I agree he screwed up by letting his personal email out, but it is still poor judgement on the providers side. Just like when a girl doesn't use blind copy or sends group text messages. There is no reason to break provider discression like that.
Originally Posted by bigryan2222
I don't seem to have as many problems isolating the email account from automatically searching out information with my yahoo email. The only problem I have had is the constant request to change my password to something they like. OK, I see the point.
Both want my phone number, which I will not give out on a public site. However, you can get around both yahoo, and google by opening an account in both and let them reference each other without listing a phone number (or wireless number). Problem solved, you now have two hobby emails that only feed back and forth to each other. Use the yahoo account to limit the google probing into your computer. Google has a problem with trying to automate the email account by using your computer code. I try to avoid Google accounts for this reason, but use the google search regularly, along with six other search engines.
I never use a hobby search engines for any financial transactions; bank, stock, etc. Use a separate one that is used only for financial.
Explorer is never used, by me - never. It used to be a straight connection to any and all things on a microsoft computer: especially word documents.
One federal government site that I am required to use demanded that only Explorer be used to set up the account. So I used the KCMO public library computer to set the account up with explorer.
When I returned back from the Library I went to the Federal Site (not IRS) with another search engine on a computer with an alarm that noted outside inquiries for certain words. As soon as I opened the account and put in my password there was an alarm that the Feds wanted to know my bank account numbers with a second alarm for passwords.
So much for your friend Obama.
Be careful my friends.