I guess it didn't work

Budman's Avatar
Seriously? The girls are still with their captors. I'm sure they are so relieved that the hashtag campaign was so successful.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Not good enough for you? What was YOUR goal for the campaign?

Not surprised! You're an incredibly,ignorant monkey.

Such a wanker.

Yssup Rider's Avatar

Big fucking surprise!
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 06-24-2014, 05:28 PM
Budman, the only thing these libtards know, is butt fucking each other, and exchanging 2 inch pvc pipe and gerbils. Lol
Only right wingers are dumb enough to blame a abduction on a hashtag.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Budman, the only thing these libtards know, is butt fucking each other, and exchanging 2 inch pvc pipe and gerbils. Lol Originally Posted by seedman55
Do you flash your pistol when someone cuts in line at the DQ?

Big fucking surprise!
Budman's Avatar
Only right wingers are dumb enough to blame a abduction on a hashtag. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Please show me where anyone blamed the abductions on a hashtag?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
makes plenty of sense, Budman. You won't address the major question to your flawed logic. Sonyou lash out at anybody who's nearby.

Pity you're depending on a straw man for your credibility.

You are without credibility.
Budman's Avatar
makes plenty of sense, Budman. You won't address the major question to your flawed logic. Sonyou lash out at anybody who's nearby.

Pity you're depending on a straw man for your credibility.

You are without credibility. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

I have no idea what you are trying to say. I merely pointed out that the hashtag campaign did absolutely nothing to help the kidnapped kids. It made all the participants feel good about doing something when in reality they did nothing.

Maybe we could trade the Obama's for the kids.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Do you have any idea how stupid you sound?

you actually thought that FLOTUS's hashtag campaign was going to bring home the kidnapped girls in Nigeria.

Just checking,


Could you be any more ignorant?
Budman's Avatar
Actually the hashtag campaign did exactly what I expected. Absolutely nothing. It got her fat ass all over the press for a few days and that's it. Do you really think it did anything at all?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Well, if it accomplished to your level of expectation, then WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WHINING ABOUT?

Just crying and mewling in your spare time,market you Budman?

How about you put a little more thought into your post next time before posting Originally Posted by WTF
That from WTF the Moronic Buffon, with the "tiniest toolkit"

Your cynicism is only exceeded by your hatred of FLOTUS. Do you think she was just trying to get publicity? Of course you do. She's standing on the misery of other black people around the world to make her... what? More visible? Yep. She needs more visibility! She needs more people to tell their kids NOT TO PLAY OUTSIDE because she was after publicity. She needs to make herself visible supporting putting an end to juvenile diabetes because, GODDAMMIT, your kids will be diabetic if they want to be.

Don't know why this is such a fucking crime, do you? A Twitter hashtag, for Christ's sake? Please explain the harm and the foul here, man. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Easily, since you obviously can't explain anything due to your unstable mental status.

First, "Twitter Shaming" isn't the way to fight a Terrorist group. This is an large armed terrorist group that has killed thousands and doesn't care about how many "likes" they get. To portray it does, which is what MSNBC, CNN and some of the more lib news outlets did debases the office.

Secondly, as I said in 2009 Barack Obama (or his wife) doesn't understand political capital. The FLOTUS sleeps with the most powerful leader in the free world. The best way to fight the adversary is with the US military. By holding up a stupid sign she brings ridicule on her position and the position of the Presidency. Not just from inside this nation but from other nations wonderinh what happened to American power. BHO sent about 50 military advisers to Nigeria and the kidnappings keep happening.

Third, BHO in the past several months has made speeches where he decries the US getting involved and that the concerned Nations have to step up. What's happened? The concerned nations haven't stepped up and the US is involved. Thanks Michelle, it makes you, the President, and his strategy look impotent.

Fourth, it shows BHO as a divider, not a uniter. The sign said "#saveourgirls" but Boko Haram killed in an attack a few weeks previously 50 boys. This group has been on the radar for a few years and Michelle purposely mischaracterized it. This is another Muslim Extremist group that targeted in this instance Christian girls for enslavement and conversion. But you aren't getting that story from the MSM and the Democrats. Yes, Boko Harams main target is Christians and they've killed over a thousand of them in many attacks.

Barack and Michelle don't know how to use the Office of the Presidency. Don't think for a second that it was not orchestrated from the White House to hold up that sign in that office. Once that group of amateurs found out what they REALLY did it was a spin control, get the egg off your face exercise.

Last report I heard and it wasn't from a "far right website" is they are also using drones but nothing can be done because Boko slips into the tribes and uses bordering countries for cover.

You and the Austin Reacharound Crew are idiots, Assup.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yes let's raise awareness and feel like we did something...l.typical libtard bullshit.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
#Obama worst president ever

but we are already aware of that.