how odd ...hmmm ...nothing that would be "alert worthy" there to keep a little thang like that on the dl
Originally Posted by Plastic Man
why no list of WHO ALL, or naming even one of.
I'm surprised some gals will even talk to one another over the phone with some of that crap that going on. Or is that went on not long ago. And mostly VP. Add in so of the crap guys have done.
All in Upset NY
staged car crash's
finding ways to get acid on another ones skin
out this to real world life
adding something to smokes,dirinks or PT of another
all guy on guy, gal on gal, and guys and gals going after each other and even for.
in the background at times, eccie Upset NY is a war zone.
but most times the posts get cleaned up or deleted to modtard ville as to who did what to who.
fact: A thread I started was removed by a mod after I posted about a gal that followed me.
Never met her before, so why was that VP following me around one night.