9:02 AM, OK City April 19, 1995

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Our world changed.

And it has been ever since.

Take a little time and think about it.

That day a lot of things changed, and there is no going back. Originally Posted by shooter6.5
I'm curious. Why did you choose this date, among many that could be chosen, as the date everything changed? I'm not doubting or disagreeing, I find this an interesting comment. (We have precious few of those on this board!)
fucking republicans couldn't keep tabs on 13 terrorists deep in the heart of the mid east and stop them from knocking down the WTC, I cant understand how the government missed two in Oklahoma Originally Posted by CJ7
I can't believe the Democrats missed two in Boston during the Boston Marathon.. They had bomb sniffing dogs, security agents on roof tops, actually taking part in what was said to be a drill and two knot heads planted a bomb within their midst and set it off killing three people and wounding countless others. Then on a man hunt for two days looking for the responsible parties involved.

LexusLover's Avatar
I can't believe the Democrats missed two in Boston during the Boston Marathon.. Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Not to mention those missed from January 1993 to January 2001, which

included ... OBL.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
No class.
No class. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
LexiLiar has an obsession about foreign policy initiatives that he feels the Clinton Administration should have done.

All the while he totally ignores the many things the Bush Administration was clearly unable to accomplish, especially as it relates to OBL.


Lexi Idiot and his 2nd generation Lap Dog (Gonad the Idiot Turdfly) both have a severe case of selective memory!

It is quite comical when Lexi Idiot lies and calls himself a Democrat.

Therein lies the very reason he is nicknamed LexiLiar.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-20-2014, 10:11 AM
I can't believe the Democrats missed two in Boston during the Boston Marathon.. They had bomb sniffing dogs, security agents on roof tops, actually taking part in what was said to be a drill and two knot heads planted a bomb within their midst and set it off killing three people and wounding countless others. Then on a man hunt for two days looking for the responsible parties involved.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin

a city/state issue ... I mentioned international ... and for the record the dems did nail Osama didn't they ? The republicans NEVER did.... they were busy trying to nail Obama.... and still cant.
I can't believe the Democrats missed two in Boston during the Boston Marathon...... Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
The Democrats didn't miss the Tsarnaev brothers! They gave them political asylum, welfare, food stamps, govt housing, and education. One of them was even given American citizenship.

It has been a year since the bombings. Can anyone point to me were the Obama administration has rightly label this an al Qaeda terrorist attack?

The Massachusetts progressives not only extended these niceties to to the Tsarnaev brothers but to their murderous Islamic friend and girlfriends.

Well played Boston Democratic Socialists!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The Democrats didn't miss the Tsarnaev brothers! They gave them political asylum, welfare, food stamps, govt housing, and education. One of them was even given American citizenship.

It has been a year since the bombings. Can anyone point to me were the Obama administration has rightly label this an al Qaeda terrorist attack?

The Massachusetts progressives not only extended these niceties to to the Tsarnaev brothers but to their murderous Islamic friend and girlfriends.

Well played Boston Democratic Socialists! Originally Posted by gnadfly
I seem to remember that being part of the Democratic Party agenda, turdfly. "letting the Tsarnev brothers into the US was right up there on the list."

Fucking idiot.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The Democrats didn't miss the Tsarnaev brothers! They gave them political asylum, welfare, food stamps, govt housing, and education. One of them was even given American citizenship.

It has been a year since the bombings. Can anyone point to me were the Obama administration has rightly label this an al Qaeda terrorist attack?

The Massachusetts progressives not only extended these niceties to to the Tsarnaev brothers but to their murderous Islamic friend and girlfriends.

Well played Boston Democratic Socialists! Originally Posted by gnadfly
I seem to remember that being part of the Democratic Party agenda, turdfly. "letting the Tsarnev brothers into the US was right up there on the list."

What is they weren't Al-Quaeda but another fundamentalist group? then what? Are you still a Putz?

Fucking idiot.
a city/state issue ... I mentioned international ... and for the record the dems did nail Osama didn't they ? The republicans NEVER did.... they were busy trying to nail Obama.... and still cant. Originally Posted by CJ7
Nope neither Dem or Repub had anything to do with Osama Bin Laden's demise.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-21-2014, 11:47 AM
Nope neither Dem or Repub had anything to do with Osama Bin Laden's demise.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin

how about Saddam?

the republicans had the $$$$, the US military, US intelligence, and the help,of the Iraqui army at their avail, and it still took HOW LONG?

how about Saddam?

the republicans had the $$$$, the US military, US intelligence, and the help,of the Iraqui army at their avail, and it still took HOW LONG? Originally Posted by CJ7
Sorry you can't accept the fact that Bin Laden died of natural causes shortly after 911. Many people realize that. The Obama administration orchestrated the idea that Osama was located then killed by Military Forces in 2011. Democrats like the idea of that victory, so they cling to it, But it's all bullshit. There is nothing convincing that Seal Team 6 killed Bin Laden.

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  • CJ7
  • 04-21-2014, 12:38 PM
Sorry you can't accept the fact that Bin Laden died of natural causes shortly after 911. Many people realize that. The Obama administration orchestrated the idea that Osama was located then killed by Military Forces in 2011. Democrats like the idea of that victory, so they cling to it, But it's all bullshit. There is nothing convincing that Seal Team 6 killed Bin Laden.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin

not as sorry as I am about YOU disrespecting our Seal Team for doing an excellent job ... but you're a traitor sooo....

AR 15 natural causes
I B Hankering's Avatar
not as sorry as I am about YOU disrespecting our Seal Team for doing an excellent job ... but you're a traitor sooo....

AR 15 natural causes Originally Posted by CJ7
Just a FYI, CBJ7, that picture has long since been discredited as fake.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-21-2014, 01:55 PM
facial recognition experts using the same technology used to identify criminals all over the world say otherwise ..

The End