Question For The Ladies That Travel.

Grace Preston's Avatar
I do well in every city that I travel to in Texas...

Except Austin.
I've never made it to Austin, but I've been through San Antonio and loved it!
AbbyNicole's Avatar
I've been to Austin 3 times this year and it has been great each time! I look forward to future visits to Austin!!
I LOOOOVVVVEEEEE AUSTIN!!! My favorite work destination! :-)
Phoenix Skye's Avatar
I have done well in Austin but it did take a few trips to make my presence known. I also find that it takes some planning and advertising in advance to get pre bookings.
Phoenix Skye's Avatar
I have done well in Austin but it wasn't that way in the beginning. It took a few trips to establish some regulars. Anyone that tours will tell you it takes planning and advertising well in advance to make a trip successful. I do find that the nicer hotels in Austin are more expensive than many other cities which requires either increasing your prices or volume.
Bob McV's Avatar
Austin is the largest one horse town in the nation. Originally Posted by pyramider

This is so very true, but I wouldn't live anywhere else in the state.

I LOOOOVVVVEEEEE AUSTIN!!! My favorite work destination! :-) Originally Posted by samantha thom
will have to be on the look out.

I wonder with Austin being so close, yet not quite close enough to San Antonio if that creates more problems that it solves. I hate hearing that we have (are developing) a reputation as a town of canceling / ncns clients.

I know personally I like to book at least a couple days in advance and miss out on a lot of traveling talent when I read a post from yesterday saying " in town two days only" I have learned to look for and appreciate the "in your town in a couple weeks" posts but have had at least two experiences (neither Dallas Ladies) respond to a day before verification "Ohh I canceled the trip because <execuse>
Jules and Raquel you both stay in DFW where can worship you!!!!!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I wonder how many "college" girls dominate the market down there? Originally Posted by modus
What's funny about that to me is that I was on the West Mall a long fucking time ago and some preacher was there saying that all the massage parlors near the campus had closed down because the girls who went to school there were giving it away for free!!!
Some were "giving" it away, but not too damn many of them!!
In my experience, the prettiest girls never give it away - you earn it one way or another - which I'm fine with, but it makes me appreciate the hobby immensely. I can't tell you what the market was like for pay for play back then because I was too stupid to try it. I'm sure a few will play ball.
The one and only time I toured Austin, i had every appointment cancel. one of them said "i was too hot and he was intimidated." It was a waste of my time and money.

But.... I do plan on going back.
planojim's Avatar
How could Austin not LOOOOVVVVVEEEE YOU lovely Samantha?!

I LOOOOVVVVEEEEE AUSTIN!!! My favorite work destination! :-) Originally Posted by samantha thom
A friend just PMed me this morning asking if I'd tour somewhere with her this summer so this thread was very timely! We chose Austin
It is kind of human nature I guess, but I see some of "our girls" packing to go out of town and I feel a bit of panic. Are they coming back? What if I need them while they are gone ? They may like those guys better and stay there.... hey quit stealing our girls.....
How many of you travel to Austin. What was your experience like? Did you get enough calls to make your trip a success? Would you go back? It seems that Dallas has a lot of fine young Ladies, Austin not so many. It would be nice to have some Dallas Ladies come and visit us
on a regular basis.

What are your thought's?

Rocker Originally Posted by rocker
love austin ill be back soon look for post my babes
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Austin is a real crapshoot.

I've been there and had cancellations and the trip was a bust. And I've made some good money there.

I haven't traveled there in a long while, though. The last 2 trips just didn't work out for me.

Austin has a horrible reputation for no call/no shows and cancellations. I cannot tell you how many times that I've tried to plan a trip to Austin, dates and everything, and have not gone down there because the day of ... they start to cancel.

Last year, I had to eat a 4 star, downtown, Austin hotel booking because as I was ready to head out of town, my whole day just cancelled out.

Pissed me off terribly when it happened.

Love the town. Austin brings out the beast in me ... in many different ways. And I love the vibe. But it's a damn iffy place to travel and work.

Seriously. I wouldn't go there, or recommend it at all, unless you had some solid pre-bookings going on.

The town is full of gorgeous civie women on the prowl as well. It's pretty easy to get laid in Austin, if you just look around.