Summer Campaign

offshoredrilling's Avatar
NO... I am just one mule and nothing more. Originally Posted by ElumEno
mmmm maybe I was thinkin meaning in Spanish, should I check French?
I can pm a ya a good line to work on but not a rhyme. It works in Spanish
Yet many thing sound better(or hotter) in French.
ElumEno's Avatar
mmmm maybe I was thinkin meaning in Spanish, should I check French?
I can pm a ya a good line to work on but not a rhyme. It works in Spanish
Yet many thing sound better(or hotter) in French. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
I have always found that the braille language the best...
when trying to read the braille language on a ladies body, the better you are at reading, the more braille (goosebumps) she will produce for you to read.

I would love to spend some time reading a classic like Ari or Jaycee, just not sure I could handle reading them both at the same time.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
braille, mmmm with one provider I see a lot, I may have read "war & peace" a few times. Its was a war I lost but I still got a piece
As for the contest...
I am working on it myself, just have to figure out how to make chupacabra and shoe rhyme somehow. Originally Posted by ElumEno
Prada kinda rhymes with El Chupacabra.
Prada kinda rhymes with El Chupacabra. Originally Posted by Ari816
mmmmm no reply
maybe she like my other works better
two I did one helped for a Upset NY provider
Hunter585 back and setting traps, beware
Chambre à coucher
Hunting for a few good men.

as I do not know the op, working blind
but would love to take another shot if ok
I can do more with "never expect the expected"

I love your ads. They are great and fun.

I have done ads before,
then had to tell the Upset NY mods the rule I broke doing them LOL
I was not know to be a "helper" per eccie guidelines
bet I could do it again,
and they would never know till I told them LOL

seen me before
that's ok
never expect the expected
as I play out your fancies
you thought you never told me

then the how to contact, website, how to get screened blah blah blah
btw, I like website


but no need for that if done by PM Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
NO worries on me allowing anyone to access my account, already been dinged for that one... I needed help and had a photographer help me once and had a lot of explaining to do. It was a sincere mistake and info was changed after photos were loaded, I'm just requesting suggestions.
I have had great response here and through private submission....This is going to be tough...if I pick different parts from different people, then do I just have a party and invite them all?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
would that make the line at the sushi bar long, just askin
Thank you guys for great submissions...understandably most have been private. I truly appreciate your input. 2 more days....Keep'em coming.

P.S. has anyone noticed my changing avatar?
Yeah, I really like the new avatar. Well done. Just the right level of subtle non-revelation.
Damn my left-brain prowess and right-brain weakness!!!!
I have had some great submissions but would love more. Less than 1.5 hours left to submit your ad. Winner will be announced by Monday, after all submissions are are reviewed and approval for credit to be given to author or to be anonymous or announced is received.

Oh yea...btw, all serious submissions get a prize. It was going to be a surprise but if you are lucky enough to be on right now and see this....and the idea of spending time with me is worth a little effort, than you are a lucky man.

...Now I've got to figure out a way to find my inner creativeness between now and the 13th!! Originally Posted by Wizard of Ahhhhs
Never was able to find my inner creativeness... Congrats to whoever the winner is!
Oh yea...btw, all serious submissions get a prize. Originally Posted by Ari816
Oh great... stick a knife in me and twist it, Ari..!!
Yay! I've had several more come in. 10 minutes on my clock. Thank you guys for entertaining my request. Everyone wins something...just for playing.

We are all winners.

I meet great people everywhere but over the years I've learned that in the overall category, KC guys win by a long shot. Loyal, trustworthy, respectful, generous, smart and attractive gentleman. I'm proud to be a Queen Bee in KC.

Bye for now...check out my new site and pics if you haven't already, sneak peak password is given when we meet.

offshoredrilling's Avatar
If I win and you do not let me give it away to a local
can I get that there password in a pm for your website
If its good, I will name you in a Rosie review.
Thank you all so much for your sweet thoughts, kind words and thoughtful submissions. I had way more than I thought that I would and it was a tough decision.

Everyone who submitted wins a 100 discount towards a future donation. You may gift it if you like and obviously must pass my screening.