From Media Matters. Of course. Here's a shock for you, CBJ7. Many economists think jobs have a greater impact on the economy than unemployment payments. And many economists think Pelosi is an unadulterated idiot.its from Fox News, read the article ... not that you'll be in a position to understand it, but try anyway.
I didn't think anyone bought that line of Pelosi bullshit. One of the stupidest comments she's made, and there are thousands from which to choose.
Please seek help, CBJ7! Your Obamamania has gone full circle, and you are sinking into the pit of Pelosism. GET HELP NOW!
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Jobs created by unemployment insurance benefits
We estimate it will cost roughly $2.1 billion per month to continue the current extensions, or $25.2 billion total in 2014.2 However, while it would cost roughly $25.2 billion to continue the extensions, the economic boost would be much greater because this spending would have a large “multiplier” effect. Long-term unemployed workers, who are almost by definition cash-strapped, are likely to immediately spend their unemployment benefits. Unemployment benefits spent on rent, groceries, and other necessities increase economic activity, and that increased economic activity saves and creates jobs throughout the economy. For this reason, economists widely recognize government spending on unemployment insurance benefits as one of the most effective tools for increasing economic activity in a period of persistent high unemployment
economists being the key word leaves you out of the loop