting to spring that of so long awaited evidence.

Let me help you there. Old Alex Smirnov deliberately lied about joey and y'all ate it up. Hook. Line. Sinker. Y'all Stinkers.

You said it. A paper trail (or any evidence of wrongdoing is hard to find, because it’s just not there.

This retribution bullshit has cost the country another three years.

Fortunately much has been accomplished in those three years despite the behavior of the MAGA clowns in Congress. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
The paper trail was from a paid snitch who only had to give the absolute truth when turning over raw data to his handlers. Turns out he was fabricating what he submitted. And those righty right mouthbreathers ate it up. Never did they vet the info.

Evidence, please.

Evidence is worth its weight in gold.
Accusations are worth the paper they are written on. Originally Posted by VitaMan

Oh. The evidence came out. Why don't you ask NaCl-y why he ain't beaming with the truth finally coming out.
... So the FBI's OWN Informant LIED??
And he was already known to them as a "trusted informant"... Tsk, tsk...

So did the fellow actually lie - or recant his story.
And since THIS story has been deemed "a lie" - then how can the
fellow's other claims be trusted??

.... But on the Hunter and Joe issue - others have also testified
- and we haven't heard that they are lying...

#### Salty
eccieuser9500's Avatar
... So the FBI's OWN Informant LIED??
And he was already known to them as a "trusted informant"... Tsk, tsk...

So did the fellow actually lie - or recant his story.
And since THIS story has been deemed "a lie" - then how can the
fellow's other claims be trusted??

.... But on the Hunter and Joe issue - others have also testified
- and we haven't heard that they are lying...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

Just wait.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Just wait.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

if you say so
VitaMan's Avatar
Evidence, please
Precious_b's Avatar
Oh VM, the evidence came appeared.

And it has been presented in glorious fashion with deposition papers for Smirnov coming trial.

Tsk tsk. Old salty is failing miserably in trying to hide it. Never documented evidence with that one. Just hearsay, misdirection and chest beating. Guess that's the Kanga way.
... Hmmm.... "still no evidence for Biden crime family accusations"..

... Let's see...

... "We" have Joe Biden's LIES... Evidence of Joe meeting with
Hunter's business partners... And Evidence (payments) to Biden
Family Members from China. ... The Chinese Energy Company.
The company that the Prosecutour was investigating when Joe
got the fellow FIRED.

... See? ... EVIDENCE. ... And it will be evidence in a Court of Law.

#### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
Guess it has to be repeated:

Evidence, please
Guess it has to be repeated:

Evidence, please Originally Posted by VitaMan
Biden could confess and plead guilty and you would still claim no evidence.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Biden could confess and plead guilty and you would still claim no evidence. Originally Posted by farmstud60
But he won’t. Why?

Because there is NO EVIDENCE.

Next thing you’ll try to get us to believe is that someone tampered with the 2020 election.

VitaMan's Avatar
Biden could confess and plead guilty and you would still claim no evidence. Originally Posted by farmstud60

Waiting for your evidence.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
... Hmmm.... "still no evidence for Biden crime family accusations"..

... Let's see...

... "We" have Joe Biden's LIES... Evidence of Joe meeting with
Hunter's business partners... And Evidence (payments) to Biden
Family Members from China. ... The Chinese Energy Company.
The company that the Prosecutour was investigating when Joe
got the fellow FIRED.

... See? ... EVIDENCE. ... And it will be evidence in a Court of Law.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Yet nothing that ties any of those to Joe Biden committing any crimes. If any of your claims are true, why hasn't the House committee looking into Joe's impeachment come up with anything after many months of looking into it? Since you seem to have all the answers, maybe you should volunteer to supply to supply the committee with such information.

"Just wait!"
Evidence!!! What Evidence??? Did they take it home for the gop mega vacation???it's so so soooo important to impeach asap!!!

Why do mega nuts still believe lies are Evidence??? Lies are not Evidence Unless the lies are used to convict the orange clown. Everybody knows that
Precious_b's Avatar
... Hmmm.... "still no evidence for Biden crime family accusations"..
... Originally Posted by Salty Again
Ain't a sealed indictment against Alex Smirnov.

Documented proof there. Do a search for the evidence submitted to the court.

I know it must be difficult that it ain't hearsay that you can find on tiktok or some other foreign propaganda site. But you'll find that they don't accept that stuff as evidence to convict people.

To be clear, court of public opinion is not the one being referenced by serious people.