Edit: I posted that before I read what you posted Tinman. Definitely an interesting shift. Gonna go read the article now.
Glenn, wouldn't they be taxed just like any other income? Or a self employed contractor maybe? Have to carry special insurance and receive routine testing or training like healthcare workers do. Idk.
Perhaps agencies and studios would be taxed more but in many areas where prostitution is legal, managing remains illegal, which encourages independence.
And here is where the technology comes in. Take my circumstances for instance, I would have never entered this life had it not been for the internet. I would never have been in a situation where I walked a stroll, worked as a dancer or otherwise been introduced to this life. My circumstances are somewhat unique to others but I think if more mainstream women had the opportunity to do it they would. Do you now how many single, self sufficient women would pick this up if it were a legit industry?
There is a very good reason true adult independent providers are left out of every single study I have read - because the powers that be don't want anyone to know how good it really is here for us. They want to keep it looking 100% seedy and pimped and trafficked, but the technological aspect has really changed that in recent years making it accessible to an undiscovered demographic.
The same argument was made against legalizing medical m***jauna. But the opposite ended up happening. It became markedly better - by leaps and bounds! The selection and availability greatly increased and the prices didn't change very much from what it was before for a well-known strain. Actually the prices are still almost the same as they were when it was illegal. Not even with inflation.
I think the reason why girls at the bunny ranch make so little is bc of the fees of the brothel - not necessarily the state of Nevada or the county the ranch is in. Yes the ranch operating costs are bundled into the fees but if it becomes legalized in more places then competitive taxation will drive the market. Nevada can charge whatever it wants to the brothels the way things are now. Where are they gonna go right? Lol. BUT! If the brothels could moved to Colorado tomorrow for a lower tax rate you would see Nevada respond with a competitive rate as well. Would the bunny ranch lower its fees to the ladies working there? Not at first but when the new "unicorn ranch" in Colorado charges their girls lower fees that reflect the lower taxes, then the bunny ranch will start losing its girls and be forced to lower their fees as well.
Gotta love low taxation the free hand.
In see what you are saying Glenn, but my libertarian, capatalist mind can't see it the same way. You could be right though. A lot of things you post are spot on.