Liberals: Preaching Tolerance and Compassion with Venom and Hate

Munchmasterman's Avatar
Go fuck yourself you sanctimonious asshole. Read any of about 20 other threads and you will find liberal assholes insulting people with gay epithets. How can you be so stupid as to ignore all those and claim it was about the one thread? Why do you think we hate you motherfuckers? You post shit like that and expect us to be impressed? Why would I feel the need to impress a scum-bag attorney? I say what I do for me. Besides, your hateful response shows I made an impression. Fuck you if you don't like it.
Additionally, you insult my by saying I'm licking some guys ass - which is homosexual behavior which you have conveniently provided as an example of the very behavior you claim liberal fuckheads like yourself aren't doing. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

Sanctimonious? Ooooh!
A 5 syllable word! Which you either don't know what it means or you intentionally misused to punch up a justification-for-your-actions statement.

Gay epitaphs are issued by many people on this board. Of course you don't see it in any posts except those by "liberals".
Like I said, You assume behavior outside parameters you define is inconsistent with a belief system you claim others have without asking them.

It doesn't take much to get you to reveal the cocksucker you are, either literal or colloquial. You are clearly too stupid to recognize when others use a non-literal insult on you. The hate comes out of you like the pus from a punctured boil on your ass. You hate others because you can only hate the flaming asshole you are.

Try to fight off stupid long enough to understand that "suck my dick" shouldn't be taken literally (unless you go back to prison of course). It's not that I doubt your skills, it's just I'm not gay.

On top of all that you don't read or understand printed text too well. Just because you say something 20 times or misunderstand intent, doesn't make it true or hate-speech. I never said you were licking some guy's ass. It was a choice in an "or" statement. Seems you made your choice.

Since the devil is in the details, you must have been a shitty attorney.
Sanctimonious? Ooooh!
A 5 syllable word! Which you either don't know what it means or you intentionally misused to punch up a justification-for-your-actions statement.

Gay epitaphs are issued by many people on this board. Of course you don't see it in any posts except those by "liberals".
Like I said, You assume behavior outside parameters you define is inconsistent with a belief system you claim others have without asking them.

It doesn't take much to get you to reveal the cocksucker you are, either literal or colloquial. You are clearly too stupid to recognize when others use a non-literal insult on you. The hate comes out of you like the pus from a punctured boil on your ass. You hate others because you can only hate the flaming asshole you are.

Try to fight off stupid long enough to understand that "suck my dick" shouldn't be taken literally (unless you go back to prison of course). It's not that I doubt your skills, it's just I'm not gay.

On top of all that you don't read or understand printed text too well. Just because you say something 20 times or misunderstand intent, doesn't make it true or hate-speech. I never said you were licking some guy's ass. It was a choice in an "or" statement. Seems you made your choice.

Since the devil is in the details, you must have been a shitty attorney. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

Marshmellowman... hypocrite... next
Ducbutter's Avatar
Sanctimonious? Ooooh!
A 5 syllable word! Which you either don't know what it means or you intentionally misused to punch up a justification-for-your-actions statement.

Gay epitaphs are issued by many people on this board. Of course you don't see it in any posts except those by "liberals".
Like I said, You assume behavior outside parameters you define is inconsistent with a belief system you claim others have without asking them.

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
A vocabulary lesson from someone who doesn't know the difference between an epithet and an epitaph? Awesome!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Sanctimonious? Ooooh!
A 5 syllable word! Which you either don't know what it means or you intentionally misused to punch up a justification-for-your-actions statement.

Gay epitaphs are issued by many people on this board. Of course you don't see it in any posts except those by "liberals".
Like I said, You assume behavior outside parameters you define is inconsistent with a belief system you claim others have without asking them.

It doesn't take much to get you to reveal the cocksucker you are, either literal or colloquial. You are clearly too stupid to recognize when others use a non-literal insult on you. The hate comes out of you like the pus from a punctured boil on your ass. You hate others because you can only hate the flaming asshole you are.

Try to fight off stupid long enough to understand that "suck my dick" shouldn't be taken literally (unless you go back to prison of course). It's not that I doubt your skills, it's just I'm not gay.

On top of all that you don't read or understand printed text too well. Just because you say something 20 times or misunderstand intent, doesn't make it true or hate-speech. I never said you were licking some guy's ass. It was a choice in an "or" statement. Seems you made your choice.

Since the devil is in the details, you must have been a shitty attorney. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Your epitaph will read, "I missed the point because my reading comprehension sucks!"
I was talking about liberals hating, not conservatives. You already accuse us of that, but deny it for yourselves, you stupid faggot!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah, and you know this how?

I'd like to see proof of your claims to be Jewish.

I think you're a dipshit victim of a televangelist to whom you sent all your money before creating this fucked up persona... BJerk!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Yeah, and you know this how?

I'd like to see proof of your claims to be Jewish.

I think you're a dipshit victim of a televangelist to whom you sent all your money before creating this fucked up persona... BJerk! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Mikele, put your money down motherfucker - if your husband will let you, speaking of dry fucking faggot.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Mikele, put your money down motherfucker - if your husband will let you, speaking of dry fucking faggot. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
LMAO! Is that the best you got, BJerk? Put your money down?

Your wife would rip your little faggy balls off if she knew you were gambling I. A whooker board with her money!

What happened to Love Field? Why have you stood me up twice?

I brought my ass. You left your bare fists at home.

Pussy. You're nothing but hot air and multiple personalities, Kayla!

Mikela...... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! and I'm LLIdiot AND Whir-LIE-turd too!

Good one, Uncle Han!
pyramider's Avatar

I brought my ass. You left your bare fists at home.
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Maybe he believes in covered fisting.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
LMAO! Is that the best you got, BJerk? Put your money down?

Your wife would rip your little faggy balls off if she knew you were gambling I. A whooker board with her money!

What happened to Love Field? Why have you stood me up twice?

I brought my ass. You left your bare fists at home.

Pussy. You're nothing but hot air and multiple personalities, Kayla!

Mikela...... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! and I'm LLIdiot AND Whir-LIE-turd too!

Good one, Uncle Han! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You didn't show up because you are a pussy, Mikele.
I do refer to black people with the N word.

I hate everyone. I am an equal opportunity hater: Jews, catholics, iranians, christians, chinese, mexicans, the rich, the poor, women, men, youth, old folks, muslims, everyone. People are the problem. I do not pretend to love my fellow man as I realize they are the cause for all my issues and hate.

All You Need is LOVE : Bullshit. Hate has been the motivator for mankind since the we got up on two feet. Love is rare, hate is rampant. Even your momma beat you. And you are dreaming if you EVER think any of these issues will be resolved. Ever. Unless there is a nuclear winter....

Hell, I even hate myself. The value of life is over rated, mine being the exception, of course.

Terrorist shield themselves with children, then refer to their enemies as baby killers. Anonymity is the best venue for free speech, because we can all be assholes without consequence. Guided missiles and drones are the messengers of Free Speech. Just ask the Ukranians.

Pea's out ...
FunInDFW's Avatar
While your point is valid, it's a bit too narrow. This could be any person, group, or what have you. That said, the hypocrisy displayed in the replies by the OP just negates any potential of the topic. You're doing exactly what you condemn.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
While your point is valid, it's a bit too narrow. This could be any person, group, or what have you. That said, the hypocrisy displayed in the replies by the OP just negates any potential of the topic. You're doing exactly what you condemn. Originally Posted by FunInDFW
No, I'm not. I condemn liberals preaching tolerance and against hate with hate. Conservatives are accused of hate mongering by liberals as they preach tolerance. In is inconsistent. Conservatives are making the points differently, whilst certainly being accused of hate by the accursed liberal shitheads.
Conservatives are on the defensive about hatefulness, I'm trying to turn it around.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
1) I was there both times (and another time since, BTW)

2) I TOLD YOU TO STOP PMing me. I have deleted it. If you want to get on your knees and beg for peace, mercy or whatever, do it here, so all can see, BJerk!
No, I'm not. I condemn liberals preaching tolerance and against hate with hate. Conservatives are accused of hate mongering by liberals as they preach tolerance. In is inconsistent. Conservatives are making the points differently, whilst certainly being accused of hate by the accursed liberal shitheads.
Conservatives are on the defensive about hatefulness, I'm trying to turn it around. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Well, you did reply to someone without calling them a faggot.
FunInDFW's Avatar
No, I'm not. I condemn liberals preaching tolerance and against hate with hate. Conservatives are accused of hate mongering by liberals as they preach tolerance. In is inconsistent. Conservatives are making the points differently, whilst certainly being accused of hate by the accursed liberal shitheads.
Conservatives are on the defensive about hatefulness, I'm trying to turn it around. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Guess you can't see the forest from the trees here. Assuming you consider yourself a conservative, you're trying to prove your points whilst spouting hate and whatnot. This goes back to my original bit about this being an overarching issue regardless of politics or views or what have you. Do you not see the regression caused by calling someone a "stupid motherfucker" or "fucking faggot" when they don't see eye to eye with you and how that hinders your cause /point more than helping it?