Botched execution in Ok

Timpage....Do YOU want to be the one who pulls the trigger? Would YOU have done that twice in one night?
We have numerous "Hang Trees" still standing here in Oklahoma. And I know that you do there in Texas too. Judge Parkers gallows is still in Fort Smith, still works too. Originally Posted by MrThom
What's the difference? Somebody pushes a button that starts the poison running into the prisoner's veins. Somebody inserts the IV tap so he can be pumped full of chemicals that will kill him.

But, no....I wouldn't want to participate in any way with an execution. Not because I am against capital punishment but because I am quite familiar with the process that results in the imposition of the sentence and to say that the process is flawed is a generous understatement.
Timpage....Do YOU want to be the one who pulls the trigger? Would YOU have done that twice in one night? Originally Posted by MrThom
How about contracting the 'Trigger Man' job out to Ted Nugent?
I hate those botched hangings, where the person starves to death hanging there.
I hate those botched hangings, where the person starves to death hanging there. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I don't care what anyone says, that was funny!
JCM800's Avatar
How about contracting the 'Trigger Man' job out to Ted Nugent? Originally Posted by bigtex
They could also probably contract the job out to other inmates.

I'm sure some of them would have no problem taking out one of their own.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-01-2014, 11:56 AM
Way more botched abortions than's funny how liberals get upset over "botched" executions, but ignore botched abortions. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I see you lived through yours. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-01-2014, 01:40 PM
Oklahoma is a botched state, what's the problem?
I stated in another thread that I have grown against the Death Penalty. Not so much because the condemned might suffer, (boo-hoo), but because of the way it is arbitrarilly administered.

I read an article years back that was titled, "Bullet to the back of the head". It was how in Russia, the condemned really didn't have an execution date per say, just one morning they would come in, hold him back against the cell bars, and put a bullet in the back of his head.

That seems much more efficient, and probably less painful, than this crap they are doing now.
Misawahawk's Avatar
For a variety of reasons, that make sense, people could argue against the death penalty. I would agree with them for the most part, but what if it was my child, grandchild, or wife? I think I would want them dead. It may be poetic justice for the guy in OK that had his execution botched- he shot an innocent 18 year old girl and buried her alive. But what gets me is that when he came back to life and started convulsing and screaming "man" the prison official pulled the curtains- nothing to see here. The state cant have it both ways if they are going to kill a man and have witnesses then why not show it warts and all.
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  • CJ7
  • 05-01-2014, 04:16 PM
the first time that piece of shit blinked his eyes a guard should have shot him for resisting the death penalty.. end of problem
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I am opposed to the death penalty. That being said, are they serious? Stopping the execution because the prisoner was uncomfortable? What were they going to do? Nurse him back to health so they could kill him again?

This makes a joke of the death penalty. Give it up already.

Is still think putting em all on an island is the best policy. This time one with no technological advances;-) Originally Posted by Don't Be Daft!
Well, except a guillotine. And have the island wired with cameras for the next hit reality tv show.

I read an article years back that was titled, "Bullet to the back of the head". It was how in Russia, the condemned really didn't have an execution date per say, just one morning they would come in, hold him back against the cell bars, and put a bullet in the back of his head. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I saw a TV news report on it. The person cannot be executed if they are ill so when the warden walked death row in the morning everyone said that they weren't feeling well. Hilarious. Same in China but they don't care how you feel. Bullet to the back base of skull is supposedly the best because it destroys the part of the brain that controls heartbeat and breathing and separates the spinal column.

I am opposed to the death penalty. That being said, are they serious? Stopping the execution because the prisoner was uncomfortable? What were they going to do? Nurse him back to health so they could kill him again?

This makes a joke of the death penalty. Give it up already.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Yeah, I wonder what the doctor or medical personnel's course of action was at that point? Waterboard him? I thought one drug was supposed to stop the heart.

Don't give up on the death penalty COG. There's still hope!