I bet you providers wish you could be this lucky

He didn't lose the team. They are going to force him to sell it. It's still his property & he will reap the income windfall of the sale. However, provided he's not sued by every player that sued him in the past. You know you're a racist when the DoJ wants to get your ass for being a prick.

But yea - THAT BITCH LOOKS LIKE A TRANNY. there's tons better poon out there
I believe I his "right" to say whatever he likes.

Also believe he has the right to suffer the consequences of those words.

I'm NOT outraged by his comments. I'm upset about how he's handled his realty business which has far greater impact on the lower to middle class. Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
In complete agreement...Bomani Jones nailed it!!!

drax1's Avatar
  • drax1
  • 04-30-2014, 08:28 AM
Screwing a multi-billionaire has consequences. Somewhere down the line, his Ts girlfriend....
GenesisNicole's Avatar
But yea - THAT BITCH LOOKS LIKE A TRANNY. there's tons better poon out there Originally Posted by Space Cowboy


(I tried to embed video but nothing I did was working...so Screw it! LOL)
poppy71's Avatar

But yea - THAT BITCH LOOKS LIKE A TRANNY. there's tons better poon out there Originally Posted by Space Cowboy
Because it is a tranny
While he's an idiot and has been a racist dipshit for years, he unfortunately has a right to say dumb shit in America- especially in private. Think about what corporate CEO's say at the dinner table every night across the nation. Not shedding a tear for the prick but don't know if this is a precedent the NBA (or NFL, NHL, et al) wants to be setting. Just sayin'...

Correction, he bought the team for $12mm and it's now worth $550mm at least... ijs. Originally Posted by TheDr

I honestly feel like the ONLY reason something is being done about it, is because his comments made their way into the public sphere. He's entitled to think or feel whatever he wants IN PRIVATE, but this didnt remain a conversation between him and his girlfriend. It's a publicity nightmare. The outcry would be far worse for the NBA to turn a blind eye to the statements and the effects they had on the league as a whole. It would be a bad reflection on every one if they allowed him to spew such prejudice freely with no repercussion. There's not a shadow of a doubt in my mind that he has shared his sentiments before and probably talked about things of that nature with Silver himself, but it was behind closed doors. You know what they say, if there is no evidence, there is no crime.
DallasRain's Avatar
lol what a character!
TheDr's Avatar
  • TheDr
  • 04-30-2014, 12:55 PM
I honestly feel like the ONLY reason something is being done about it, is because his comments made their way into the public sphere. He's entitled to think or feel whatever he wants IN PRIVATE, but this didnt remain a conversation between him and his girlfriend. It's a publicity nightmare. The outcry would be far worse for the NBA to turn a blind eye to the statements and the effects they had on the league as a whole. It would be a bad reflection on every one if they allowed him to spew such prejudice freely with no repercussion. There's not a shadow of a doubt in my mind that he has shared his sentiments before and probably talked about things of that nature with Silver himself, but it was behind closed doors. You know what they say, if there is no evidence, there is no crime. Originally Posted by sensualsanaa
Well stated, they had to do something and this was the best option to show their complete outrage with what was said. Just saying it may be setting them up for something else down the line. Btw, I agree with him invoking the 'wrath of God' on him...
In complete agreement...Bomani Jones nailed it!!!

Originally Posted by Island_Gent

Every one of you guys saying she's not that good looking, or there's much better out there, would fuck her in a heartbeat. If she was one of our local ladies and had good skills, you'd see her and you know it. Personally, I think she's an attractive woman who appears more black than latina and I'd see her too if I could afford it.

I happen to agree with the author of the article. She set him up, pressed his buttons, recorded him, then got it to TMZ as revenge. You can't live in a 1.8 million dollar home without money to keep it up. However, in doing so, she screwed herself, unless she already moved on to another guy who wanted to stick it to Sterling himself.
If any of them had any brains they'd make the racist fuck pay out the nose. "Say whatever you want, but we won't play unless you triple our salary... and neither will anyone else." Hit him where it hurts. But no, the boo-hoo brigade got their claws in and now he's going to make another fortune selling the team. Idiots. He's laughing at them all right now.
I think he is an idiot, but I would had gotten every penny I could! Any provider would honey baby him right to the bank!
dtymh55's Avatar
It seems Mr Sterling has more money than brains. or more likely he lets his small head do most of his thinking.
silverstate53's Avatar
Wonder if the guy paid for all that bad plastic surgery she has had - think i would rather wake up next to Oprah without make than that gal
pyramider's Avatar
Sterling is not one to lie down and take it. There will probably be legal action that will embarrass the NBA.