Koch brothers buying influence with Texas goobernatorial candidate Abbott

Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 07-03-2014, 04:33 PM
I'd like to see all the liberals form their own country, move to it, and let us try to save the fucked up carcass of a country here that they have ruined. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
That would be one way to get rid of all the lazy cocksuckers on the government tit.
Solemate62's Avatar
I have heard that Ted Cruz Teabags both of these Koch Brother douchebags on a regular basis! It was on Fox news and we all know what a reliable news source that is!!
The o'blamers will defend anything of the right. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You have NEVER defended anything on the right... "Independent" Ozombie liar. NEVER!!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I'd like to see all the liberals form their own country, move to it, and let us try to save the fucked up carcass of a country here that they have ruined. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Actually they did. In the 17th century. It came to be called the United States of America.

You are inconsequential JLHomo. You defected. You fled. You committed acts of cowardice. You are insincere and meaningless to the US and Israel.

You're no American.

You epitomize the ignorant, selfish, jealous, greedy, hypocritical bastards who fucked this country up over the course of your miserable, psychotic lives.

You're scum.

BTW -- your pals are simply stupid hillbilly mouthbreathers. You're a bona fide psycho. BJerk!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Actually they did. In the 17th century. It came to be called the United States of America.
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
OK - So you are calling a country of slaveholders formed by white men who didn't allow anyone but property owning white males to vote liberal?
Who counted black men as 3/5 of a person?
Who stole all that land from the Indians?
You have NEVER defended anything on the right... "Independent" Ozombie liar. NEVER!!! Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
If you hadn't missed the point then you could post something relevant. You thrive on stupidity.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Same rules apply here. You can't say what Abbott and Koch are doing is ok because Obama has done it. Influence peddling is wrong, regardless.
My GOD dull knife, got to give you a +100 you got it.
Abbott trades lives for campaign contributions....allows Koch brothers to escape any type of official scrutiny regarding where and how they store the explosive fertilizers like the type that blew up and killed 15 and injured 160 last April in West, Texas. Abbott takes $75,000 and being taxied around in the Koch brothers' private jet.
Originally Posted by timpage
For the record, was the chemical depot that exploded in West, TX owned by the Kochs? The article seems to imply this but doesn't outright state it. The characterization of the Wendy campaign of keeping these places "secret" seems over the top although, for the most part, communities need to know about potential dangers to their community. Usually the locals work there.

$75K and a ride in Gulfstream Jet doesn't buy a top Texas football recruit anymore.

Abbott is pathologically unstable and unfit to serve as governor. Not as dumb as Perry but years of his disability, the medication he's taken and the lack of physical touch has caused him to slip into mental illness.
.... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Do you pass him in your shrinks office? I bet he takes his meds.
It's funny how the Ozombies moved on from "It's Bush's fault" too...

It's the "Koch Brothers fault"...

"Shit Eater" the "SNICKS for DICKS" "Dick Turd" will be here soon.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Talk about missing points (maybe it's that hat that Timmie has). As has been pointed out and I see no one rebutting the point. A decision had to be made and either way someone was going to benefit. So the lefties latch on to the decision made by Abbott that they SAY helped the Koch brothers. That decision probably helped Warren Buffet as well but that wouldn't help the fiction. The article does not present a direct connection, it alludes to some nebulous connection that MAY have occurred (poor writing at best, poor research absolutely). My point was that I would humor the lefties here with their fantasy but pointed out that George Soros (the state owner of the democrat party) was a Hungarian, Jewish traitor who sold out his own people to the Nazis for money in World War II. So, if, IF, IF such a quid pro quo happened, they who do you prefer Kansas born Americans or a Hungarian born, nazi bastard? You've made your choice.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 07-04-2014, 02:43 PM
What the Koch bros do isn't even a drop in the bucket compared to George Soros, the scumbag commie cocksucker and the libtards he supports.

And I agree with COG, it's wrong on both sides.
Talk about missing points (maybe it's that hat that Timmie has). As has been pointed out and I see no one rebutting the point. A decision had to be made and either way someone was going to benefit. So the lefties latch on to the decision made by Abbott that they SAY helped the Koch brothers. That decision probably helped Warren Buffet as well but that wouldn't help the fiction. The article does not present a direct connection, it alludes to some nebulous connection that MAY have occurred (poor writing at best, poor research absolutely). My point was that I would humor the lefties here with their fantasy but pointed out that George Soros (the state owner of the democrat party) was a Hungarian, Jewish traitor who sold out his own people to the Nazis for money in World War II. So, if, IF, IF such a quid pro quo happened, they who do you prefer Kansas born Americans or a Hungarian born, nazi bastard? You've made your choice. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
It's funny how the Ozombies moved on from "It's Bush's fault" too...

It's the "Koch Brothers fault"...

"Shit Eater" the "SNICKS for DICKS" "Dick Turd" will be here soon. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Same rules apply here. You can't say what Abbott and Koch are doing is ok because Obama has done it. Influence peddling is wrong, regardless. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
COG said it best...Here is your sign..

You care to address any legitimate questions JD and I raised?

Or was your post just troll bait?


HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
You mention "Koch Brothers"...they only care about profit, not people. I have something to say about "privatization". . .it is not for the common good, neither is it democratic!