YOU are the first person to know my avatar (Aeon) and so, you get nerd points Bonus points: for Eddie Izzard info, Thank you!
Back on track, what if it's a Seinfeld, Strike episode, kind of thing? Also what degree of airbrushing are you willing to accept before you just say "Come on, really?!"
And ladies, what do you find acceptable to change in your pics? For instance, I think it's smart to brush out tattoos and birthmarks. What do you think?
Originally Posted by Dharma
The more I want to expand on this the more I feel it would turn into a rant about the dichotomies between personal and professional aspects of the business that is the hobby (which, for some, is their only means).
That said, I find confidence in yourself and your body, and having that translate to our session as being one of the biggest factors. if you've shown your body to the point where you're comfortable with it (while not falsely advertising yourself) and during our session you're comfortable as well with it, perfect. HOWEVER, in your showcase you show your body how you want us to see it, and in the session you're covering up your tummy with your hand preventing me from being able to kiss down to DATY or pull your hands up over your head - NOPE! Major turn off and disappointment.
What I want to see in your showcase or other pictures is that you're confident in yourself. Sure you can touch up that pimple that came up the day of the shoot that makeup couldn't cover, or that tattoo of your children's social security numbers on your inner thigh; those are understandable and don't/shouldn't make a big difference in the girl I'm seeing for our session. When it comes time for me to walk in that door, one of the last things in worried about is how your body looks. Don't get me wrong, I'm going to be doing some naughty things to it; but I'm not WORRIED about it, and hope you aren't either. Show yourself however it makes you feel confident without misrepresentating yourself.
Edit: there isn't some gold standard on how to present yourself and by what means. I think it boils down to each provider individually and what they're comfortable with. Again, sadly, without misrepresentating yourself in this business.
*sent on the phone, excuse funky autocorrects :lol