
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Oh, I have tried it. I just had no idea what it is called and when I googled it, I couldn't find it. Thanks yall! Originally Posted by Stick1969
what terms did you use? "lazy doggie" had several hits and most of them were video.

sex info 101 does have a "lazy doggie" example, but its called under a different name, "rear entry".
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Men with teenie tiny penises cant do it. They just end up stroking butt cheeks. Ive heard stick is hung(yeh we talk about your penis sizes and performance) so Im guessing he had no problem. Originally Posted by Chellablaine

M'am, there is no guessing when Stick is mentioned. When he says he's done the lazy doggie position, he had no problems doing it, no ands, ifs or butts about it..
I had some lazy doggie with a favorite boy of mine a few weeks ago. Phenomenal. Made me O almost immediately... and he doesn't have a particularly sizable unit.
Chellablaine's Avatar
LOL Jaquie I said teenie tiny, so what was your guy packing?
If she screams your name you are doing it right.If she takes a nap,you might want to change positions.

I've been aware ladies talk and discuss.It helps with screening and finding additional ladies.Its only those cold calls and emails that can be awkward.
LilRed's Avatar
You can't imagine the things we girls talk about..LOL!!!