New pics... what do you think?

The pictures turned out great! You are hot girl! Love those heels!!
JRLawrence's Avatar
New pictures? But, the "new" pictures make her look much younger than the "older" pictures that were replaced. I wondered how that could be the moment I viewed the "new" pictures.

Then, I noticed a review on Tyra on 5/23/14 by SAMDUNK

The no rating was about her pictures: "She is the one from the pics. Her face looks the same and her body isn't close to what you see in the pics. Stretch marks and she gained quite a few pounds ruining that ass I had been dreaming of."

Some of these ladies have posted pictures at least 30 years old.

Helicopter206's Avatar
New pictures? But, the "new" pictures make her look much younger than the "older" pictures that were replaced. I wondered how that could be the moment I viewed the "new" pictures.

Then, I noticed a review on Tyra on 5/23/14 by SAMDUNK

The no rating was about her pictures: "She is the one from the pics. Her face looks the same and her body isn't close to what you see in the pics. Stretch marks and she gained quite a few pounds ruining that ass I had been dreaming of."

Some of these ladies have posted pictures at least 30 years old.

JR Originally Posted by JRLawrence
I just took those on monday.. I don't have to post fake pics. I have always been told I look better in person than in my pics. That makes no since for me to post fake pics like everyone is going to know that. You can clearly tell that I have just taken them by the fact that 1. If you see me today you can tell and 2. Go to Victoria secret and you can see the outfits there as I have just purchased them before the photo shoot and 3. Dont you think i would have used my pics before now. You wont find them anywhere except on my current ads. You can even look at that fake pic site and they wont come up fake. Yes my ass is bigger because I had it done a month ago.
And you can also find other eviews from me in and on ter and from when I was in miami before I took these pics
I am not trying to be snarky but I am genuinely curious and want some information.

What does "having your ass done" entail? I assume we are talking about plastic surgery. What kind of recovery time is there and what options are there.

I know all about breast implants. Are we talking something similar here? or if it is different, then how?

What is the result visually and to the touch? Were you pleased? Have your regular customers noticed? Do you think it makes a difference for business going forward or more that you wanted to look different for your own self image?

Audrey Astor's Avatar
The dispute you are having is not really any of my business, but i hate to see a lady bashed in public like this. I don't know Tyra, but my dealings with her have been pleasant and professional. I tend to doubt that she whipped all of these years old pics out of her closet.

One person's perception may be way different than another person's. And, there is truly something for everyone out there. Thank gosh!

Tyra mentins having reviews on TOB. (The Other Board). These reviews state that she is athletic or medium. I find it hard to believe that from November- May she went from athletic to BBW. Sorry... Just don't see it. Here is a link to her other reviews:
Review Link:
I am not trying to be snarky but I am genuinely curious and want some information.

What does "having your ass done" entail? I assume we are talking about plastic surgery. What kind of recovery time is there and what options are there.

I know all about breast implants. Are we talking something similar here? or if it is different, then how?

What is the result visually and to the touch? Were you pleased? Have your regular customers noticed? Do you think it makes a difference for business going forward or more that you wanted to look different for your own self image?

Thanks Originally Posted by Nero Wolfe
I am referring to saline injections also known ass "shots" lol. You can get imlants (I don't know much about them but I heard they are these weird pad things they surgically put in. But they can flip around and move all the way down to the back of your knees... sounds scarey) or injections. They have different types of injections you can get but saline is the safest. So after seeing my friend who had it done for 2 years with no problems I decided to do it.

I got it done at the end of January. They lay you down face doen on a table and inject saline through a needle and it hurts like hell. Then they massage it to how it should be shapped. That also hurts but not as bad as the actual injections. They bandage it up and it takes 2 weeks to heal. After the end of the 2 weeks It looks and feels real. You can't tell unless you saw me before or I told you. That is also why I got new pics because one of my old pics shows my ass and it is small. My ass has never been that big so you can also tell by that. My regulars all say they like it better this way and people who saw me after I got it done but called me off my old pics said they were pleasantly surprised. I'm doing this on my phone so I will attach a recent pic I took on my camera phone when I get to my laptop.
Silverchair's Avatar
Wow the things you can do these days...
I think your pics are beautiful Tyra. I love a woman with curves so I'm looking forward to seeing the post saline injection photos!
The dispute you are having is not really any of my business, but i hate to see a lady bashed in public like this. I don't know Tyra, but my dealings with her have been pleasant and professional. I tend to doubt that she whipped all of these years old pics out of her closet.

One person's perception may be way different than another person's. And, there is truly something for everyone out there. Thank gosh!

Tyra mentins having reviews on TOB. (The Other Board). These reviews state that she is athletic or medium. I find it hard to believe that from November- May she went from athletic to BBW. Sorry... Just don't see it. Here is a link to her other reviews:
Review Link: Originally Posted by Holly Love
Thank you for support sweetie... it has always been a pleasure dealing with you. :-) I also hate seeing ladies bashed on here. Its just crazy cuz you don't always hear all the good things guys have to say but as soon as someone posts one negative thing about you it changes the way everyone looks at you when it isn't true. I've never worn plus size clothes and since when is size 7 bbw? Lol. Oh well.... you can't please them all
Wow the things you can do these days...
I think your pics are beautiful Tyra. I love a woman with curves so I'm looking forward to seeing the post saline injection photos! Originally Posted by Silverchair
Thank you sweetie.... lol and i know. Thank God for creating plastic surgeons lol. the pics I originally posted through this thread are post injection pics.
Here is the pic I was talking about. I took it like 5 days beforei had my photoshoot on Monday
Silverchair's Avatar
Your surgeon did wonders! Very beautiful ass indeed. Just the right amount of curves in all the right places. Stunning
Your surgeon did wonders! Very beautiful ass indeed. Just the right amount of curves in all the right places. Stunning Originally Posted by Silverchair
Thank you sweetie! ;-)
JRLawrence's Avatar
Your surgeon did wonders! Very beautiful ass indeed. Just the right amount of curves in all the right places. Stunning Originally Posted by Silverchair

You are right. It is a good looking ass, I hadn't even noticed the ass. What impressed me was the face looked much younger in the new pictures. But then, maybe she had face surgery also.

But then again, it seems to be very common for some ladies to use old pictures while claiming they are new. We don't know until we meet them.

Sometimes, we just don't know what to believe. The recent review may tell us more, which doesn't seem to be a putdown at all. I seem to prefer the mature ladies, most of them seem to have learned how to make a guy seem special.