Yssup Rider's Avatar
Does that include the "WHINEY FUCKING BITCHES" on the Democrat side that won't pass his cabinet nominations, even with the Nuclear option where all he needs is 51 votes out of 53 Democrats in the Senate?

Must be tough when both parties, the opposition and HIS OWN PARTY won't just shut up and do what he wants, huh? Yep, no President before him has ever had an opposition party that said he couldn't do everything he wanted.. right Yssup? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
How about ANYTHING?

I don't understand what era you idiots come from, or why this is more interesting to you than the latest rerun of HeeHaw! This country has NEVER been this partisan. NEVER before has an opposition party in either house sworn to block EVERY piece of legislation proposed in Congress. And never has a Congress accomplished so little. Blame it on the President? Sheeeeeyit! Look to your do--nothing leaders who want to bring Jesus into our government, seal off our borders, keep killers on the streets and push American society back into the Stone Age... But mostly the ones who's main goal in life is to hang the N:@@er!

Redleg, you and the other RWWingtards obviously only recently became interested in the legislative process... I'm guessing it happened somewhere around the time Dubya made homophobia the biggest issue in his re-election campaign.

Because reading your and others who'd rather cut off their dogs leg than have a Black, African, Muslim president present NO indication that you understand how Washington has ever worked.

Study the fuck up.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Does that include the "WHINEY FUCKING BITCHES" on the Democrat side that won't pass his cabinet nominations, even with the Nuclear option where all he needs is 51 votes out of 53 Democrats in the Senate?

Must be tough when both parties, the opposition and HIS OWN PARTY won't just shut up and do what he wants, huh? Yep, no President before him has ever had an opposition party that said he couldn't do everything he wanted.. right Yssup? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
How about ANYTHING?

I don't understand what era you idiots come from. This country has NEVERTHELESS been this partisan. NEVER before has an opposition party in either house sworn to block EVERY piece of legislation proposed in Congress.

Redleg, you and the other RWWingtards obviously only recently became interested in the legislative process... Im guessing it happened somewhere around the time Dubya made homophobia the biggest issue in his re-election campaign.

Because reading your and others who'd rather cut off their dogs leg than have a Black, African, Muslim president present NO indication that you understand how Washington has ever worked.

Study the fuck up.
RedLeg505's Avatar
Study the fuck up. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Strassel: Harry Reid's Senate Shutdown
The Senate didn't pass a single appropriations or jobs bill in 2013.
The popular judgment that Washington's dysfunction is the result of "partisanship" misses a crucial point. Washington is currently gridlocked because of the particular partisanship of one man: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. And Republicans are warming to the power of making that case to voters.
It's often said the 113th Congress is on track to become the "least productive" in history—but that tagline obscures crucial details. The Republican House in fact passed more than 200 bills in 2013. Some were minor, and others drew only GOP votes. But nearly a dozen were bipartisan pieces of legislation that drew more than 250 Republicans and Democrats to tackle pressing issues—jobs bills, protections against cyberattack, patent reform, prioritizing funding for pediatric research, and streamlining regulations for pipelines.
These laws all went to die in Mr. Reid's Senate graveyard.

http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB1000142405270230434790457931 0683963665974

Perhaps.. it is YOU that should "study the fuck up"???
Senator Reid does not pick those bills up at the behest of President Obama.
LexusLover's Avatar
Perhaps.. it is YOU that should "study the fuck up"??? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
He gets his "learning" at the soda fountain of the Enfield Drug ..

... just outside of Clarksville. The other "cowboys" click their spurs there.