Ummm...yeah, occasionally we will say something about a great client to one another. Cause great clients are kinda hard to come by, they stand out, make an impression as not just another horny ole goat (not aimed at mature gents) making the rounds and giving their expert opinion on all our great and not so great qualities that they can spot in an hour or half hour.
Sometimes there are sexual inuendos, but also the gent as a whole. Not rating his schlong or his bottom or his physique, but stuff that kinda counts to women in general. Just appreciative gents who treat us like people, appreciate who we are, and actually value what we do. Now me, I'm kinda tight lipped, unless asked about a gent. While I like sharing, finding a good thing is ummmm.....unique and sorta special! So, maybe I don't brag so much and it ain't like we get to do reviews. If I get a ref request, then I might share some juicy details, so she can look forward to a Better Experience. Aren't we all seeking that in this hobby? Well that and what TD said....LOL
Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen
I can really only imagine how a lot of clients show up to an appointment, or behave during or before. The bad ones get alerts, and the good ones might get kudos to a few friends or when providing a reference.
For guys (and maybe some of the girls
), this is more of a "conquest," so there's a lot more bragging going on. For some, posting a review is like planting a flag, even if it is set amongst a couple hundred others LOL
But for fragile egos, we could designate a hobby "valentines" day, where everyone sends a PM to someone on their "TDL". In theory, it'd be great, everyone get's a little flattery and maybe a brighter day. There'd have to be some kind of rule, tho, that in order to participate you cannot hold a grudge if no one contacts you or be mad if the person you like doesn't like you back.
Yeah, that'll work LOL