Johnny4455's Avatar
I'm not a newbie. I saw you once. I do think your post was negative.. Suggesting us kc guys are behind the rest of the country. You can charge whatever you'd like and we can pay what we choose, or choose not to see someone. I've been hobbying for many years, across the country and have never seen a newbie rate. The most professional ladies generally refuse to see newbies. Safety reasons. Like another said, 40 is your price to take that risk?
Still Looking's Avatar
Nope! This is not a debate. There are some plain old facts that can not be disputed. Ember, Honey you have established yourself as a negative person in your previous posts. You may be beautiful, but dear - you have an attitude.

Says who? You? Why don't you back that up by siting examples? Or are you just pulling that out of your ass? I did take a little time to go back and read several of your posts. Several pages! Seems like more often than not you like to talk DOWN to board members. This being no exception.

A good attitude is everything; sorry, but I have not found a good attitude showing from any of your posts. At some time in our lives, all of the experienced guys have walked away from beautiful women with an attitude; they are not worth the time, effort, money spent or emotional degradation to get close to a negative attitude.

Something tells me the ladies feel the same way about the guys. Would that be WHY you have not one single fucking review on a information EXCHANGE hooker board? Even if you scraped together the $250 to get life time PA access don't "you" have a duty to the brotherhood to contribute? Or is that just below you?

A visit with a lady is suppose to be a pleasant event that gives us pleasure. I am very happy that I found this site to check on the ladies that I would like to spend some time with in the future. I do my homework, just like in all other areas of my life.

So you use information you get here and offer jack shit. Well cut my legs off and call me shorty. What if we all acted like you? Wouldn't be much of a site would it?

I like intelligent women, who can add something to my life. Everyone likes sex: but more than half the world population is women. So, you have a lot of competition. I need women in my life, but I can be selective.

I always love it when someone points out the obvious!

Keep it up girl, you will soon need to change your handle or move on to another town to find any business (or to keep from starving) now that we in Kansas City have learned about your attitude.

OMG!? You're kidding right? Didn't take the time to read Embers reviews? Wait a minute... NO PA? The only one berating this young lady is you! "WE" who is this "WE" you are talking about. Wait a minute... is this a game? Are you trying to set some record for seeing how many ladies DNS (Do Not See) lists you can get on?

In a few years your beauty will be gone, and there will be no business at all. Perhaps you can find a job as a waitress, but the work may be too hard for you.

And it just doesn't stop... many providers stay in the game for years. There are tons of hobbyists out there that compare our vintage providers to fine wine! I wouldn't screw with these guys or these ladies. Doubtfully they will even take the time time to point how ridiculous you are being. Many of the vintage ladies have over the years built up a great "regular" base of clients. A lot of them don't even advertise. Is there some other agenda here because I find it hard to believe you have been around as long as you have and that your so clueless.

Just because some of us do not give reviews unless requested, doesn't mean we are not experienced.

Well I have a 14" dick and I can fuck as long as I want. Most ladies don't want me to pay them. Oh and I'm funny as well. Guess I'm what ever I say I am if I don't have to back it up or prove it!

JR Originally Posted by JRLawrence
Before you start off on your WHITE KNIGHT BULL SHIT... I have never met Ember Simmers. Pay an extra $40 to see her... shit I'd do that and kiss her daddy's ass and do a two month tour as her Cabana boy. Sir I think you have embarrassed yourself enough. Perhaps I can constructively recommend you stop singling out beautiful young ladies on this board and giving them shit and go back to the ML and talk about the good old days when you got to cup a tit on a first date. Ahhhh those were the good old days... YES?
Still Looking's Avatar
I have seen some girls charge less for a newbie, go figure that one. First appointment is 150, next one is 200. lol. I'm like I'll see ya once, but not again. Originally Posted by royamcr
Check this one out... would you like a half hour or an hour? LOL
Enchanterlingum's Avatar

Oh well, moving on.

(see boys, it's really just that simple)
green_betta's Avatar
lol, after having lived out in the west and east part of the county and then coming back "home" to the Midwest, i'd have to agree that we are slower than the rest to adopt new trends. but hey, that's just who we are! anyhow, moving on...
bluegrana's Avatar
If this is not a debate then maybe it should have been posted in Provider Ads and not in Coed Discussions
Ember Simmers's Avatar
If this is not a debate then maybe it should have been posted in Provider Ads and not in Coed Discussions Originally Posted by bluegrana
Well, it's not really an Ad. I've already posted ads for my time here. Seems as those people are confused to my regulations for newbies. So I thought I would explain myself. However, my rules are my rules and there shouldn't be a debate on it, if you don't like it- then move on... Just because people don't agree doesn't mean they have to go and write such negative comments towards it.
There's no section here for INFORMATION. Which was all my post was. If there was a section for straight updates on info, then I would have posted it there. And if there is one, MODS please move it there, because I wasn't aware.

Obviously everyone is entitled to their own opinions.
But seems like people want to tell me how it's OUTRAGEOUS to do this, but I've been dealing with mean and negative comments since I started in this business on this board (prime example on this thread) ... And all the bullying hasn't made me change any of my ways.

I continue to provide the same quality service and I seem to be liked just fine.
I'm dependable. And nice to my clients. provide the best service to my ability.

Now as far as "negative" to Midwest Kansas City dudes..... Sorry it came off that way, but seriously, I travel the country..... I'm just saying that because YALL haven't heard of it, doesn't mean it's not normal...
Kansas City has always openly been one of my favorite cities because of very nice people and clients and I've always had a great time here.... That doesn't change the fact that y'all are behind in the hobby world.

That being said,
It's not a big issue.
I'm fairly positive everyone posting on this thread has nothing to with this information because YALL ARENT NEWBIES!!
So get your panties out of a wad and schedule with me and have a good time
bluegrana's Avatar
I did not say this was an ad. I meant put this info in one of your ads just like when providers list their rates and rules on their ads. That way you can avoid a debate and still inform every one about your rule
Ember Simmers's Avatar
I did not say this was an ad. I meant put this info in one of your ads just like when providers list their rates and rules on their ads. That way you can avoid a debate and still inform every one about your rule Originally Posted by bluegrana
Got cha. I literally JUST started it... A few days ago after I had already posted my ad.
So I can't edit ads after like, an hour after them being posted.
And I get in TROUBLE if I post another ad... Sooooo I posted it here..

Can't please everyone
GiveMeLibertyOrGiveMeHead's Avatar
I know I already gave my two cents, but here is two more because I'm bored.

I was lucky enough to have had access to a pretty elite group of providers, (in a previous life) and every one was absolutely gorgeous. They did cost a small fortune and I probably spent way more than I should have, but it's just money right? I have never seen Ember because I always seem to just miss her in whatever city I was in at the time or it did not fit with my schedule, but from her pictures I can say that she would have fit in with those insanely expensive high class providers. The fact that she charges half the price of some of the providers that I would not fuck even with beer goggles on and for free, (Not being mean...just realistic) makes her one of the best values around and just look at those pictures!!!

The only downfall, (and I assume it's the reason her donation is so reasonable) is that she is not GFE. That could be a good thing though because the cover will give me at least a few minutes before I can't take it anymore and explode.

As far as KC being behind the curve, I absolutely agree with that comment. It is not a bad thing though and I do not think she was trying to be a bitch about it, (at least it did not come across like that to me). The whole point about this post was not to ask us about her fee by the way. I think some of us got confused about that. She is telling us about her fee, like it or not, but there is no point in complaining about it since it won't change anything.
Modda's Avatar
  • Modda
  • 03-06-2014, 05:03 AM
There's no section here for INFORMATION. Which was all my post was. If there was a section for straight updates on info, then I would have posted it there. Originally Posted by Ember Simmers
There are two places to post such info, not just one. Post it in your showcase biography area, you can also include this in your signature (you cannot put the amount though). By doing one of the above or both you are going to achieve two things..

1. Your prospective clients will know before contacting you rather than after contact.
2. You can avoid debate or negative comments like in this thread (per you).

Moreover you don't have to start threads like this in all the cities that you travel.

'Biography' & 'signature' are the information areas about you, please utilize them appropriately per guidelines.
Modda's Avatar
  • Modda
  • 03-06-2014, 05:11 AM
So I can't edit ads after like, an hour after them being posted.
And I get in TROUBLE if I post another ad... Originally Posted by Ember Simmers
You can always contact the local mods if you wish to update, modify or change. The local mods are there to help members. Please 'CC' all the local mods in the PM, in that way if one is busy then other(s) can pick it up.
Still Looking's Avatar
RE: ADS or ThreADS in COED....

Originally Posted by St.Christopher
Hey gang, on occasion I've seen staff take action on what is referred to as a "threAD" as though there was actually some sort of rule on this site disallowing it.

Well, there's not....and that's not an oversight.

ECCIE is ThreAD friendly: What this means is that no staff is to take action against any post or thread that someone considers to be a threAD. Don't move it. Don't point or suspend the poster. Don't warn the member in any way...PM or in a post. If someone RTMs a post referring to it as a threAD, simply let them know that we do not take action on those types of posts and if they want to let the OP know in a respectful way, go ahead.....but again, I do not want any warnings coming from staff unless instructed to do so.

With that said, if the members want to express their distaste on a thread that they feel is blatant advertising, let them...within reason. Just don't let it get out of hand, meaning insults or other violations of forum guidelines.

Thanks for your cooperation,

St. C

$40 more for a NEWBIE to be able to see a young lady like this?

Still Looking's Avatar
Snooky.... this one doesn't charge any extra for newbies.

So regional marketplace variances exist in hobby land, no surprise is it?

The good news is, with very little time-investment/research, a newbie can find local newbie-friendly providers here who do not have a 1-time adder for a "newbie fee"...who are well reviewed, wonderful to spend time with and do NOT have 3-rolls of excess hanging on their fenceposts. I don't claim to know all of them, I know a few of them. PM me if anyone wants details.

The independent ladies are running their own small businesses; they make business decisions every day that impact their results, just like the rest of us do. They decide how to present their product, pricing, promotion, place (location), policies, services call out a few.

Clients get to decide who to support; if we don't like elements of the ladies business model, don't support it. Ladies I've enjoyed seeing who've changed elements of their business model I didn't like....I chose to no longer support/never returned.

Miss Ember appears to be doing very well, good for her; she know's what works for her; don't like it, don't support it.