Reasons why seeing an escort is better...

Detail & fill up car $125
A single stem rose from guy on the corner $5
Dinner & a movie $125
Finding out she swallows!! $Priceless$
Hahahah I am not sure if I am shocked or what I am reading people analyzing this...
I agree with you, Jessica to a large degree................

What you left out is the drama associated in the marriage, and the fact that you are fucking the same woman, over and over and over. By you calculations of $800+ a fuck, as opposed to $250-300 an hour for a provider, and if it was a date, by your theory, it would be even more than that on the per fuck calculation, with all the wining and dining so it looks as though seeing providers is the better deal when you are wanting to get laid.

To throw a monkey wrench in the equation, for those romantic guys out there, what if you want an evening of foreplay with your SO, have sex, rest have sex again, then be able to clean up and snuggle with her, then fall asleep together, all unencumbered by the ticking clock. To get a provider to do that, it would cost $1500-2000 or more.

For those guys that are married and seeing providers, well, they are paying twice!
RideFreeInTexas's Avatar
There is the implication in that calculation that your ex is taking YOUR money at divorce. That is not true, it's a distribution of marital assets. In my case my ex worked and contributed financially throughout the marriage, I kept the house so I paid her half the value of it which despite her leaving me is what she deserved. So based on my calculation I fucked her 26 years for free and simply gave her back some of what she contributed during that time. Plus she birthed our 3 kids and did an amazing job helping raise them and received no compensation for that. So yeah, I would argue that having a long-term marriage is MUCH cheaper than escorts, there's really no comparison.
I agree with you, Jessica to a large degree................

What you left out is the drama associated in the marriage, and the fact that you are fucking the same woman, over and over and over. By you calculations of $800+ a fuck, as opposed to $250-300 an hour for a provider, and if it was a date, by your theory, it would be even more than that on the per fuck calculation, with all the wining and dining so it looks as though seeing providers is the better deal when you are wanting to get laid.

To throw a monkey wrench in the equation, for those romantic guys out there, what if you want an evening of foreplay with your SO, have sex, rest have sex again, then be able to clean up and snuggle with her, then fall asleep together, all unencumbered by the ticking clock. To get a provider to do that, it would cost $1500-2000 or more.

For those guys that are married and seeing providers, well, they are paying twice! Originally Posted by davidfree986
Well ain't that the truth!
"Marriage" is the sickest joke ever played. It is the root and cause of all war and strife because we grow up with the idea that one day we should become adults and OWN another person.

I love my wife but I hate the concept of marriage.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
To throw a monkey wrench in the equation, for those romantic guys out there, what if you want an evening of foreplay with your SO, have sex, rest have sex again, then be able to clean up and snuggle with her, then fall asleep together, all unencumbered by the ticking clock. To get a provider to do that, it would cost $1500-2000 or more. Originally Posted by davidfree986
For some of us, getting a wife to do that is, literally, priceless. Maybe I can arrange that with my ATF: Over a period of five visits, one would consist of foreplay, then one would involve sex, then an hour of snuggling, following by an hour of sleep together, and then another round of sex.
You must have been raised very different. Marriage is a partnership. No one owns anyone. it may not be perfect or I would not be here. But, the Obey part of vows went away a long time ago. Most women in the last 40 years would beat the shit out of you if you tried to slip that back into a set of wedding vows. At least in the US.
"Marriage" is the sickest joke ever played. It is the root and cause of all war and strife because we grow up with the idea that one day we should become adults and OWN another person.

I love my wife but I hate the concept of marriage. Originally Posted by str8.2.bbbj
You must have been raised very different. Marriage is a partnership. No one owns anyone. it may not be perfect or I would not be here. But, the Obey part of vows went away a long time ago. Most women in the last 40 years would beat the shit out of you if you tried to slip that back into a set of wedding vows. At least in the US. Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing

Everyone thinks differently😊
I was married for 12 years and everything was great until I felt like most men do in a marriage..still wanting it every night, but significant other was not interested😪😪😪

When the one person that you plan to spend the rest of your life makes you feel unwanted you naturally want to seek what is missing even after communicating your needs that are not being met.

Feeling wanted makes you feel good and everyone deserves to feel that!😊
For some of us, getting a wife to do that is, literally, priceless. Maybe I can arrange that with my ATF: Over a period of five visits, one would consist of foreplay, then one would involve sex, then an hour of snuggling, following by an hour of sleep together, and then another round of sex. Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot
Yes, you are right, but we can all dream!

Over a period of 5 visits? That seems to be a lot of work, and for both individuals.
redman1501's Avatar
Yeah, wish I had figured that out in the first place. If only there were a class for guys where they could find that out among other things a lot folks end up having to learn the hard way.
Feeling wanted makes you feel good and everyone deserves to feel that!😊 Originally Posted by jessica
Yes ma'am.
daty/o's Avatar
Unable To Resist. Seems like I have heard that about you. It's kind of an unfair argument coming from you. If all "escorts" were jessica utr's, no one would ever date.
Unable To Resist. Seems like I have heard that about you. It's kind of an unfair argument coming from you. If all "escorts" were jessica utr's, no one would ever date. Originally Posted by daty/o
That is very sweet of you to say!!
Thank you!!!😘😘😘
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Let's see. I can clean my car myself. A couple of gallons of gas tops is $7. Dozen roses or a nice setting is about $25 at the largest florist in the country. dinner at the comedy club with drinks about $100.

That is $132. Maybe $200 tops. Session will cost me $200 or more every time. And will.never be more than a hopefully great fuck. Yes, I may have to wine and dine a civilian a number of times but if we click the emotional fulfillment will far surpass what I can get from a provider.

There are many reasons to select a provider but given the right woman, the non-provider wins hands down. Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
To me, the best quote on this entire thread. If you pick the right woman in RL, she is with you because of you. Not just because you have good references and an ATM card for her time. Sex is obviously great, but a relationship that includes not only sex, but also real feelings is priceless. I've never been in a RL relationship when I've had to ask the lady what her rate was for the week/month.

I'm not sure what kind of civilian chicks most guys on here have been with, but the girls I've been with are not at all about the money because they have their own shit together and make plenty of money on their own. I would never be with a woman unless she was very successful herself and could match what I bring to the table.