Texting Rules

You: Hey baby, I've got specials this week. Wanna Play?
Me: Mom?
crickets chirping
Jake B's Avatar
Just wanted to say thanks to all that have contributed. I had a question I wanted to ask, wrestled with it, deleted and revised the text no less than 10 times and was able to answer the question on my own. All due to reading the opinions expressed here.

Thanks again all,

I'm so glad u posted this! Being relatively new to the hobby, I wasn't quite sure about the texting thing. I've been totally respectful in all texts that I've sent to providers, but including my eccie name is something I haven't done. Thanks for the info!!
You guys are awesome! Although, Gimme that, I am a little confused by your post. Maybe it's just all of the slang in there lol.

I did just think of another rule to add, while I was sleeping at 6AM.
#7: Find out what the providers hours of operation are and call/text during those hours. I.e. Please don't call me at 6:33AM. I am just going to pick up and not say anything. Or pick up and hang up lol. I am already dreading my alarm going off in an hour and a half. Your just interrupting my sleep and that makes me grumpy.

Personally though, I prefer texts, as long as they are respectful, and not constant texting throughout the day. If I am in an appointment, my phone only beeps/vibrates once and it cannot be heard , as opposed to someone calling and it does for 45 seconds. Also, as providers, we have lives that do not include people in the hobby. It is much more discreet to peek at a text than answer a call.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
I don't have that many rules for texting. I don't discuss services or $ on it. In fact, I never discuss $ and services. I do my research and feel no need to ask questions. I have a hobby phone, AND i use google voice installed on it. Belt and suspenders theory.

I put in P411 that providers are welcomed to text me anytime, no risks involved. I also put in there that once I set up an appointment (which most of the time is many days in advance), I have the habbit to text the lady in anticipation to our encounter, at least once a day in odd hours. It is my fantasy. I make sure every provider that I see looks into my P411 profile. Some providers don't like it, and of course I respect that, but the experience is not the same for me without that anticipation, so they go lower in my priority.
I don't have that many rules for texting. I don't discuss services or $ on it. In fact, I never discuss $ and services. I do my research and feel no need to ask questions. I have a hobby phone, AND i use google voice installed on it. Belt and suspenders theory.

I put in P411 that providers are welcomed to text me anytime, no risks involved. I also put in there that once I set up an appointment (which most of the time is many days in advance), I have the habbit to text the lady in anticipation to our encounter, at least once a day in odd hours. It is my fantasy. I make sure every provider that I see looks into my P411 profile. Some providers don't like it, and of course I respect that, but the experience is not the same for me without that anticipation, so they go lower in my priority. Originally Posted by Luke Skywalker
If you have an appointment scheduled, feel free to text me all you want! Just leave out money and services. Lol and keep it somewhat PG-13. Never know whose hands someone's phone will end up in. But please no 6:33am phone calls still
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
If you have an appointment scheduled, feel free to text me all you want! Just leave out money and services. Lol and keep it somewhat PG-13. Never know whose hands someone's phone will end up in. But please no 6:33am phone calls still Originally Posted by Jillian Price
I always keep pg-13. After all , my fantasy is that I'm in love with you and about to have a romantic encounter It would be very tacky otherwise, wouldn't it?
Not from you. Anyone else, of course.
Worst feeling ever to get the "I really want to get fucked right now" text while showing a video to a friend. Lol. He goes "ummm you got a text.." When I read it, I could feel my face turn into a tomato. Now, no previews of texts on my phone lol. But still don't want to be greeted that way! Originally Posted by Jillian Price
Maybe you should think about the Golden Rule for the hobby, regarding separate phones for personal and hobby...IJS
lily blake's Avatar
If you have an appointment scheduled, feel free to text me all you want! Just leave out money and services. Lol and keep it somewhat PG-13. Never know whose hands someone's phone will end up in. But please no 6:33am phone calls still Originally Posted by Jillian Price
This statement will backfire on you lol
suiram77's Avatar
Ahhh, texting. I feel like people do not know the rules of texting. Obviously there is hobby texting rule #1... Do not, under any circumstances, text a client first. But what other texting rules are necessary for this little community of ours? Well, I have decided to make a list, since some aspects of this wonderful gift from technology have been bothering me lately.

#1: Do not, under any circumstances, as stated above, text a hobbyist first.
#2: Do not, unless requested, send compromising pictures to a hobbyists phone. You do not know if he is on the receiving end. It could be his wife and you will get him in trouble.
#3: Respond to texts in a timely manner. If you have viewed the text hours after you received it, do not respond, or do so by PM or email, especially during hours a man would be with his wife/family.
(I feel I have covered all the bases, but I am not a hobbyist so... Guys, any rules you would like to add?)

#1: Do not begin the text conversation with things such as "I'd really like to get fucked right now". While it may be okay to begin a private message conversation this way, cell phones are different. I received this exact message, preview showing at the top of my phone and all, while showing someone a video on my phone. The proper way to begin a conversation is "Hey, how are you? This is BlahBlahBlah"
#2: Even if you think the provider has your number saved, include your name/Eccie handle in the first text. This eliminates any confusion. Even if she just PM'd you and told you to text her, she could have other people texting at the same time and will not know who it is.
#3: Do not, under any circumstances, discuss anything illegal over text. She may not delete it and if anything happens there is record of you agreeing to illegal activity, complete with a line straight to you... A phone registered in your name.
#4: Do not text a provider and expect to have a long conversation with her. This one right here is the one that gets on my nerves the most. I understand the need for companionship. It is a necessity of life. If you want companionship though... Schedule an appointment. (Really not trying to be a bitch here, but... Grrrrr!!!) I have had many people try to have a day long text conversation with me, only to never schedule an appointment. It definitely takes up about an hour of my time. You wouldn't call a provider and expect her to spend an hour talking to you, so don't expect anything different when you text them.
#5: Only use texts to- set an appointment time, get directions, announce arrival.
#6: Keep the dick pics to a minimum...
(Okay ladies.. I can't think of anything else right now, but I am definitely interested in any rules you have to add!)

Let's hear it people. Rules, opinions on the matter, anything. Originally Posted by Jillian Price

You hit it spot on J P thanks for that love.
I have only one rule don't call at all, and if
I want to see you again I will make an appt,
and if not then nice meeting you.
TinMan's Avatar
Some really good suggestions, Jillian. One clarification, though: when you say providers shouldn't text the client first, I assume you mean even if the two of you have had previous contact? I guess that would have to be the case, since I wouldn't think very many guys would make available their phone numbers in a public profile. Maybe I'm wrong about this.

I actually don't mind ladies texting me first, as they wouldn't have my number unless I had given it to them (thereby expressing an interest in seeing them). I do not forward my texts to my regular phone, so there is no danger in me encountering a situation such as you recently experienced. My default settings for GV are "off" when it comes to forwarding, and I only turn them on when I'm expecting a call.

I actually wish I would get more of those unsolicited texts! Ya never know when I'm sitting around bored wishing I could get away from that day's drudgery.

I know I've made the mistake a few times in sending a text out of the blue without identifying myself, although I'm pretty well trained now not to assume everyone with whom I've traded phone numbers has an entry in their contacts for "TinMan". This was a good reminder.
A few comments/thoughts, being in IT/Communications for many years:

1) You can set your SMS Text app to only show notification of a new message, without showing the message content itself. In the Android stock messaging app it's under Settings>Notification Settings, untick the Preview message box. For other android apps, it's usually an option somewhere in the app settings. I <think> this is possible in iOS (Apple) as well, but can't remember where offhand.

2) Security:
Keep in mind that SMS goes over the wire in plain text that anyone with access to the cell tower can intercept, including LE if so inclined.

All cell carriers have data retention policies that span a year or more. Most of this is just meta-data (who you are and who you texted, not the contents), but carriers often do retain message content for hours or days to mitigate delivery delays with 3rd party carriers.

All this said, no need to get out your tinfoil hats, but do be aware that whatever you text from your phone can be stored and read by a 3rd party. Personally, I would not text any detail requests to a provider, other than what someone might say when getting together with friends.

Food for thought.
Okay so I do use google voice but on the iPhone 5S (not sure about the others) you can only have the preview of the message pop up or no message at all. So now it's no message at all. But still don't want your initial contact to be anything vulgar like that.

Tinman, I mean providers who have clients numbers stored in their phone and send random text like "I'm running a special today" or pictures of themselves, when the client has not contacted them that day. Better safe than sorry.
TinMan's Avatar

Tinman, I mean providers who have clients numbers stored in their phone and send random text like "I'm running a special today" or pictures of themselves, when the client has not contacted them that day. Better safe than sorry. Originally Posted by Jillian Price
It's a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" thing. When the guys share notes on what they prefer, half say "don't call me, I'll call you", and half say (like me), "text me...you just might catch me at the right time". Keeping up with which is which requires either great memory, or good organization (the latter of which is easily done with today's technology).

Having said that, I understand why ladies would be well advised to proceed with caution, if there is any doubt in their mind.