New Mexico, Maine, Montana, South Dakota and Arizona are *real bastions of Dixie*, Old-Twerp.So? Again, read my comments above. I understand WHY some states get more $$$ than others, I just pointed out that they do. I DO have an issue with jackasses like you who can't comprehend the issue. I DO have an issue with hypocrites like you who object to $$$ that flows north but defends $$$ that flows south. And I DO have an issue with states like Texas that suck at the federal trough but proudly thump their chest that they don't have a state income tax, as if them paying for their own wants/needs is beneath them when they can get free handouts from the Feds. I thought the Texas Spirit (or substitute your favorite "Dixie" welfare state) kept preaching self-reliance.
Ah yes. Here is the hero of TP self-focused conservatism showing his true colors: willing to toss the hard core RWWs of Montana, etc., to the wolves because his REAL allegiance is not to the TP or conservative values--no, his REAL alliance is to the Confederacy. Dixie. The Plantation Way. We understand IBMassa, but lets look at that.
Mississippi: 50th, i.e. the MOST fed dependent state in the country (actually tied with NM)
Alabama: 49th
Louisiana: 48th
Tennessee: 45th
Kentucky: 41st
South Carolina: 40th
Florida: 38th
Georgia: 33rd
Texas: 32nd
Virginia: 26th
North Carolina: 24th
Arkansas: 22nd
Is that representative enough of Dixie for you? And please, don't insult us with "Kentucky doesn't count!", you know they are as plantation loving as anywhere.
Oh, and other than Florida, they were all republican wins in the 2012 election. Do you see a trend here?
Just for comparison, let's look at a couple places you love to hate:
Illinois: 2nd
New York: 17th.
While we are at it, let's look at the others:
New Mexico: voted Democrat
Maine: voted Democrat
Montana: voted Republican
South Dakota: voted Republican
Arizona: voted Republican
and let's not ignore West Virginia, another red state.
Even an English major can see a very strong correlation here, no?
Plus for some reason, Old-Twerp, the "Bang! Bang! Bang!" noise made by DOD's "Big Bad Guns" make lib-retards in the Yankee states go "Boo! Hoo! Hoo!"
Hence, the lib-retards have for the most part caused DOD -- with its "Big Bad Guns" and associated Federal dollars -- to relocate to Red States.
Some serious stupidity on your part here. Really stupid--even by your low standards. Let us count the ways you are stupid:
1. I never said DoD spending (by the way, the "o" is not capitalized, though in DOE and DOS it is) is evil, nor did I attack any other spending. I never even said the states that get more than they give are evil--I attacked the hypocrites like you, not the states.
2. Almost ANY state likes DoD jobs and $$$. The bulk or DoD presence is in the southern US because of a number of other legitimate reasons: open spaces (most people don't want rockets going BOOM in populated areas), open spaces (land for flight test, armor maneuvers, EM interference etc.), weather (clear skies for flight training, etc.), and others.
3. And let us not forget POLITICS. Ever sit on a BRAC committee? I've been on two. With VERY few exceptions EVERY senator and congressman wants DoD facilities and people in their district. Why are more in the south--because the southern congressmen had seniority on the right committees and fought tooth and nail to keep the money flowing in (as much of this data reflects).
As usual you are a clueless, lying, blabbering fool.
You should know that, considering your vocation, Old-Twerp. Reckon you've never been to Redstone Arsenal in Alabama, have you, Old-Twerp?
Which part of Redstone? The Army? NASA? DIA? GAO? Actually I have worked with and been to all four of those organizations at Redstone--if you mean a different part of Redstone, then no.
Why is it, Old-Twerp, that so many Yankee colleges have no ROTC departments -- and the associated Federal dollars -- on campus?
Can't answer that part. ROTC is not my area of expertise. But what does that have to do with the question? Whatever $$$ they are/are not getting is included in the totals. You are deflecting--nothing more.
BTW, Old-Twerp, do Yankees somehow imagine, as you seem to do, that they don't benefit in any manner from a "common defence" for the "commonweal" because more DOD dollars are spent in Red States per capita than in Blue States?
I never said any such thing, did I? As I have pointed out repeatedly, my comments were not speaking against DoD spending, nor money transferred from North to South via the Feds. Nope, I was speaking out against the hypocracy of RRWs who are vehemently against "wealth redistribution" UNLESS they are on the receiving end.
Finally, Old-Twerp -- in case you are still befuddled -- Montana has more National Park Service employees and BLM employees than Delaware. BLM employees in Delaware or New Jersey are, per capita, probably as rare as intelligent lib-retards. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
PS: I should admit that I specifically through "Dixie" into the original post in part because the evidence says it is appropriate, but also because I knew it would generate a dumb senseless response from you. You did not disappoint.