Just FYI, if in the future you’re feeling unwell but aren’t yet in immediate danger, an Urgent Care clinic can usually get you in within a few hours or less. It tends to be a lot cheaper than the ER which insurance doesn’t always completely cover. Better to go there at the first sign of real trouble and get seen for a couple hundred or less than to wait until you have to go to the ER and be on the hook for a much larger bill. I like Austin Regional Clinic, especially their after-hours clinic which stays open until 9 pm I think, but there are others as well. That said, if you have to go to the ER, don’t hesitate to do so. Hope you feel better. August and September usually see three-digit temperatures for weeks at a time some years. Last year was the worst I’ve endured since moving here in ‘04, so hopefully we’re due for a mild Summer.
Stay cool…