What is The Illuminati???

Right. Just trust whatever the government tells you. After all, they take care of us. Just let them do their job, and worry, or try to understand things for yourself. That's what government is for. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Really? Did the government tell us the Jews run the world? Or come up with this great idea about the Illuminati?

I think those were the brain storms of paranoid racists.

Does FEMA really have internment camps for the homeless in North Carolina? Did the mainstream media miss them? What does the government have to say about them?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Really? Did the government tell us the Jews run the world? Or come up with this great idea about the Illuminati?

I think those were the brain storms of paranoid racists.

Does FEMA really have internment camps for the homeless in North Carolina? Did the mainstream media miss them? What does the government have to say about them? Originally Posted by ExNYer
Just keep believing what the government tells you. You're obviously happier that way.

HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
Just keep believing what the government tells you. You're obviously happier that way.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Just keep watching Fox News, instead of listening to another point of view. We've been brainwashed by mainstream news media. One man owns all major news stations and media, including Fox News and CNN. And, his name is Robert Murdoch. People love to be right and hate to have their views challenged in any way. I have listened (and lived) both sides of the story, and what I post on here is what I truly believe NOW. That corporate America is running the White House. I am talking about huge multi-national corpoations who form monopolies and destroy healthy competition and free enterprise. I am a former legal secretary and worked for a former IRS agent. I was told that corporations have many loopholes and rarely pay their fair share (or any share, for that matter) of income they receive. The government has consistently de-regulated the Tax Code so that the super rich and super huge corporate conglomorates pay next to nothing in taxes--and I am thinking "capital gains taxes".
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Just keep watching Fox News, instead of listening to another point of view. We've been brainwashed by mainstream news media. One man owns all major news stations and media, including Fox News and CNN. And, his name is Robert Murdoch. People love to be right and hate to have their views challenged in any way. I have listened (and lived) both sides of the story, and what I post on here is what I truly believe NOW. That corporate America is running the White House. I am talking about huge multi-national corpoations who form monopolies and destroy healthy competition and free enterprise. I am a former legal secretary and worked for a former IRS agent. I was told that corporations have many loopholes and rarely pay their fair share (or any share, for that matter) of income they receive. The government has consistently de-regulated the Tax Code so that the super rich and super huge corporate conglomorates pay next to nothing in taxes--and I am thinking "capital gains taxes". Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Ummm, do you mean Rupert Murdock? He owns many newspapers and Fox News but he does not (as you say) own ALL of the news outlets. You need to do more research Deb.
Right. Just trust whatever the government tells you. After all, they take care of us. Just let them do their job, and worry, or try to understand things for yourself. That's what government is for.

Warning. This post may contain bits of sarcasm. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
The biggest conspiracy is there is two political parties fighting to uphold the Constitution and stand for freedom. What do we have instead? Two parties dissecting the Constitution passing more laws to suppress freedom.
Need proof?

Patriot Act getting that police state set up. You thought it was for terrorists living in caves?

Obamacare another tax. Don't have insurance? Pay a fine(tax). Don't pay it? Well now you are guilty of tax evasion. You thought it was about affordable healthcare?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The biggest conspiracy is there is two political parties fighting to uphold the Constitution and stand for freedom. What do we have instead? Two parties dissecting the Constitution passing more laws to suppress freedom.
Need proof?

Patriot Act getting that police state set up. You thought it was for terrorists living in caves?

Obamacare another tax. Don't have insurance? Pay a fine(tax). Don't pay it? Well now you are guilty of tax evasion. You thought it was about affordable healthcare? Originally Posted by zerodahero
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yeah, I was listening to Coast to Coast last nite and they had Art Bell on and a caller proved that yesterday something really happened and no one would listen to him so he waited till about 330 in the morning to call in and tell them what it was and I believed him. You gotta watch out cuz they are out to get you.