Pictures with children in them???

I draw the line differently because of the nature of this site.

My real point is this...if a golden retriever dog meme got removed, it's a little hypocritical to leave this one up. Originally Posted by LilMynx69
No shit I totally agree!

These are kids, peoples lives, not animals!!!

how fucking unfair and biased is that!

I don't mind other pics being posted WTFE but the kids come on seriously

Sav- I hope you don't have any kids posted on here because you would be upset to

Why exactly did u post that pic anyway???
I've never met you but you stalk my website and repost my pics because ????
So which is it:
Your a WK??
Your a pedophile?
You like outing people?
savak's Avatar
  • savak
  • 06-15-2014, 07:15 PM
I draw the line differently because of the nature of this site.

My real point is this...if a golden retriever dog meme got removed, it's a little hypocritical to leave this one up. Originally Posted by LilMynx69
phail. This isn't even remotely the same issue. dont distract the issue at hand.

this is about a picture a provider herself made available on her own website.

this is about a picture a provider at one point claimed outed her when she made the picture available on her own website. a website that was available on her showcase and that is still available on one of her own reviews.

this is about a picture whose focus is on the provider and not an obscured portion of the background where a young-one is seen.

thats a difficult argument to make that anyone in the background can be noticed or identified.

Did you read the guideline I posted earlier? I doesn't exactly say that ALL images of young-ones should be removed.

#10 - Topics regarding children, and certain images depicting children are not material for an adult-themed board. You must be at least 18 years of age to register and participate here, and along those lines, our subject matter is to surround individuals of the proper age range. Any mention or reference to underage sex is strictly forbidden and may result in loss of your posting privileges.

You put those kids on there to be a dick Originally Posted by Annika
Uhmmm nope, your not very intelligent are you?

If anyone's at fault for that child being in the pic its the guy taking the picture and more importantly you for making the picture available on your website and for NOT COMPLETELY DELETING the picture from your website. Why haven't you deleted the pic from your site yet? You may have hid it, but its obviously still available because of you. Remember, I'm only linking to the original image as it appears on your site.

Here's the link.

Exactly you could have used my other full face pics liar! Originally Posted by Annika
You mean like this one that shows that mug of yours? I guess that whole "outing" claim goes out the window then doesn't it? Especially when you p411 account shows a full frontal face pic.

Outing a providers family is fucking pathetic use what u want don't use children!

A hobbyist who trolls a providers page to post pics (WITH CHILDREN)totally unrelated to him is one either a stalker or two trying to out a provider period never met this guy and have no idea wtf his shit is about! CREEP ALERT Originally Posted by Annika
so you're claiming that the woman in the back ground with the child is a provider as well?

how did you come across that knowledge?

you phail annika, time for you to close shop and create another username, word is, its something you've done many times before.

Its up to management now to determine whether that pic stays or not. I don't really care.

You can make sure to remove the image yourself if you completely delete it from your website. Keep this in mind in the future as well, if you make information available here on eccie, be prepared for it to be brought up as a point of discussion.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
If the pic is that big of a deal to you Annika, you have complete control over it. Since everywhere it appears on this site is a simple link to another site, all you have to do is delete the source pic on the source site. It will magically disappear her or on any other site it may be linked to.

But as I explained to you privately, some random, non-descript and non-identifiable people in the background of a pic about you does not fall under Rule #10.

Again, if its that big a deal to you, you can correct it anytime you want.
savak's Avatar
  • savak
  • 06-15-2014, 07:21 PM
If the pic is that big of a deal to you Annika, you have complete control over it. Since everywhere it appears on this site is a simple link to another site, all you have to do is delete the source pic on the source site. It will magically disappear her or on any other site it may be linked to.

But as I explained to you privately, some random, non-descript and non-identifiable people in the background of a pic about you does not fall under Rule #10.

Again, if its that a deal to you, you can correct it anytime you want. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser

sorry to say this annika, but on this one like so many others, you lost.

Quote from SAVAK:
You can make sure to remove the image yourself if you completely delete it from your website. Keep this in mind in the future as well, if you make information available here on eccie, be prepared for it to be brought up as a point of discussion.

----Stalker! you put that shit on the board for discussion WHY?
I have so many other face pics you could use!
That thread HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU and what your doing trying to WK is great and all but leave the kids out of it you have outed enough providers already! You really think I will mention the names of the hobbyist and kids in the background so you can stalk them to FUCK NO!

proof this guy is a true nut job and does this shit because he is just that bored he is worried it would be removed so he posted more pics that link to me! SMFH seriously dig a hole,,,,
If the pic is that big of a deal to you Annika, you have complete control over it. Since everywhere it appears on this site is a simple link to another site, all you have to do is delete the source pic on the source site. It will magically disappear her or on any other site it may be linked to.

But as I explained to you privately, some random, non-descript and non-identifiable people in the background of a pic about you does not fall under Rule #10.

Again, if its that big a deal to you, you can correct it anytime you want. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser

MY SITE ADMIN SAID THAT LINK IS NOT TO MY SITE SO I CANNOT DELETE IT! It is not anywhere on my site that is a LIE!

Hmm as you explained to me PRIVATELY now is that allowed putting pm's on the open board??? Private my ass!!!
Wakeup's Avatar
So you saying the black kid walking with the black woman is yours? Or are you saying the black woman is a provider here, and that's her kid?

You're rambling...and your point is getting advice is to calm down, make some sense, and state your argument about what security is being compromised, and where...

Otherwise, it's probably best to be quiet and not post in this forum again...
mike.anthony1983's Avatar
You really think I will mention the names of the hobbyist and kids in the background so you can stalk them to FUCK NO! Originally Posted by Annika

It's a boring night and this was highly enjoyable, so...

Had you understood and followed Chica Chaser's advice while communicating through PM, I'm sure Chica wouldn't have felt the need for a repeat reminder. But obviously the need for reiteration was felt, so...

I don't think anyone even considered random people in the background until you brought them up, and not only that, you IDENTIFIED someone in the background as a hobbyist, before that everyone was like "yea random people so what"; so you're the one OUTING people. You're the security risk here. And not a very efficient one at that, that picture is absolutely worthless for identification of anyone other than you.

I like your name though, reminds me of Seven of Nine from STV. But she could also be highly illogical at times...
Chica Chaser's Avatar
MY SITE ADMIN SAID THAT LINK IS NOT TO MY SITE SO I CANNOT DELETE IT! It is not anywhere on my site that is a LIE!

Hmm as you explained to me PRIVATELY now is that allowed putting pm's on the open board??? Private my ass!!! Originally Posted by Annika
Imagine that, you talked to someone else about it, and that source pic was removed. And suddenly the simple link of that pic no longer shows on Eccie. Just like I said.

And I put no PM communications out, it was paraphrased, one small part of the overall conversation, which is allowed.
"Uhmmm nope, your not very intelligent are you?"

Best. Quote. Ever.
I was in Houston for a minute now I'm back in town
It looks as though all of Annika's venom tounge over the last couple of weeks has been slighted by the infallible idiocy she has displayed regarding this ridiculous topic . LOL. I guess thats what happens when you attempt to take on members who possess an intelligence level you yourself cannot fathom. :-)
So you saying the black kid walking with the black woman is yours? Or are you saying the black woman is a provider here, and that's her kid?

You're rambling...and your point is getting advice is to calm down, make some sense, and state your argument about what security is being compromised, and where...

Otherwise, it's probably best to be quiet and not post in this forum again... Originally Posted by Wakeup
I agree 100%.

You know what bothers me here? If it was a photo of me, or someone else, it probably would have been removed at my request.

I am well aware of Annika's history here. I know she has many a hater. It's not my place to judge whether that is deserved or not.

But I try to look at the facts and remain impartial and objective. The photo is questionable, what's the big deal with just removing it?

I agree with Wakeup, if you stick to simple facts, you will have a better argument, Annika.

But having a different standard just because you do or don't like someone, I don't like that. And that isn't directed at anyone in particular.