Hire GP to be my pimp...
Just show me the cash baby!
$250 per session only 4 slots per day
Times can vary to accommodate
Low volume. Still = 1,000 per day 6 times a week
All sessions 2 hrs
Coffee, possible drinks. Ect.
Snuggle tv. Whatever. I would be the epitome of Gfe Originally Posted by Extreme
Guys get screwed at work all day long in most jobs. There are entire bookstores worth of advice on how to manage your career so you get screwed less and take home more. Many fail at moving up the ladder and end up suffering from stress related illnesses or self medicating with alcohol or similar substances. The lucky and smart ones acquire sought after skills and gain some leverage over their careers. Taking the jobs they want, turning away the ones they don't. Always being willing to walk if a job demands too much of them or turns sour. Trying to work out unfair/illegal treatment through the company channels when possible, but willing to call the authorities when a boss or client pushes them too far.Interesting advice hence women having a penchant for investigating generally speaking (ie catching evidence of nd cheating). Thanks for the link hun
In short, a lot like how the best providers run their businesses.
Things I would do if I took up a job in sexwork? First stop would be the private investigator certificate program hosted by the University of Dallas, in Irving near the former site of Texas stadium.
Why would I become a PI? Three reasons. First, it's s self employed career with flexible hours and locations. Second, the certificate allows you access to semi public databases of criminal records, license plates, arrest records and police reports. This allows for better screening. Thirdly, the training teaches you police investigative methods, which you can use to keep off le radar. If you know what they watch for, you know what not to do.
That would inform the rest of my decisions, as well as give me solid money making skills outside this realm. Getting caught would cause the license to be revoked, so gotta be careful. Originally Posted by dmcleod