Isn't it time for you to start another Dipshit of the Year poll and nominate yourself to be a leading contender?Now there is a "well informed" substantive contribution to the discussion.Originally Posted by bigtex
Not over your hangover yet?
Now there is a "well informed" substantive contribution to the discussion.Apparently LexiLiar is feeling left out of the fun and games.
Not over your hangover yet? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Gadfly, you have your presidents confused. Clinton used the smoked but did not inhale excuse.
The grandfather rules are as much a part of the ACA law as the range of income for which one can receive a subsidy. The I/T department of each insurance company decided to create the cancellation letters instead of complying with the grandfather rules to allow old the policies to be continued.
It's all here. Even your buddy JD, said it's projections with REAL numbers. Let's see how they play out. The CBO projected 8 million insured in private plans on the exchanges for 2014. The website was down for 2 months, so that projection will not be realized. The real test is will 25 million more people be insured after 2019?
Here is an accounting of the number of people who will be left uninsured. Some people will be eligible for Medicaid, but will not sign up for it. Some people will choose to not get health insurance and pay the tax, plus the 8 million illegal aliens. From the link below.
The ACA has two primary mechanisms for increasing insurance coverage: expanding Medicaid eligibility to include individuals within 138% of the federal poverty level,[43] and creating state-based insurance exchanges where individuals and small business can buy health insurance plans—those individuals with incomes between 100% and 400% of the federal poverty level will be eligible for subsidies to do so.[38][30] The CBO originally estimated that the legislation will reduce the number of uninsured residents by 32 million, leaving 23 million uninsured residents in 2019 after the bill's provisions have all taken effect.[121][122][123] With the elderly covered by Medicare, the CBO estimate projected that the law would raise the proportion of insured non-elderly citizens from 83% to 94%.[121] A July 2012 CBO estimate raised the expected number of uninsured by 3 million, reflecting the successful legal challenge to the ACA's expansion of Medicaid.[124][125]
Among the people who will remain uninsured:
ACA drafters believed that increasing insurance coverage would not only improve quality of life but also help reduce medical bankruptcies (currently the leading cause of bankruptcy in America[128]) and job lock.[129] In addition, many believed that expanding coverage would help ensure that the cost controls successfully function; healthcare providers could more easily adapt to payment system reforms that incentivize value over quantity if their costs were partially offset—for example, hospitals having to do less charity care or insurers having larger and more stable risk pools to distribute costs over.[130] Originally Posted by flghtr65
- Illegal immigrants, estimated at around 8 million—or roughly a third of the 23 million projection—will be ineligible for insurance subsidies and Medicaid.[121][126] They will also be exempt from the health insurance mandate but will remain eligible for emergency services under provisions in the 1986 Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA).
- Citizens not enrolled in Medicaid despite being eligible.[127]
- Citizens not otherwise covered and opting to pay the annual penalty instead of purchasing insurance, mostly younger and single Americans.[127]
- Citizens whose insurance coverage would cost more than 8% of household income and are exempt from paying the annual penalty.[127]
- Citizens who live in states that opt out of the Medicaid expansion and who qualify for neither existing Medicaid coverage nor subsidized coverage through the states' new insurance exchanges.[125]
I suppose you could also start a Dipshit of the Year poll and nominate yourself as a leading contender.
You and Hanoi COG could then run competing polls and combine the results! Originally Posted by bigtex
Since most people sign for an insurance plan every year since most people get their insurance through their job, my plan is different from last year but it is not Obamacare (that is what EVA left out), it is Blue Cross and Blue Shield. My doctor retired last year because of Obamacare (he gave his reason and looking for something else out of life).
So I have the same private insurance (though technically a different policy) through a private company but I lost my doctor because of the ACA. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Blah,,blah, blah,,,,,,,,,spin, spin, spin...............The grandfather rules were as much a part of the ACA law as the rule you can't be denied health insurance due to a pre-existing condition. The health insurance companies did not comply with the grandfather rules. The health insurance companies are complying with rules about pre-existing conditions. If the health insurance companies had complied with the grandfather rules the old policies would have been continued instead of cancelled and Obama's campaign promises would have been backed up. The health insurance companies are at fault not Obama. The health insurance companies did not follow the LAW with respect to grandfathering of old policies that did not meet the new standard.
Obama lied, period. He said we could keep our plans, we couldn't. He said we could keep our doctors, we couldn't. He said Obamacare will bend the cost curve down but at the same time improve/expand coverage for Americans. It won't ! He said the canceled policies were junk, they weren't !
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Since most people sign for an insurance plan every year since most people get their insurance through their job, my plan is different from last year but it is not Obamacare (that is what EVA left out), it is Blue Cross and Blue Shield. My doctor retired last year because of Obamacare (he gave his reason and looking for something else out of life).JD, I thought that you wrote in a post a couple of months ago that you had to pay for a rider for dental insurance for kids that you don't have. If so, then isn't your policy a policy with the 10 minimum benefits ( Obamacare policy). One can obtain an Obamacare policy without receiving a subsidy, just purchase the policy at any on-line broker. If one does go to and the income is >$94,000 (family of 4) you will get the Obamacare policy, but no subsidy.
So I have the same private insurance (though technically a different policy) through a private company but I lost my doctor because of the ACA. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD, I thought that you wrote in a post a couple of months ago that you had to pay for a rider for dental insurance for kids that you don't have. Originally Posted by flghtr65Oh come now! You don't really JD Idiot to keep track of the distortions he told "a couple of months ago." Do you?