Looks like you need an education on Trollatry.
To be a bonafide troll, one does not need to write alot of reviews or messages to stir the pot in a thread with diatribes.
You're also disingenuous to equate Jews with Trolls (I can understand that if you trying to equate jews with trolls of Norse mythology).
Taken from the World English Dictionary
troll 1 (trəʊl)
— vb
1. angling
a. to draw (a baited line, etc) through the water, often from a boat
b. to fish (a stretch of water) by trolling
c. to fish (for) by trolling
2. to roll or cause to roll
3.archaic to sing (a refrain, chorus, etc) or (of a refrain, etc) to be sung in a loud hearty voice
4. informal ( Brit ) ( intr ) to walk or stroll
5. homosexual slang ( intr ) to stroll around looking for sexual partners; cruise
6. slang ( intr ) computing to post deliberately inflammatory articles on an internet discussion board
— n
7. the act or an instance of trolling
8. angling a bait or lure used in trolling, such as a spinner
9. slang computing a person who submits deliberately inflammatory articles to an internet discussion board
10. (in Scandinavian folklore) one of a class of supernatural creatures that dwell in caves or mountains and are depicted either as dwarfs or as giants
Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
hey dude, what i think he was saying is you sure as shit enjoy calling people stupid while riding the short bus.
Uncle Tom thought people liked him too.
People in glass houses dont throw stones.
Pot calling the Kettle Black
If you have to shit on others to feel good, maybe they arent the problem.
Peer pressure is for 5th graders grow a pair and stop tugging on mommas dress
There are Leaders and Followers, followers get shit on their nose for following too close. Be a leader.
of course im just guessing here.