When I am thinking of hyprocrite...Im thinking of me telling you can't complain about this subject...but then I go and complain about it this other words you can't do this but I can or do as I say but not as I do
Originally Posted by Danny117
I see what you are saying,
I tend to stay away from people who tell me what to do,,,,
my parents love to tell me what to do and I tell them, you think I still 12? I'll do whatever the fuck I want,
"I can't help it, I'm always going to be your parent"
then I tell them what to do( help their health, avoid prostate cancer, heart attacks.strokes, etc) and they tell me, " I just cant do that"
and I say, how come that wasnt an option for me when I was a kid being told to eat my veggies? Thats IT, no ice chips for you!
(its a running joke about the ice chips.,which means in the future, when they are dying in the hospital bed and ask for some ice chips, I would say NO)
might be kinda morbid, but its what we are.