Hmmm, what if some smart S.O. called posing as a provider checking a reference? Probably hear a confirmation of her worst suspicions! All the more reason to lose the numbers.
Originally Posted by HlavinKitheri
While possible I think a woman taking the time to pose as an SP is not in the normal mindset. While I'm sure they would be emotionally charged about finding a phone number she would have to have alot of dirt on the situation to go as far as to pose as an SP is all. All I mean is that would a woman know the intricies and protocalls of hobbying...Like how SP's operate? Check refs etc? Just saying they would need alot more info on the hobby process and have to do alot of homework than just finding a phone number in a phone or on a bill. If she can trace a number to a provider and dig up info (like a web-site associated with a number for example) she has her answer for the most part and can figure it all out from that...faking an identity to verify a phone call would be overkill given the evidence would pretty much dig your grave without a call is all.