Holding Escorts Responsible...

This situation does raise an interesting moral question. Forget the drugs aspect of the story. I suspect many of us hobbyists are getting upwards in age where general health issues could unexpectedly arise during an interlude with a provider. Given the nature of the hobby, I wonder how many providers would do the same thing, run fast and run away? Versus those that at a minimum would call 911 make sure help was coming. Originally Posted by BBQDude71
Oh hell no I wouldn't bail on a guy. I wouldn't hesitate to call 911, and if necessary do CPR til they get there. No one is dying on my watch if I can help it.

The utter disregard she had for him is simply disgusting. Sadly, this isn't the first time a hooker was more worried about covering her ass than she was about saving someone, and it won't be the last time.
nothing wrong with the link, its in many areas of the board. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Hey... How did I end up in Kansas???
Dahlia.....oh boy you are in so much trouble......spanky spank! Originally Posted by BigDeal
Ha Ha, Ohh trust me I did indeed get a few licks with the paddle lol. I thought by substituting a few letters with an * would be sufficient, but it was not. Sorry Mods and Everyone.

Though with me and spankings, it's kind of like the quote from Brer Rabbit, "Whatever You Do, Please Don't Throw Me In The Briar Patch" LOL.
I Love 'Em!

Here is an old thread. I tried to find another one that talked about a member here who was left by another girl that did something similar during his heart attack. This happened in the KC Metro area. I couldn't find that link though. Can anyone else find that thread?

- (1) I wonder if a provider could be charged if she left a person to die that was having a heart attack, stroke or something of more natural causes?

- (2) Would she also be charged with manslaughter, or something else since she didn't actually cause his death like in this article from today?
When I read this, I couldn't help but think of a spy thriller in which the seductress kills her prey, steals the secret codes, and walks out with the wine glass to rejoin the party.
Enchanterlingum's Avatar
This situation does raise an interesting moral question. Forget the drugs aspect of the story. I suspect many of us hobbyists are getting upwards in age where general health issues could unexpectedly arise during an interlude with a provider. Given the nature of the hobby, I wonder how many providers would do the same thing, run fast and run away? Versus those that at a minimum would call 911 make sure help was coming. Originally Posted by BBQDude71
I've said it before:

If it's my place, call the cops, put my phone in my hand, and get the hell out of there. Please leave the door open on the way out.

If it's your place, use your best judgement.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Hey... How did I end up in Kansas??? Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
so that Upset NY twister dumped you in the K's. Take the yellow brick road home.
I've said it before:

If it's my place, call the cops, put my phone in my hand, and get the hell out of there. Please leave the door open on the way out.

If it's your place, use your best judgement. Originally Posted by Enchanterlingum
will the security cam be off?
Hey... How did I end up in Kansas??? Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
Just lucky, I guess. Welcome!
zeejoe's Avatar
She sure didn't look like a $1000/night hooker in those pictures in the story, did she? I guess to some of these Silicon Valley execs, $1000 is no big deal. Originally Posted by Wizard of Ahhhhs

Boat sex is more $$$$.


Also, anybody remember The Adventures of Ford Fairlane where the guy's boat was named "Mighty Penis" ?
Swear to god, first thing i thought of when i saw the story on CNN.

This was murder, plain and simple. She gave the guy a hot shot and killed him. The article says that the cops think she's done it before.
This was murder, plain and simple. She gave the guy a hot shot and killed him. The article says that the cops think she's done it before. Originally Posted by Kshunter
Woah, Woah, Woah... Waaait!

We do NOT actually know that to be fact. You would be surprised at how many people who use h***** that have other people s**** them up. For as fucked up as a d*** it is, you'd be surprised of the intimacy these people share while using this d***.
It's freaking insane!

Only her and God know if this was intentional, or her just trying to show her client a new kind of pleasure. We have no way of knowing at this point whether she meant to just get him h***, or if she intentionally meant to give him a hot do** to kill him.

They said they suspected this of her in the past, but even with that we still do NOT know if she was just trying to let them experience a new kind of pleasure, OR if she intentionally meant to kill all of those men/clients like some Black Widow serial killer.

What we do know is that she did NOT do anything to try to help save his life. She was the one that caused the overd***, and did NOT call anyone OR do anything to try to save his life. She just grabbed her stuff, and left like she was leaving a little sidewalk cafe. (stand up, take last sip of wine and walk away casually). That is so freaking eery to even picture in my mind. Like something out of a movie.

Now this really poses a HUGE dilemma...

I believe that as humans we have been given the gift of FREE WILL. With that I question whether anyone is really actually responsible for anyone else.

Should a person be forced to be a good person being forced to call 911/someone for help, OR else face criminal charges?
pyramider's Avatar
What is her contact info?
What is her contact info? Originally Posted by pyramider
ElumEno's Avatar
Originally Posted by Urban Dahlia
What is her contact info? Originally Posted by pyramider
Enchanterlingum's Avatar
will the security cam be off? Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Just take it with ya.