O-M-G - WTF(rak)?! - Seriously Syfy?

Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Last night I was in bed and I decided to take a look at the TV guide line-up for syfy for the coming days and WOW! Who thinks up these movies? Surely these can't be sober minds
The saddest part is I still decided to record a 1/4 of them ... lol.


It's weird because they seem to be promoting "shark week" yet if I didn't know what "shark week" was, all these fake ass shark movies would turn me off. And for the record, I LOVE shark week!
JustMeCLTXGG's Avatar
in case anyone is up and reading threads and bored, comedy channel, South Park,


if you haven't seen it or don't even like South Park, it's worth the watch. pretty funny stuff!
DarthMaul's Avatar
Any original SyFy Channel movie sucks but some of their series aren't too bad.